That's a twist

I never said that a possible relative joined in order to post on LK related threads, She does have other relatives who ride or have ridden in the past. Why would they not join prior? Sherlock.


LOL, how not?

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But why refrain from entering the three previous threads, which I understand were even more vicious, and just join this thread a couple weeks ago, Sherlock?

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So NOW you’re saying the scores under the same judge WERE show management’s fault rather than luck of the draw. I can’t keep up with you anymore, yet you dispute others’ posts as inaccurate. Amazing. I think you’re using an immersion blender now rather than simply stirring the pot.

What’s with the frequent use of “Sherlock”??


Maybe because the relative thought it was best to not post and let the threads die down, maybe because the attorneys suggested not to post, maybe because too busy, or a number of other reasons.

Oh, and I thought you were too regal and perfect to taunt and demean (Sherlock)…


No, it wasn’t show managements fault I as shot. ThAts not debatable.
As far as which judges were listed for each class on both days (but separate shows) - If different judges were on the roster for this class, but a last minute change was made (due to a certain a trainer having too many students showing in the class & having to bow out of judging it) and the same judge as the day before agreed to judge the class- show management IS responsible for making competitors & trainers fully aware. This is just a benefit of the doubt excuse for my trainer to be totally unaware of something so critical to a score, counting.

Again, this is not the dispute. At least not for me. You’ll have to think bigger. As in, “big picture,” as it pertains to the events leading up to the shooting. And, again, this “score,” debate, is almost ridiculously unimportant to me. If It’s determined I have to ride another second level test once more- big whoop! I’m definitely NOT going to enter a Second level class at a show where I would be riding PSG on 3 different horses - just to ride one test over again. That would mean taking one horse out of his class PSG or 4-3 test entirely, as there is a “two consecutive level,” rule. Since PSG is 4 levels above Second- and 4th level is 3 levels above, I could ONLY ride Second & Third (2 consecutive levels) in that show. Therefore, if the need arises to ride, let’s say, 3-3 for a Q score, I then, might throw in one ride at Second while it’s allowed.

First, I am / we are going to wait for a written explanation for MH’s post on her page & MB’s page from June & go from there. But thanks for your sincere concern about my journey through the levels of Dressage. Too sweet of you!

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The estimate of 10 vociferous posters I referred to included those from both “sides”. They (you and LK being among them) keep this thread churning. Take that 10 or so away - and the thread returns to being a discussion as opposed to a series of tirades. I still maintain to LK that it is not in her best interests to keep posting here… I do not see how it helps in anyway to do exactly what certain posters want her to do - and something I am not sure her legal team would condone.

No, I do not just “drop in now and then”. I understand that my random posts may be easy to miss in the recent onslaught of your posts and constant self-congratulatory comments… but I have read these threads from the beginning and contributed occasionally. I am not part of any “cyber mob” - never have been and never will be. Please stop twisting words to meet your version of what you think everyone else is saying - you could not be more wrong if you tried. “How it works” is having a discussion and letting it follow its course as it ebbs and flows - not one person constantly running roughshod over everyone else and posting endlessly to condemn and sneer and chastise and tell us over and over again what a wonderful amazing person/martyr you are to step in and defend LK from the alleged hordes of evil meanies. It actually seems to be all about you - and not LK - that is the picture you have been furiously painting for many pages.

If you had actually taken the time to read many posts in these threads other than your own and the few vehement anti-LK posters you have chosen to focus on, you might have found the balanced analytical discussion you claim to want so badly. It was there.

If you want to be banned and wear it like the badge of honor you seem to think it is - then complain about yourself. No one else cares to ban you. I am not sure why you seem to want that so very badly…

If there is a lack of new developments, the mods will close this thread as they have all the others in order to keep it from becoming exactly what you seem to want it to be…


Really??? Which “relatives,” do I have that ride? Are they long lost relatives? Bc… no relative I’m aware of rides- or has ever ridden, aside from perhaps, a trail ride or two throughout life. Stop perpetuating L I E S

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Huh. So there’s no martyrdom fantasy playing out here … you’re just conducting an experiment in “cyber-sociology”.

I thought we were getting pretty far from reality with the 18th century noblewoman identity, but we hadn’t even started peeling the onion at that point.


Thanks, I appreciate the explanation.

I said that I thought the documents MIGHT be changing the financial terms, not that I KNEW for a fact that they were.  I even said that they could conceivably be eviction papers, although I thought that less likely, given that eviction papers don’t require signatures!  I also said that the issue I was bringing up was the issue of calling 911 in response someone not being willing to sign documents, regardless of what the documents were. 

 I said that MB had every right to ASK her to sign documents, but the signatures would not be valid if signed under duress, such as (hypothetically) holding a gun to her head, or calling the cops when she refused to sign. 

  For God’s sake. 

schooled me on the proper way to quote someone. Give the verbatim quote from the post and comment on it.

In my hypothetic scenario of duress, I created a mental image of MB with a gun to LKs head (did NOT say it happened), so I am unfairly sliming a man who subsequently shot her in the chest and (allegedly) tried to shoot the boyfriend in the head?  Is that your point?

REREAD FIRST PARAGRAPH- last sentence. Then, you can stop “wondering.”

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Originally posted by La-LaPopRider View Post
Responding to this @tryingtogetthere at the same time. Nothing- nothing whatsoever regarding “the events LEADING UP TO THE SHOOTING,” have been discussed by me, unless these “events,” have already been made been public by 911 calls, the bail hearing & civil suit documentation. Or, perhaps, references by others made in the other thread.

@NotGrandPrixYet - there! Helped you out. Last sentence. Read it. Unless, you “conveniently,” forgot this sentence in your last post, causing you to “wonder.”

“Luck of the draw??” Judges are assigned way before the show. Their classes are posted as soon as we receive TENTATIVE ride times. Nothing to do with luck.

It has always been my understanding that understanding rules, entries, etc are the responsibility of the competitor rather than a coach/trainer. If it’s no big deal to you, why all the “investigations”. I suspect it is simply your penchant for a confrontation that causes you to latch on to any investigation. IF MB/MH were there with you, why didn’t they object to the change before the class began?


Here is what I think. And it is worth exactly two cents. LK was a client of MB, a business relationship that spanned 18-24 months, roughly?

At some point during that business relationship, LK and her boyfriend end up training and and staying with MB in New Jersey for a period of time. All goes well.

At some point LK and/or her boyfriend mention that boyfriend can do remodeling/repair work on a residence on the property and offer to do the work in exchange for training/lessons. The business relationship had been problem free to that point, nothing major, so they all agree. A win-win.

LK and boyfriend move in. LK’s horses arrive in some number between 2-5. The boyfriend starts the remodel. No worries. LK makes social media comments that all is well, MB goes about his business.

Then there are questions about the remodel work. It isn’t up to the standard that MB had thought it would be. In fact, to prove his point her gets the fire marshal out to inspect the place and the residence that the boyfriend had been working on is deemed uninhabitable for whatever reason…perhaps, oh, wiring for instance.

MB decides that the arrangement isn’t working and he insists that LK start paying full price for training and lessons because the agreed on remodel is a no go. LK and boyfriend dig in and say that the remodel was a shit show because (insert whatever floats your boat here: the materials MB paid for were substandard, the boyfriend was a loser who couldn’t hit a nail straight…whatever).

LK and boyfriend decide to charge MB what they consider fair market value for all his work on the remodel. $50,000. MB laughs and insists that they either sign a training/lesson contract that spells out what he believes they owe him or they leave. They laugh at him and say they aren’t going anywhere until he pays them the $50,000. Each side digs in.

I am sure that they played Who Can Make A More Ridiculous 911 Call (my own opinion is that LK wins that game with the “I heard a shady person talking about killing me when I accidentally overheard the conversation at 3 a.m., but I didn’t think it was important enough to say anything until the next day”). LK and boyfriend continue to use the facilities because the deal was that they get free or reduced training/lessons for the remodel and MB and his folks feel like they are being made fools of.

Hazarding a guess here, but I do believe that LK can be difficult to deal with and based on her behavior here, a little on the drama llama side. So I am sure that buttons were being pushed. You know…SIGN THESE PAPERS OR LEAVE!!! NOT UNTIL YOU GIVE US OUR $50,000!!! YOU CAN’T BE IN THE BARN AFTER 2:15 IN THE AFTERNOON!!! SIGN THE PAPERS! WOULDN’T YOU LIKE TO KNOW WHO MB IS TRYING TO SLEEP WITH!!! GIVE US OUR $50,000!!!

SafeSport gets called and the children are mentioned. CPS gets involved because of that mention. Did LK mean for that to happen? Probably not. She was throwing out stuff left and right. Perhaps the SS person she spoke with explained that the conflict was a civil one and not something they would get involved with. They do stuff that is more geared towards protecting vulnerable people, like kids. Kids? Well, she says, there are kids staying in the house and they are being exposed to violence and alcoholism and who knows what else. Magic word. And so starts the train of events that leads MB to the front porch that afternoon.

I don’t believe in coincidence. I believe that the two actions, CPS coming out and MB showing up with a gun, are connected. It is too much of a coincidence for these two events to not be connected.

Perhaps he took the gun to wave around and threaten them with. Perhaps he took it because she had recently said she would turn her aggressive dog on him if her turned up at their place and he wanted to have something to protect himself from the dog. Or maybe he really had been plotting to kill them both. We might never know.

I am sorry that someone ended up so seriously wounded. That must have been a horrible experience. That is really the only fact that we know for sure at this point. Someone was shot. And I think we can all agree that MB is the one who shot LK. And we can agree that regardless of who did what to whom before that shooting took place is not sufficient reason for anyone to be shot.

I now go back to lurker mode on this thread.


I see the tirade as very lopsided. Who is there besides me on the pro-LK side?
I don’t see you as the part of the mob. But I see you as condoning the free for all slinging of allegations if you are condemning me for pushing posters to back up or explain their claims.
There are numerous sensible thoughtful posters. But yes, I see the thread as dominated by a small number of vehemently antiLK posters.
I explained that I am here because I am anti cyber mob as opposed to pro LK, because people still say I am an alter, or now a relative of LK. I’m not.


Excuse me…read your tentative ride times where most show managers clearly tell you to check your times the day of the show for final information. Furthermore, planes have arrived late, or not at all, judges become sick or have to leave for one emergency or another, and substitutions are frequently made at larges shows. It IS the luck of the draw.


BINGO! Happy New Year!