That's a twist



Pretty sure you don’t need to “sign,” for eviction papers. They would be on record at Washington Township courthouse though! They can be posted to your door. However, the sign the neighbor saw was an orange “CODE Violation,” paper. It was posted on MB’s door. The fire marshal knew exactly who occupied which parts of the house. There were violations on our door, too! But… our apartment was not deemed “unlivable.” Their side was! Wish I could say more… but I cannot. Except- we were NOT evicted. You’ll have to wait for the trial like everyone else!!

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NEWS FLASH: LK is being slagged for misspeaking by referring to “murder” instead of “attempted murder”.


Just what we need. Sharp left turn into necrophilia.


Yes actual junk yard dogs are innocent victims. They, unlike us humans, do not have free choice in deciding how to live their lives. I didn’t mean to be callous about such unfortunate circumstances.

On the second note, it is indeed incredible that we are interacting with a murder victim. First ever. Twilight Zone.


Just bc Michael was unsuccessful at his his attempts, does not mean he’s not a murderer. He came to our apartment to murder us. Period. Legally speaking, his charges are First Degree (premeditation) Attempted Murder. Two counts. And, TWO charges of illegal weapons for an unlawful purpose. Don’t you wonder why it is there are TWO counts of weapons charges??? Oh wait. You know the whole story! Why am I even asking? Maybe, I should be asking you.
One who attempts murder, but fails in his attempt - is still a murderer. Not someone you’d want running free on the streets.

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Since you were never invited, I would say you had zero right to be there! Did you have your horse there? If not, you weren’t invited. Where was the apartment MB leased to you on the premises, located? Nowhere? Ok. Yep! Still hold you had zero right to be there. Please… prove me wrong!

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The nice people at Merriam-Webster disagree:

| \ ˈmər-dər-ər \ Collegiate Definition

  • [B]:[/B] one who murders [I]especially[/I] [B]:[/B] one who commits the crime of murder

Nope! Not mine! Not the day of the shooting! That call is not there. Patch . Com missed some other things, as well.

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I’ve already stated his charges. But hey, if after learning this guy tried his damndest to KILL two people, you would like to invite him to live in your basement… by all means, have at it!

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Is this from the DA?



yes! And their names are Robert, Cameras 1-3 , Audio 1-50, phone videos (too many to count), MB, MH, JH, RC AND LK. Only 4 of these named peopled have a motive to lie. They planned the whole thing! Are you one of them? No, Wait. You are just someone who claims to “know,” “the real story.” Run with it! Run with it…

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The bickering back and forth by a couple of posters is petty and stupid enough but honestly people joking about her calling MB a “murderer” really is scraping the bottom of an already very deep barrel.

Regardless of what you (g) think of her or her behaviour, LK is a real person, and the victim of a horrific attack. Maybe she’s a terrible person, maybe not. I don’t know and it doesn’t matter. Clearly MB was willing to become a murderer and it’s only by the grace of God/ bad aim / luck that he will forever be known as an “attempted murderer” instead.

If you point a gun at another human being at close range and pull the trigger, you do so knowing there is a high likelihood you will murder them. No matter who the victim is I don’t see that as a matter for mockery or jokes, period.


can I like this 50 times?


No, it’s from a person who did actually die, twice. By definition, being “resuscitated back to life,” means, being “not alive.” I did survive in the end. But, MB will always be a murderer to me. He tried to take my life. Murderer. He didn’t succeed - “attempted MURDER.” It’s beyond me, you don’t seem to grasp that.

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Um, yeah, but there’s this thing called presumption of innocence and a trial with a jury of one’s peers and all that stuff. I’m certainly not saying he will get off, but there is definitely a process to be followed in the US, at least for most people.


OK, with that $50k tidbit you just added, it now makes sense to me that your murder could have been planned. That is motive. I think planned murders (especially by men) are almost always about financial gain, or avoiding financial loss.

The main reason I wondered how MB thought he could get away with murder is because it seems like there were too many people involved in the planning to ever keep it a secret and get away with it. But I do agree with you that murderers must think they have a good chance of getting away with it, or they wouldn’t try!

The only other thing that still nags at me is the mattress in the barn aisle by the stall of the horse owned by MH and the barn manager (I think she is the purple gun owner and she was sleeping on the mattress). It always seemed so odd, but you previously said you thought she didn’t want to sleep in the basement in the house.

Thanks for your responses. And I’m happy for you that you are able to ride again. The best medicine.


No, I fully grasp it. I also fully grasp the idea of due process in this country. I am as guilty as every other poster on this thread of trial by SM, and that is absolutely wrong of ALL of us. You deserve your day in court just as he does. The blaring difference is he hasn’t been talking about it publicly (nor have any of the others involved). For me, that is what is peculiar about your generous comments on SM…why the need for the public to know your story before the trial? Rhetorical question with no response needed.


This is an example of a useful post.

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This is an example of a not useful post.