That's a twist

I think you damn well know by now, I owed nothing. My bill was paid each month on whatever day mb decided he needed it. Stop deflecting. THAT was your question. It’s none of your fkn business WHY I didn’t accept the offer on FACEBOOK to send my horses somewhere in Ohio. Worry about your own horses- if you have any.

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I didn’t have to be invited to a meeting to know you were told to leave. Maybe not in April, since you came back from FL with them, but I do know that you were told to leave, and you were NOT allowed to bring your 5th horse. Even if you were telling the truth about not blatantly being asked to leave, any rational person would take having the cops called on them multiple times as their cue that maybe they were unwelcome.


Ask the DA. That is who looked up the law on this & called Michael & Me both to tell us what the rules were. We never needed to be there past 9:15 pm, anyway. Those weren’t the times MB was trying to restrict. He was harassing us - bullying us & we were not going to allow it. We were there to tend to our horses… and receive training, not to socialize with MB or his girlfriend.

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Oh, if I didn’t have horses, would that make me less in your eyes?? No worries I have quite a few horses and have beaten you in the show ring!
You had more than one offer to move your horses. I am sure that all of the offers were not in Ohio!
It may not be my business why you didn’t accept the offers to move your horses, but you have put your business out there for all to see, as false as it may be!


This is a public forum. Triyingtogetthere can post whatever she/he pleases, within the rules of COTH. Horse ownership is not a prerequisite for being here.

i have always found it weird that you did not leave if you felt threatened. I once boarded my horses at a facility where BO turned out to be an abusive drunk. I left as soon as possible. He technically owed me money for services that were not rendered. Oh well…

I do love a cute cuddly corgi :slight_smile:



Ok. You’ve just demonstrated you know absolutely nothing. Keep telling yourself I “wasn’t allowed to bring my 5th horse.” I suppose the evidence to the contrary (and there is a TON OF IT) will just have to be taken as MY word against yours. FYI- I could’ve easily left my mare in Holland, where she was flourishing. Who do you think convinced me otherwise??? I know it must be hard for you, not knowing the REAL story… probably being told lies by those you trusted. Too bad. I do not feel sorry for you.You were out of the loop. Get over it.

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😂😂😂😂😂 Too funny!!! There are other people besides you that know the real story! And not the lies that you are blatantly spewing. Goodnight and bless your heart.


Hahaha…omg. Sorry. Did you just really say “I’ve beaten you in the show ring?” I’ve beaten lots of people and not one of them do I remember. I guess I’ll take that as flattery. I must have been hard to beat if you’re soooo excited about your big win against me! I’ll bet you don’t remember even one other person’s name in whatever class you “beat me in.”

I’ll bet you have one horse. The others are not yours. Am I close?

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Never said owning a horse was “prerequisite,” for anything, whatsoever.
Find it weird all you want! I had/have attorneys who instruct me on what actions to take or not take. Your “finding something weird,” is if zero consequence to me.

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No. Actually, you do not. You know no one who “actually knows the real story.” Unless you are my cameras, my lawyers, RG or THOSE WHO PLOTTED OUR MURDER- you only know what you’ve been told. Not what factual evidence can prove. Bye now! Keep practicing so you can beat me in the show ring again one day!

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These last posts by LaLa Indicate why a prosecutor would look for a plea deal for MB.



Noooo ! Come back!!! I’m so interested to hear more about your “big win,” against me in the “show ring.” Did you celebrate with crisp, cold wine? Did you party like it’s 1999?? Like, scale of 1-10. How excited were you to prevail in the “show ring?” Did I cry about? Did you? Tell me more!!!

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I helpfully referred you to “early middle”, and didn’t feel like spending my time searching for you. No need for sarcasm font in your post. I was reacting to the tone of your response to LK, re not leaving and getting her “shit” out of there. Sounded unkind and unmannerly.


Okay, I have to admit that junk yard dogs make me unconfortable. Too much drama.


Yessss!!! You are really good at detective skills! SonnysMom obviously just missed the fact she has revealed premeditation! MB knew he had other options if all he wanted was for us to vacate the premises! As SonnysM just revealed, MB was “reviewing them.” Or, so he told her. He didn’t just want us gone from the premises- he wanted us gone from existence. He didn’t want the truth to come out about him. That would take away from the only thing he had left- stories about his time at the Olympics. YD- you are genius! Honestly. SonnysMom…not so much.

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Logical fallacy.

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Junk yard dogs make me sad and somewhat fearful at the same time. The ones I know of may not be abused, but they for sure look neglected. And as with many unsocialized animals or people, they can turn dangerous in a heartbeat.

I’m excited to be interacting with a murder victim! Do you peeps realize we are the very first ever?


I don’t know why they bother. Oh yeah…they are protecting junk…


Yep…a real live murder victim!!


Well, maybe not the very first. There was a recent news story about a cop who got in trouble for fondling a corpse. But maybe she wasn’t a murder victim.