That's a twist

So noble.


Sarcasm? Skepticism? Disdain?


On this I will wholeheartedly agree. If MB had attempted to rape her and been fought off by her boyfriend, would people really be quibbling about whether he was a “rapist” or an “attempted rapist?” I don’t care how BSC she may seem to be, its even more BSC to expect a shooting victim to consider the guy who shot her point blank to be innocent until a judge says otherwise. Honestly, what is wrong with people? This is not a soap opera or a cheesy reality show.


Uh, yeah. If someone comes up to me and shoots me, I’m not about to go, “well you’re innocent until proven guilty” Good lord, this man is far from innocent.

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This thread is getting boring with the pissing contests…I am doing a lot of scrolling and eye rolling so it must be time to move on! Happy New Year!


Last time I checked this thing it was 36 Pages now it’s up to 57 I don’t know if it’s worth me trying to go back and read everything lol!!!


“Days of Our Dressage Lives” would be a good title tho!


Yer grace, it’s not because yer old. It’s because yer a “damn yankee”.

(*AZ may be west, but we’re still the SOUTHwest!)


You’re in TX right?
Are these requirements universal throughout every US city and state, or is it possible NJ has different requirements?

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Ok, now you owe me a new keyboard. This may be the best post of all on this wacky thread. LOL.


I am feeling like I must have missed a bunch of pages now, since this is the second thing I have had to ask about. Sorry to keep asking questions La-La. I appreciate you taking the time to answer them.
What did MB owe you 50K for?

I admit I have never owned or shown at the level you are at. In my much lower level world it was always me that owed my trainer money, not my trainer owing me money. That is probably why it confuses me.

Yankee, I am old and even I know this one. You need to venture out of this thread. That is not even a COTH thing.
But… think of the good side, you learned something new. Never too old to learn something new.


The link actually never was posted. The link they are talking about linked to a separate call, you had to go through the other posted calls to find the one that mentioned the document. So here you go:



In Canada, the situation described above is sexual assault regardless of whether penetration occurs. If there is injury, it would be aggravated sexual assault.

To me, I find this terminology more respectful of the victim. We all don’t really need to know the details, the general picture is enough.

Don’t know about the US.


Cute pics, CMB!

So, LaLa mentioned multiple personalities in a FB(?) post at some point, right? How many of her other selves are posting here? She claims no control over what they might do when pressed, so…

YankeeDutchess might be one of her personalities, but doesn’t know it. LaLa wouldn’t know either. She has no control over the “others”, so she says.

This thread is getting threadbare.


OMG, you are an angel <3, she looks part corgi, in my humble opinion.

I have corgis, and we take in rescues. I was given a genetic test kit our latest rescue last Christmas, it turns out he’s 75-100% BMD, and rest Shepard. I never would have thought. He is the sweetest boy.

Love the names :slight_smile:


Question for LaLa - why did MB owe you $50,000? From what I can tell, you had 3 horses in training, plus one that was being boarded, but not in training. You bought a horse from him, right? Was that transaction paid in full? Lastly, from what I can tell, you were living on his property for free or as part of a barter agreement. Where did the $50,000 come from?

    Awhile ago, someone posted a description of the eviction laws in NJ. 
    If this shooting occurred over an attempted eviction, that makes it even more irrational and tragic, since MB could have used the courts to evict her. He could not have used the courts to force her to agree to higher training fees. 
    She has said that they were not being evicted.

So, so clever. And that’s YankeeDuchess to you, Figs.

Well the reason I happen to remember you in my class, is because you were a complete shit show! Do I think you went back to the barn and cried, no, but I do think you went back and screamed at RG because that is normal for you.
I do actually have more than one horse. Is your comment about the others not being mine supposed to belittle me? I am very thankful to the people that value the skills that I bring to help them and their horses, so you quite missed the mark on trying to insult me!