That's a twist


Sorry, you probably cannot answer this, but what do you think would have happened to your horses if you had not survived the shooting? Did you record any conversations about this?

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Hey everyone! Thanks for the break from the recipes and most of the arguments tonight. I’m supposed to be working, and it’s very time consuming to read through pages of that for actual thread content.:slight_smile:


Seriously, can you be more condescending??? We all must have missed the memo on you being named forum monitor for this thread. You have chastised almost every poster but one. It is obvious you do not understand the dynamics of a bulletin board/forum/whatever you chose to call it. For heaven’s sake, please give us your rules for posting so we can adhere to your clever rules.


One must have committed the act of murder in order to be a murderer. Attempted murder does not qualify a person as a murderer. If one tries to kill and does not succeed then he is an attempted murderer.

If the victim does not die there is no murder even in cases where a victim was resuscitated.


I don’t think victims are obligated to wait to call their attackers guilty until proven in a court of law.

That’s absurd and an unreasonable and frankly grotesque standard when the law has for millennia and every day failed victims, and many many many women.

That’s what is not helpful.

Whether or not Michael spends the rest of his life in prison for attempted first degree murder and weapons charges, I think it’s beyond reasonable that the woman whom he shot be 100% supported in her uncontested statement that Michael Barisone shot her and that she believes he did so with the intent to kill.

No one --now-- contests that Michael shot her.


Service of process does not require the served person to take or sign for eviction papers. There are multiple ways to serve someone:

  1. personal service - papers touch the person (and can drop to the ground,) by someone over the age of 18 who is not a party to the action

  2. nail and mail: papers posted to last known place of residence followed by a 1st class mailing both done by a person 18 years old or older and not on a Sunday

  3. serving a person of suitable age and discretion: service to the address to a person 14 years of age or older by a person who is at least 18 yrs old and not a party to the action.

The server files a document called an Affidavit of Service within a specified number of days after service according to the laws of that jurisdiction. The affidavit of service requires certain info and must be signed and notarized.


Yes, but is there such a thing as an “attempted murderer”?



So “Bless your heart” is an insult now? I feel so very old.

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The state and the judge and jury owe MB a presumption of innocence. LK does not.


So you suggest she should undergo trial by SM in absentia? No matter the insults, taunting, and slinging of untruths, stay silent and just take it? I agree that she owes you (general) zero explanation, but would you want to undergo this onslaught and not defend yourself? (Rhetorical)


Apparently Chihuahuas and Pomeranians are the two top breeds that need to have the last word. How can it be that a small dog can have the last word? Well that would make the mixed breed the more desirable companion. Or, better yet, the rescue <3


Actually, I chastised LK for misinterpreting a post by @ladyj79
LK didn’t understand that
in her subtle, weird sarcasm was actually posting something supportive, and reflexively clapped back at her. After I chastised her about the misinterpretation, LK apologized!

I have not been named forum monitor and assume you have already asked the moderator to have me banned, no?

I’m afraid I do understand the dynamics of the BB, and am looking forward to being banned.


What??? I don’t think she should speak publically at all. That’s simply my opinion. Imagine, if you will, if La-la didn’t post, provoke, explain, offer clues, make suggestions, etc, the threads would fizzle out completely within hours. I can’t imagine any attorney who enjoys a client being as vocal as she’s been.

As far as “slinging of untruths”, only a handful of people know the truth. How dare you decide right here, right now who has told the truth and who hasn’t. Of course, LK was shot. The circumstances surrounding the events leading up to the actual shooting have been shared publicly by only one person. We are now to believe there was a conspiracy to commit murder with a plan that failed and all of the planning was caught on tape. Somehow barging up in a loud dually truck in the middle of the afternoon with a small hand gun just doesn’t seem well planned, does it?

You forget there are people who might read and post on these threads who are friends of RC, JH, MH and other boarders who were there at the time. (I am not aware of any - simply a guess on my part.) None of them have spoken publicly to my knowledge, nor have they been willing to speak with NYT, ESPN or any other news media.

What you are suggesting is MB must undergo a trial by SM in absentia. Perhaps that is why some leap to his defense, even if they don’t know him, simply because he can’t speak when “insults, taunting, and slinging of untruths” about him occur.

Your fascination with the “papers” mentioned in the 911 call is an example that you discussed several times (a useful post I imagine). You’ve now decided what those papers were based on your analysis of ? or because LK has dropped hints about the papers she refused to sign. All “we” know is what LK has said. My point is there will be a trial with lots of surprises, I’m sure. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the surprises come from the Defense since we have been told so much of the Prosecution’s case via SM.

Was this a “useful post”?


No, I don’t ask for people to be banned - never have and never will. That’s for others to do. If you’ve read all the posts, I am not the only one who has questioned your zeal at chastising others, incorrectly on several occasions.


Based on the posted 911 tape, I offered my opinion that I thought it bizarre that MB would call 911 and state that the nature of the emergency was that his clients would not sign documents.

I find this bizarre regardless of the identity of the documents he wanted signed. If MB had managed to get signatures at the barrel of a gun, or by other intimidation tactics, the signatories might well get the commitment thrown out based on the argument that the signatures were obtained under duress. It is especially bizarre that he would call 911 to get eviction papers signed, because you don’t need signatures to evict someone.

I asked one question, isn’t it bizarre that MB would call 911 in this circumstance. That is putting MB on trial?

What taunts, insults, of untruths about MB have been slung around by anyone, including me? Is saying that he shot his own client twice in the chest at point blank range an insult?

I am well aware that friends of the principals may be posting here and it seems inappropriate to me. But your call.

   To the extent that MB and his close associates are staying mum, I assume that that is a very considered strategy that the defense attorneys think is in his best interest.

By “untruths”, I should have said “undocumented allegations.”

I don’t even know what to say about this whole discussion, or the others that came before it.

I had never heard of LK or MB before the shooting as i don’t follow Dressage. I’ll say that if the posters on this thread are a representation of the Dressage world then there are some nasty people involved in Dressage. Social Media just allows people to stoop to a level that they would not go to if it were not for the anonymity.

LK was shot, it does not matter what she may or may not have done to provoke MB, unless she was about to attempt to kill him or somebody else, there is no excuse for her to be shot, i think everybody agrees on that. I find it troubling that while people agree she should not have been shot, they bring up past instances of alleged harassment, bullying, nasty behavior by LK, as well as accusations of alleged harassment, torment, etc toward MB as though this somehow lessens the fact that MB shot her…it doesn’t, this is totally on him.

While it is certainly LK’s right to post on social media, I don’t think she should be. Personally I think LK should concentrate on healing, both physically and mentally. I have never been shot so i don’t pretend to know the effects that will have on anybody, however i have had two guns held to my head during a robbery many years ago and i know the long term effect that has had on me psychologically. I think LK should just worry about LK right now and get better and not give a F about what people are saying on social media, after all life is too short and really the only people that matter are the ones who care about you in real life, not the people on the internet.

When it comes right down to it the courtroom is the only place that is going to matter as far as guilt or innocence or plea deal or whatever, all these theories, speculation etc on social media don’t mean anything at all.

I sincerely hope that LK is able to recover and move on with her life and appreciate that she has been given a second chance, and if MB is found guilty and spends time in jail, I hope he seeks some help as i believe in order to shoot to kill somebody your mind is not working properly.


These are examples of condescending, pretentious posts by a self-appointed moderator who seeks to direct the course of the thread and decide who can post, what they can post about, how they must post, when they must post etc. etc. etc.

That is not how this works. That is not how any of this works.


I was indeed unaware that posting on the topic of MB, given that I thought that that was the topic of the thread, was inappropriate. Others did seem interested in the 911 call.
Not clear how I have determined who can post, what they can post about, how they must post, WHEN they must post?

As I understand “how this works” is that a small number of about 10-12 intense posters can form a cyber mob to attack and revictimize the victim of an attempted murder, with taunts, insults and off hand allegations that they can’t be bothered to document. Do you think cyber-mob is too strong a characterization?

  The standard phrase is “this is an Internet forum, not a court of law”, which I understand to mean that since no one is sworn, and more importantly, the posters think they are anonymous, pretty much any type of insult, taunt, or accusation lobbed at the victim is permitted. THAT to me is what is offensive. But OK by you?

   If you have read a reasonable sample of the hate spewed at the gunshot victim, and you want to call ME out for “condescension” and “pretentiousness”, by all means appeal to the moderator to get me banned. Please. I’m begging you. 

    In the face of this onslaught, it is very difficult for the GUNSHOT VICTIM to defend herself from the cyber mob, because if she attempts to defend herself, her posts come off as, well, defensive and self-serving. I have somewhat deliberately “directed” the ire of the cyber mob at myself in an attempt to give her a break. 

   But if you have read 20% of the posts on this thread and still want to call me out as the worst, nastiest one, then by all means appeal to the moderator and get me banned.

Nucking futs.

All of it.

As I said previously, it really is for the better that MB is “off the streets” so to speak, and behind bars. He should stay there for awhile.

But it appears that MH had a strong role in this, yes? But she has not been charged with anything or arrested?

What an ordeal to go through (for LK). Sometimes the truth really is stranger than fiction. It is so unreal, the things that people do (referring to MB).