That's a twist

Reminds me of a riddle: what do you get when you cross a vigilante sheriff, an equestrienne with a chip on her shoulder, and a soccer-style dramatic flop?


Pretty sure I know my motives better than you do. If you don’t choose to believe me, and want to sneer at me, yes, I understand that’s pretty much how this works.

I have explained before (I’m guessing you just drop in now and then) that I am not so much pro-LK, as anti cyber mob. I think 10 posters relentlessly bashing LK and spreading disinformation, and suggesting if not outright stating that she is responsible for getting herself shot, is indeed an outrageous phenomenon. But I understand the cyber lynch mob is “how it works”. You’re OK with it and I’m not. So if you don’t believe my purported reason for being here, are you accusing me of being an alter? A friend? Her lawyer father? Nope, Nope. Nope.

Yes, my purpose is to clap back at the cyber mob! I admit it!

So complain to the mods that you want me banned because I’m harsh and arrogant in pushing back on the LK haters.

I also have suspected there are posters who are too close to the principals to be posting here. But not me.

ETA @Joanne

ended one of her attacks on my by asking “Were you previously banned from COTH?”

This is the technique I call “allegation-posed-as-question”. It suggests that they know I have previously been banned, and perhaps should be banned. When I ask on what basis she is asking, she posts about her chilled sparking wine in crystal stemware and never backs up the allegation.

Yes, I understand the question-as-allegation is “how it works.” I think it is unfair and cowardly. LK has been the target of allegations-posed-questions. Check the beginning of the thread. These questions are meant to taunt and throw out allegations, not move the “discussion” forward, while leaving the “questioner” an exit. “What? I was just asking. I was just asking because I was concerned for her mental health/ known drug problem … I’m just here innocently drinking my wine.”


What is it with you and asking to be banned? If you don’t want to be here, leave. No one is reporting you because no one cares enough to do so.


Originally posted by tryintogethere View Post
So by your definition, if someone tries for a spot on an Olympic team, but fails, they then can be considered an Olympian? If one tries for their bronze and fails, do they still have it?
No need to respond, we all know the answers to those questions! [Quote]

Actually, Michael HAS been referred to in numerous articles as an “Olympic rider.” Yet, he was not. He just barely made the reserve. By your logic, attending the Olympics makes him an Olympic rider. Good! My logic is the same, I guess. He showed up to commit two murders. He didn’t succeed bc I happened to survive, but he is a murderer since he tried to murder people. Failed, but, I mean, he Did show up & here, he actually earned his title- “Attempted Murderer.”

As far as my Bronze- also are now part of numerous investigations, for numerous reasons, & none of which I can discuss. Yet… But I can say, I did not “try & fail.” The scores were above the needed scores for bronze. Just an FYI.

As an aside, my horses and I are much more invested in what MB said is the “only important thing,” - getting them to GP. Unfortunately, I was shot by him. So those plans were delayed. For the immediate moment, PSG (and one more 4th level test) are the focus. Then, obviously, I-1 & GP. I have no problem at all waiting for the final decision of all investigating parties to determine, given the circumstances & evidence, whether or not BOTH of my earned scores at Second level @ the two separate shows will count. If only one counts, I’ll probably finish my Silver medal before I get around to riding my equivalent of training level again- Second level (which would only be for the purpose of collecting my Rider Performance patch, which is exactly why I begged, to no avail, to ride Second two more times.) I’m still confused as to why you’re so obsessed… Then again, after your apparent parade you had with yourself for “beating me in the show ring once,”perhaps your obsession is not such a mystery! Wait. Nope, still a mystery! On both accounts!

Have you asked yourself WHY “so many”, “cyber mob”, “lynch mob” are so against LK? Why there aren’t armies of friends here defending her every action of the past 3 years or however long the relationship went on? Simply questions to consider. Apparently you have always defended the underdog. Some would actually say MB was the underdog in this issue up to the point of bullets leaving a gun. (I’m playing devil’s advocate to your knight in shining armor BTW.)

You really seem to want to achieve the crown of being banned since you are the one who keeps bringing it up. I don’t understand why? If you feel you are being persecuted too heavily, the solution is quite simple…stop posting.


Why aren’t there armies of friends defending her? Are you serious? Have you failed to notice that by pushing back on the mob, I’m getting slagged and insulted myself? The object of a lame running joke about junkyard dogs? One has to be seriously not normal to put yourself in this situation. And I’m seriously not normal.

Again, for the millionth time, it is not about how likable or warm and fuzzy LK is. I get that lots and lots of people hated her prior to the shooting.

That does not make it OK to further victimize her here. It is cyber bullying and victim shaming. No matter how icky you think she is because she brags on SM.

  Your statement to the effect that MB was the underdog up until the point of bullets leaving the gun is remarkable, captured here for posterity. 

Weren’t you the one who assured me you had not asked for me to be banned, but would “leave that to others”?

What did that mean? Genuine question.

 I am aware that is my option to voluntarily stop posting. I am fascinated with the notion that I may be banned. I would find it deliciously ironic if the one person consistently standing up for the victim against cyber revictimization is the person banned. Deliciously ironic, but, I think, fairly likely. Fascinated by the possibility from a cyber-sociology point of view.

It means exactly what the words state. I don’t ask for people to be banned, therefore, others must.

Consider this, there are two people on the other large thread who had actual experiences with LK in the past that weren’t very pleasant. Both posted at length and detail about their relationship with her, and one was banned because she couldn’t let her anger and attacks go. Both apparently have active warrants issued for her It has been said that she had issues with her inlaws and she herself responded to those remarks. (See posts 226 for further detail from @MorganSercu.) My point is, LK seems to have a history of unacceptable behavior in the past that may, or may not, have influenced the events of August 7. I don’t know - I wasn’t there. But perhaps her past behavior is one of the reasons posters don’t look at her as being blameless.

How many of us have ever even considered bugging a barn our horses were in? To me, that speaks more about the boarder than the barn owner, particularly if the reason for bugging the barn was to collect evidence of foul play or danger. I would get the hell out as quickly as possible rather than reading a book on the porch.


ETA: None of us would have known about the barn being bugged if LK had not told us all. That would have been a huge surprise to all of us interested in this story. And, I’m sorry, but it IS a fascinating story of greed, jealousy, envy, money, status, danger, violence, wealth…all the makings of a crime show episode.


I’ve been very good at not responding since I put myself in posting timeout re: this thread last week, but regarding this bronze medal score crap:

I will be one of the loudest protesters to the USDF if they give in on this and award you your bronze medal. YOU HAVE NOT EARNED IT. The requirements are clearly spelled out and have not changed in years. You have not completed all of the requirements.

You’ve got plenty of money, plenty of horses, and plenty of time to go ride your “training level” one more time. (Don’t even get me started on that imperialistic, snotty attitude). Hell, take your 4th level horse and ride one test at one of the shows that are available EVERY WEEK in Florida in the winter. It should be a piece of cake for such an advanced horse & rider.

  1. I don’t trust anything that @MorganSercu
    posts because she has posted at least two things that are demonstrably untrue, or known to be unsubstantiated (in my view). Therefore, without relying on assertions on a BB saying that her statements are sometimes untrue, I have personal experience to establish that I, personally, will not rely on crap she posts about LK, or anyone.
  2. You then say, that based on internet postings, prior to July 2019, there are two people who had “unpleasant experiences” with LK. OK. Then you vaguely say that several people had had unpleasant experiences with her in the past, that suggests she might not be blameless. I don’t understand your logic that since she was in confrontations in the past, those past scrapes influenced whatever the situation was with MB.

It does look like she is not someone to back down in the face of intimidation, and even if she was in the right, backing down and agreeing to whatever MB wanted may well have prevented the shooting. But that is not the same thing saying that she is responsible for what happened.


More likely a relative.


I agree with this to the extent that the remedy for the missing second level score should be to just ride another test rather than appeal for an exception, even if the reason for the missing score was bad judge scheduling by show management.

  The relative theory has the same problem as the alter theory. I joined on July 3, 2019 and posted on several other unrelated threads before dropping in here a couple weeks ago.  Why build the alter and wait until 2 weeks ago to show up, Sherlock?

Lol it wasn’t show management’s fault.


Um, yeah, the post to which you refer was a REPLY to my cousin. It was an indirect reference to MB after certain ppl VERY close to him confided in me, certain mental health issues he may suffer from. I later confirmed this myself.

FTR- (and as you already know) - MB called 911 over this reply, after his gf stalked my fb page thoroughly, looking for names of people I’d had political debates with, then, contacting them for her own nefarious reasons. Just like she did to locate GJ, for what can only be construed as bizarre at best- I’ll willed & extremely suspicious at worst (for the moment.) The police came… since they had to take a report once they’d been called. I had a few things to show them, as well. But they already seemed to have a fairly clear picture of what was really going on.

Stop accusing other users of being me. Didn’t you get the memo … “tactic played out & deemed excessively BORING.” Get new material.

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Judges can be changed by show management at any moment prior to the beginning of a class for a variety of reasons, particularly at lower levels. There is no way show management has any idea who is riding toward their medal scores. I find it very hard to believe USEF is investigating anything in this matter. Exceptions to this would be Regional Championship Qualifying Classes and the show management would be sure the same judge was not used for the same Q class.


I really don’t feel that LK has an alter in this thread. But that’s just me.


The secret recordings were a part of the 911 calls, bail hearing, or civil suit documentation? How would anyone beside you or RG know of these alleged recordings unless you had told us about them? Just wondering…


In my neck of the woods, different judges are systematically assigned for Sat vs Sun for a show. Lots of people are riding for medals or qualifying for championships. I have been to ONE show in which I had the same judge both days, and I remember because it struck me as odd.

  I would hope that she is not appealing for an exception and will just ride another test. But it was bad luck, and not under her control that she got the same judge.
  The DA may have brought it up in the bail hearing, as part of the argument that he should be denied bail.

On posting things that might not be true, or cannot be substantiated:

  1. the documents being an increase in rent/board.

  2. having to sign the documents at gunpoint, which you so conveniently introduced into people’s through processes more than once.