That's a twist

@Denali6298 - never mind… I understand what you mean. All good!
I just landed in the middle of the “other,” thread… saw posts I wrote from months & months ago. If I didn’t know that I write them bc they’re under my SN, I’d probably accuse someone of hacking my account bc, I have zero recollection of writing them. Like, at all. I’m the one who needs Ginseng! (Or, at least, one of the people who needs it!) Ughhh…

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Both Denali and Ladyj79 are solidly anti lynch mob, and have posted here with non inflammatory posts expressing clear anti lynch mob views. The difference between them and me is they are much more restrained and sensible than I and have chosen not to engage the lynch mob on a daily basis.


Hi, could you explain what you mean by this? The MH&MB posts I mean. Pertaining to what?


All good!!!

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They posted she got her bronze

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Honestly that varies widely from trainer to trainer. That may be how MB and his staff do it but lots of us in full training have had different experiences. At our barn one of the students always volunteers to put everyone’s ride times, rings, and tests into a spreadsheet. And (after learning the hard way by being unaware of a test time change until it was almost too late) one of us always double checks the day sheets each morning for any changes, including judges. Anyone trying to earn scores for medals pays close attention to who is judging and might request a class change or add a class accordingly.


@YankeeDuchess Thank you. :slight_smile: When I see users fully attacking the anti-lynch people, it’s extremely frustrating … Boggles my mind that people would take such a serious matter as their own personal gag reel - and show up just to stir the pot. Half of them can’t even stay on topic, even when the profess to “only want clarification,” on certain matters which do involve the shooting! Deflecting, disrespecting & misdirecting can be their thing. It will never be mine. And, from all I’ve read, I’m thankful & grateful it’s not yours, LadyJ’s or Denali’s. (Or, anyone else’s Ive missed.) Happy New Year!!!

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Should not be difficult for 2020 to be a better year for you than 2019!  You have much to celebrate.

Ahhh, thank you.

Originally posted by Wilbury Pie View Post
Three things stand out to me.

  1. Why stay and not leave if one feels threatened, especially if it involved horses… [QUOTE]

You answered your own question in the second half of your sentence. And, of course, there’s more to the story you don’t know.

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Originally posted by Wilbury Pie View Post
Three things stand out to me.

  1. Why stay and not leave if one feels threatened, especially if it involved horses…

You answered your own question in the second half of your sentence. And, of course, there’s more to the story you don’t know.

By the time things really hit the fan we all understand why you didn’t want to leave your horses. I think what a lot of people struggle with is that it sounds like the situation devolved over the course of some time - time enough to set up security cameras / recording devices in the barn. What I think people are asking over and over is why wait for things to escalate further? The point at which you felt it necessary to make secret recordings would have already been past the point where many people would have stayed, so I think that’s what’s tough to wrap our heads around without knowing all the details.

Did all this happen in the span of just a day or two? Or was this situation developing over the course of several weeks, as many people are assuming, which would have given you time to find alternate living arrangements for you and your horses?


YD has very much made this about her of late - and it has little to actually do with you. YD has repeatedly told us about how amazingly amazing she is for standing up to some immense “cyber mob” that does not in fact exist - and suggests that only she and almighty she has the wisdom and ability to do so…

The 10 was an estimate of the current conversation. Maybe 12? It does not matter. I am only counting those who repeatedly post along the same lines - not others who join in every now and then. Others may have issues with you.

Many of us have also wondered where some of the vehement posters were pulling all their super-sekrit speshul info from, what their actual connections were, why anything 20 years ago matters in the here and now etc. We have had many issues with numerous other inconsistencies and flat out nonsense that they have spewed.

Not exactly the immense all-encompassing “cyber-mob” or “lynch mob” that needs to be vanquished - as it has been suggested most of us are in these threads.

I still do not feel that you are helping your case in any way by continuing to engage and post here. You certainly are not helping it… as you noted when you saw some of your posts in the other threads…

But onward and upward to a better New Year!


Here’s to a better 2020 for all of us.




I do get why you wouldn’t understand, given the information you seem to think is accurate. Please don’t take that as rudeness.
Out of curiosity, how many days do you feel would be sufficient time to relocate 5 horses & all your belongings? (Perhaps, it doesn’t matter what you feel is sufficient, bc, we know the answer to this already, but feel free to answer anyway.) Grown ups have more mature ways of handling disagreements than MB. All I can (literally) say is, the time span you believe things “escalated,” in, is way, way off base. And obviously, there is a lot more to the story. Again, not meant to sound abrupt.

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If I was in fear for my life and being harassed, I guarantee I could find a place to move 5 horses with their tack as well as all my clothes in less time than it would take to buy surveillance equipment and install it in the barn area. As far south as this relationship appears to have disintegrated, it is hard to comprehend there was any thought of reconciliation.

Not trying to be rude or argumentative.

Here’s to a New Start in a New Year for everyone.


This!! And I will go even a step further because I do think now you (Lalapoprider) caused this whole mess by not doing your due diligence…
you expected everybody to move you up the levels and you were not really willing to do your part… You planned to sit on a prepared horse and get your scores…You wanted everybody else to do the work and the planning…
you never looked at the rules…

. Sorry I know the sport goes this way but I think it’s very sad and in my experience trainers are never ever perfect.

so obviously you expected your trainer to be a unicorn and blamed him when he was not… and things escalated from there…

Happy New Year to everybody and a great 2020 with your horses!!! I look forward to a gorgeous clinic next week with my lovely mare and a Grand Prix rider whom I not expect to do anything but improve my riding…


On the one hand, GreenWithEnvy continued to think I was possibly an alter for LK, and someone else (NotGrandPrixYet?) was speculating until earlier today that I was, if not an alter for LK, then a relative. If two of the most vehement anti-LK posters still believed until the end that I was LK or a relative, how is it that you perceive that my posting was all about a self serving attention hog who is not LK? How is it possible that I am making it all about me not LK, but simultaneously still accused of being LK or a relative?
You mocked me for saying that I was somewhat deliberately drawing the ire of the mob to myself, and also mocked me for making the issue about myself rather than LK. How do I do both of those things simultaneously?
It is untrue to say that I “made much” about how “amazingly amazing” I was for standing up to the cyber mob. After repeated accusations of being an alter for LK, I felt forced to explain that my motive was not so much to be pro-LK as to push back at the mob. This happens to be the truth and I don’t care if you believe it. So mock away. Do you imagine that I find it pleasant or enjoyable to have people bash me, insult me, question my reading comprehension and go on with lame references to junk yard dogs, who apparently are mistreated unsocialized mutts?
You say the cyber mob is “only about 10 people”. Granted. But if 75% of posts are contributed by 12 posters (LK and YD vs 10 anti-LK people) and 20 or 30 people (including you) contribute nonpartisan posts for the other 25%, then the anti-LK group is “only” 10 posters. But given the intensity and frequency of the posts of those 10, then, yes, 10 is enough to constitute a overwhelming mob. I fail to see how another 20 or 30 people mostly on the sidelines and contributing occasional posts dilutes the onslaught of the 10 intense, super invested partisans.
I perceive the ratio was 10 anti LK vs two (LK and YD). Rather lopsided.
As just one single example, do you remember how many anti LK posters mocked and taunted her about referring to MB as a “murderer” instead of an “attempted murderer”? WTF? Seems to me that when it comes to shooting someone at point blank range, it’s the thought that counts. To slag and a mock a woman who nearly died, perhaps technically died and needed to be resuscitated, because she characterized the man who shot her as a murderer? How can you view that as anything other than sick? Those mocking posts don’t further the “discussion” one iota. It’s pure bile. That’s just one tiny example.
I continue to think that a cyber mob of “only” 10 people mocking and provoking the victim of attempted murder is a second victimization.
No, you yourself don’t contribute victimizing posts. But ten intense, really invested posters is plenty to create a horrible onslaught. Your attitude is, well, that’s just what happens in these threads. If you don’t want to push back against the haters and mudslingers, who IMO contribute precious little to the actual information in the thread, that’s your call. But you’ve condoned the mocking, the gratuitous insults, and the swapping of misinformation, misinformation often twisted to suit the viewpoint of the haters. And gone out of your way to mock me for saying it stinks and for pushing back against it.
Perhaps you are so established and self confident and inherently charismatic that you cannot imagine yourself as the target of a cyber mob (even of “only 10 posters”.)


As a competitor, it is always my job to know the rules. ALWAYS.

Any one of the trainers I’ve worked with can tell you if I come to them with a question, I’ve already gone to the rulebook and need a clarification, or it’s more a “The rules say I can wear this color coat, but am I going to get a weird reaction if I actually do” type question. Or it’s because I’m not finding something in the rulebook and need an idea where to look. I show the Arabian circuit, and compete both main ring as well as the sport divisions. Yes, I keep track of the rules for main ring Arabians, Dressage, Hunter/jumper, and western dressage. All necessary rulebooks are downloaded on my phone for instant reference.

Yes, your trainers should know the rules. However, I don’t think it’s unreasonable for a rule change to happen that gets missed, or something like a bit that wasn’t legal being approved for use. Going for my awards, I can tell you exactly what is expected of me if I want to qualify for Arabian or USDF regionals, as well as nationals or achieve my medals. Even if my goals aren’t USDF nationals, I still know what I need because it’s MY job to keep track of my goals.

There’s a level of owning your sh*t that needs to happen when you sign an entry blank.


Uh, not that it means she should have been shot, but:

if (g) you have a history of bad behavior, and end up in a scuffle, it’s not rocket science to hypothesize that (g) your bad behavior may have played some role in the crumbling of said relationship.