That's a twist

In an article published shortly after the shooting, a NJ based reporter (I think there is even a link in this thread?) quoted LK’s father as saying his daughter was involved in a landlord tennant dispute. Technically MB was her landlord, I think. And they were in a dispute of sorts, but it does not say anything or necessarily imply anything about eviction notices. So I, for one, cannot say whether or not there was any form eviction involved. MB apparently wanted them gone from the property, but appears to not have taken any legal steps in that direction.

If people indeed were around the stable plotting murders and evidence (such as bodies) cover-up, that is very, very, disturbing.


Still not sure why horse ownership is relevant tho.


cool, are we now going to use coth to talk shit about people we compete against at horse shows? Like a cool digital slam book?

can I ask what you thought bringing up that you had shown against a shooting victim, and now that she was a “shit show”, would contribute to the conversation? Were you unclear about how that would be interpreted, especially given the multiple threads being used to actively slag this woman WHO WAS SHOT?


So by your definition, if someone tries for a spot on an Olympic team, but fails, they then can be considered an Olympian? If one tries for their bronze and fails, do they still have it?
No need to respond, we all know the answers to those questions!


I am not @tryintogethere but the progression I read was that someone said they can’t comment because they must not have a horse and tryintogethere was explaining they did ride and they had ridden against LaLa. The post you quoted is a response to further digging on that topic.

It all makes me happy that I am a little fish in a little pond that is not a level that anyone cares if they beat me or not.


or to talk about how shitty you were.


But then I think to my Plebeian self, if I felt as though I had to rig up cameras/recording devices at a stable where I was keeping my horse’s, I’d probably GTFO. But again, only what I, a mere outsider would do. Other people’s experiences and reasoning may vary.


Well, I do not know that. It probably would be a fair conversation. But… you are probably right, so little fish it would not likely to happen.


So she was shot and she did, apparently, die twice and have to be resuscitated, and you want to quibble with her because she chooses to call the man who shot her a murderer?

really? you want to quibble with the women who was shot and died, and was resuscitated about her perception of the man who literally did manage to kill her?

That’s appallingly petty.


My call??? I have no control over who posts or reads this forum! I have no idea who any of these posters actually are, except for myself. I’m definitely not sure you and La-La aren’t the same poster, but again, that’s my call I suppose. It makes no difference in the whole scheme of things, does it? As someone recently posted, no one is under oath on these forums, are they? For sure one of the questions to jurors is whether they read these forums or any social media about this situation.


Why would it be appropriate for one of the individuals in the incident, LK, to post and not a friend or acquaintance of one of the parties?


Three things stand out to me.

  1. Why stay and not leave if one feels threatened, especially if it involved horses. Training and competing plans would be a very low priority to me under such circumstances.

  2. An accomplished equestrian like MB would commit a premeditated murder that turned out like this (!?). This is quite incredible.

  3. The 50 k$ debt is another thing. Why let this happen? Even if it can be established that it is an accurate number, go through legal recourse. Especially if one feels physically threatened.

In the end, the property belonged to MB (and some other party). It was his home and place of business. In the short term, he had no choice but to be there. Too bad this didn’t go to mediation.

No one deserves to be shot. MB will have his time in court. If things went down the way LK described, he is a sh@t show, and should not be allowed to be in free society.

These are are just my thoughts, you can agree or disagree. This is a public forum.

      In terms of the act, it is clear that it was attempted murder, not murder. But in describing the shooter, the phrase “MB is an attempted murderer”, sounds sort of clunky and strange to my ear. 

        Personally, I would cut the VICTIM OF TWO SHOTS TO THE CHEST AT POINT BLANK RANGE a little slack if the VICTIM chooses to see him as a murderer. 

       What do you think is accomplished for you or for MB or for anyone to dump on her with criticism of her word usage?  

Same with the stupid, worn out taunts about the bronze medal.
Perhaps she should post that she is a Bronze* Medalist ,
*Legal disclaimer: If the show management at a single show had used the standard procedure of assigning different judges to the second level rides on different days, I WOULD be a bronze medalist, but since show management screwed up and assigned the same judge both days, I have not in fact earned the Bronze medal, and will need to ride another second level test, when I am sufficiently recovered from having been shot twice in the chest by an ALLEGED MURDERER.

  OK, she omitted the asterisk in saying she has earned a BRONZE medal. OK, she thinks of MB as a murderer (sort of an example of “It’s the thought that counts.”)

  THAT’S what you’re going to abuse her with?

Responding to this @tryingtogetthere at the same time. Nothing- nothing whatsoever regarding “the events LEADING UP TO THE SHOOTING,” have been discussed by me, unless these “events,” have already been made been public by 911 calls, the bail hearing & civil suit documentation. Or, perhaps, references by others made in the other thread.

As I have said on more than one occasion, the ONLY piece I could, would & have discussed, are the exact (to the best of my recollection) events of the DAY of the shooting. Also, publicly reported for the most part.

If there are questions others have asked which I feel can be answered, (for the sole purpose of weeding out speculation) I have said, I could only do my best- as this is an ongoing criminal & civil investigation. The end.

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What I meant is that given your intensity and narrow viewpoint (so solidly pro MB/ anti LK), I sometimes get the vibe that you are one of a couple of people who may be closer to the MB set of principals than your average bear. I was questioning whether you are sufficiently close to the principals that you should not be posting. So “your call”.

So now you are “definitely not sure [I] and La-La aren’t the same poster”? Canceling out the double negative, you suspect I am her alter? Still?

I am not an alter for LK. I am virtually certain she has no idea who I am, so I am not a friend, relative, or employee of hers, either. She has said I am not her alter, and on this one narrow issue, at least, you should believe her.


Why is it inappropriate for friends of the principals to be posting?


LK is not the one on trial (in the criminal trial). The friends and acquaintances of MB should probably consult with him/his lawyers as to whether friends and acquaintances of MB posting here could jeopardize his case. MB has more to lose from ill-considered remarks than LK does, since he faces a trial.

ETA. I’m not a lawyer.


How very noble of you to “direct the ire” at yourself… ummm… yeah. At least you have admitted to trying to take over this thread.

Cyber mob? The vociferous posters (no more than 9 or 10) on this very long thread hardly constitute a “mob”.

No one called you out as “the worst, nastiest one” - those are your words and no one else’s. And where did anyone say you should be banned, reported or whatever else you can come up with… ?

You are trying way too hard to play the martyrdom card…

LK can give herself a “break” by not posting/sharing. I am not sure that posting is in her best interest… but that is her decision to make.

Some of us have noted many times that there are posters here who are closer to the situation and principles involved than they are admitting. IMO they are just muddying the waters for their “side”.

Tricki Woo!!! I just had a pleasant Herriot flashback! I hope your Tricki Woo is not afflicted with crackerdog or flopbot…



Lovely pups (and cat)!


Re: It was MB’s property (owned via an LLC with another party);
If the premises, apartment and use of stalls and arena, are rented, the rental agreement temporarily transfers the right to use the apt or horse facilities to the renter. Even if the rental agreement was oral or “implied” by the de facto situation.

If there was a valid rental agreement in place, the renter not the owner has the right to use the premises, until the end of the lease. If the apt and horse facilities were rented to her, she had the right to be there, regardless of who owned the property and regardless of whether he “asked” her to leave.

It is preposterous to claim “he had no choice but to be there”. Preposterous.