That's a twist

Sounds plausible to me, IdahoRider. Anything sounds plausible at this point. Houseguests, alters, space aliens, multiple personalities, junkyard dogs with mad typing skilz…

BTW, I’ve earned my Bronze Medal and yup, sometimes you end up riding in front of the same judge two times. Oh, dear, what to do. What to DO??? Enter another class in another show under another judge. Easy-peasy. No drama. But we can’t have NO DRAMA, can we?

So what are the funniest phrases that have come up on this thread so far? I’ll start:

Cork taint.
Real live murder victim. (sorry, it’s just so oxymoronish, like jumbo shrimp…)


I was sent a picture of one in riding gear, and the person looked pretty comfortable up there. Def not trail riding pic, either.

   I’m pretty sure I would know if I were a relative of LK, and I’m not.

Nope, you posted it first. Maybe not on this one, or maybe not even on COTH, but on SM in general. And no, I’m not going back through the thousands of stuff that’s been posted to find the very first reference. But I’m sure someone else will, if it hasn’t been deleted. So, you think that somebody just pulled that one out of their ass, and then you just confirmed it? Yeah…


Actually, show management knows EXACTLY how many people are riding for scores. It’s a 10 dollar extra fee for a Q score in entries. They know exactly who is riding for certain scores.
Also, I have been unable to take a horse to GAIGS at the last minute- specifically bc the judges were the same for both tests at a totally different 2 separate day weekend show. So, show managers aren’t as perfect in carefully assigning different judges as you may believe.

Interestingly, (bc I was showing 3 different horses at this 2 day show of separate shows) I had no clue. Normally, and especially for Q scores, I keep close track, even though the trainer is also responsible for knowing if both GAIG scores are from separate judges. A trainer of his/her own self proclaimed status, would know. Again, I could’ve easily shown the test again with plenty of time. I was told repeatedly, I didn’t need to. I “had the scores.” Luckily, this FIRST incident is on record with USEF. When it occurs more than once, (and more than twice) - it’s called “pattern.”
If a trainer is trying to extort you for even more money than the agreed upon amount for full training & show package board, it makes sense to me for the trainer to get out of having to bring 3 horses to a show - due to an “honest mistake.” Yeah, maybe if it happened on ONLY one occasion. I suspect, the trainer sent by MB to take me & 3 horses to these shows which all just happened to have the same judges- each time- had been nagging MB for more money. In turn, I was nagged about paying more money. Or, at least, harassed about the idea I “should be,” paying more money. Hindsight is always 20/20.

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@YankeeDuchess you are in fact the only one to declare themselves “pro-LK”. The rest of us who see people slinging crap towards her and grilling her as ridiculous on par with how we think she’s ridiculous. The whole conversation on social media is ridiculous.

So yeah, many of us watch and think everyone is being ridiculous, petty, and cannot believe they let this situation take up so much bandwidth.


The older I get, the more I appreciate a clear black and white business deal. I pay X and get Z in return. I have had situations in the past where there was a very fluid concept regarding what was going to be charged for what wasn’t. It makes it very difficult to know where you stand.

I know that we are often told to not talk about money up front, it shows a lack of commitment to the process (or some crap like that) if our first question is, “How much”? But honestly, we should learn how to be good consumers. We wouldn’t purchase a refrigerator and not ask how much until it was being delivered, right? And how long would a store remain open for business if they kept changing the terms of the purchase?

And yet is seems like any time animals are involved we almost expect the money issue to be weird. Breeders say they don’t like people asking how much right off the bat. Trainers don’t like to have a limit placed on how much someone is willing to spend. I just told my trainer that I can afford X amount per month. I felt so uncomfortable doing it, too! Like I should be able or okay with paying “what it takes”.


LaLa, don’t you fill out your own entries? You don’t need Q scores to earn a Bronze medal. It’s still not show management’s responsibility to fulfill YOUR needs for a SPECIFIC judge. If you find somehow you’ve been scheduled for the same judge twice, simply ask show management to move you do a different class. Yes, you’ll pay a change fee, but you’ve got the dough.

Every rider at a show has needs and desires. You are not the only person there, though you may act like the most ENTITLED person there. You get more of what you want with humility, patience, grace and humor.


I think, and I’ve experienced this at barns with no in house trainer but a trainer consistently comes out for others, it’s because once you express a lack of funds for riding it’s really hard to get a trainer to answer phone calls or texts. I’ve experienced it to the point of flat out being ignored in person. Cool, you don’t need my business. It would be awesome if they could use their words like an adult instead of blowing people off.

With an in house trainer, they wondered if I was hiding my money from them or if I REALLY couldn’t swing it. Unfortunately my pay and allotments can be found on the internet by anyone.


Oops…you’ve confused Qualifying classes with the tests ridden for medal scores. There is no show manager in the US who keeps tally of what rider has ridden what tests and achieved what scores for their Bronze, Silver or Gold Medal scores. IF you are saying you entered 2nd Level Q classes and you’ve already stated the Sat & Sun shows were licensed separately, it makes even less difference if the judge was the same for the same Q class for differently licensed shows.

You might want to distinguish between Q Regional Score requirements versus USDF Medal Score requirements, particularly since you might find yourself having to know this information on your own rather than errors by others in the future. There is no fee charged for USDF Medal classes BTW.



The estimate of 10 vociferous posters I referred to included those from both “sides”. They (you and LK being among them) keep this thread churning. Take that 10 or so away - and the thread returns to being a discussion as opposed to a series of tirades. I still maintain to LK that it is not in her best interests to keep posting here… I do not see how it helps in anyway to do exactly what certain posters want her to do - and something I am not sure her legal team would condone. [QUOTE]

Look, I know exactly what “other posters want,” me to do. Well aware. Most have been ignored. A few I’ve chosen to answer as those subjects have been discussed before & are public info - (911 calls, bail hearing, ridiculous accusations from the other threat, etc.) I fully realize what information they’re trying to “bait me,” into providing. They will never get that info - at least not here. Definitely not from me. There are 100% , a huge variety of facts and evidence my legal team would flip out if I shared - especially before a criminal & civil trial are concluded. Nothing anyone says is going to make me share this info.
You are wrong about YankeeDuchess though. She HAS NOT made any of this “about her.” She’s stated several times, she is NOT pro LK but anti lynch mob. I find that very fair. You are also wrong about the amount of users who have repeatedly attacked me, outright lied & continue to ask moronic questions, with snide accusations carefully placed within those questions. I can think of 10 right now- without having to look back on earlier posts.

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Many posters have wondered the same thing, and so far, no reason has been given.

But whatever psychological need made LK stay in a rough situation at MB’s, it could be the same need that keeps her coming back to this forum, and engage with others who aren’t in her corner, and who question her story. Some have even advised her to stop posting, in case her written words are used in court.
Nevertheless, she keeps coming back. Just like she did at MB’s.


WRONG! YankeeDuchess specifically stated she is NOT here as a “pro LK person,” but, instead, as an Anti-lynch mob person. Why are you distorting and twisting her words???

Believe me, I feel the majority of users here are just as “ridiculous,” as they may feel I am. I truly don’t care what anyone thinks. If respectful questions are asked & directed at me, I have and will answer- so long as my answers do not interfere with the case. Have I answered some ridiculous people? Yes. And I agree, it was a waste of time AND “bandwidth.”

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@La-LaPopRider Read again. Sentence number two. Many of us are on the anti-lynch mob side. We also think you should stop posting because you tend to dig yourself into holes.


@smoofox - see? This person concurs that MOST users are specifically, anti-LK. Not “10 people stirring the pot, which include myself & YD.” These posters don’t get answered. This is also a prime example of “snide comments within a ridiculous accusation.” Posting on a BB (or any SM) are things I’ve been “allowed,” to enjoy or not enjoy partaking in, prior to the shooting. Why should my usual life (as it pertains to SM) have to change, because someone tried to kill me? My life has been forever altered as it is.

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Yep! Pays to know the rules. Save yourself some aggravation.


I have also read her other posts. They all lead me to believe that what she meant here, was “the side of believing the parts of the story I have re-shared - despite those elements already being pretty public.” She isn’t saying, (based on her other posts) I am “pro- LK!,” per se.

Also, I’m unclear which “holes,” you believe I have “dug myself into.” Feel free to answer that or not. You did say it.

I never said I didn’t know the rules. When you’re showing numerous horses @ numerous levels, the job is to get your ride times on time w enough time for warm up & remember each test. Not to mention, riding these tests. Trainers are paid to keep track of all the many judges at a several day show - or, even a two day, separately licensed shows, competition. If you’ve ever had a judge as a trainer, you’d be positive the trainer would know exactly which judges you have for each horse, each class, each day. In lucky circumstances, a trainer who is also a judge, will let you know what the judge you’re riding for likes to look for in the ride. This can be super helpful.

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Wow you are pretty brave to pay without knowing the rules…When I moved to the US I read all the rules when I joined USDF… I will never do anything without knowing how it works…


I am pro-LK based on the information given. I am not pro someone who shoots a person to resolve a conflict when there is no indication they were in immediate physical danger. I am not pro shooting someone who may or may not have been misleading about their medal status or their competition entries. I am not pro speculating about someone’s mental health as an excuse for them being shot.