That's a twist



This is what I take away from this whole situation. How stupid and meaningless to almost lose one’s life over … dressage.


Just one small modification to this likely set of events…


That’s ridiculous that YD named me as one of the two most vehemently anti-LK posters. LOL! I point out inconsistencies is all. And there are quite a few.

And YD definitely has injected her own steep slant in her posts. And injects speculation, then in subsequent posts starts repeating it as if it were fact (case in point, signing documents at gunpoint).

Just so everyone knows, all along this “journey” I have not cared very much for MB, either. He shot someone. To me, he sounds manipulative and controlling on the 911 calls. But he’s not on here contradicting himself. If he were, I’d be responding to his posts as well.

And LK talking about “grown up” ways to handle things. Well, frankly, the examples that have been screen-shot of LK’s social media posts prior to the shooting were hardly what I would call a grown up way of handling things.


The title of this thread has taken on a whole new meaning…


Wait what? I thought that happened shortly after his arrest. That’s why he’s been sitting in jail the whole time. Bail was denied.


I have somewhat deliberately “directed” the ire of the cyber mob at myself in an attempt to give her a break.

Beyond noble… creepy…😳


I forget the details or proper terms, but no, iirc, it’s not bail…

"Under the new law, there is no bail. The New Jersey court looks at whether or not the defendant will appear in court, the community is safe, and whether the defendant will obstruct the criminal justice process. "

“By getting rid of monetary bail requirements, the New Jersey court system no longer rewards people who can pay for their bail, but who also might be dangerous or more likely to not appear at later hearings. It also allows people who cannot afford bail to be released if detaining them is not appropriate.”

Read this:…il-system.html

(ETA, bold is from the source, not my bold)


@Denali6298, I think the deal is that NJ no longer does bail. IIRC, early on (maybe in the first thread) someone explained
that the state either keeps you until trial or releases you with an order to appear—maybe with an tracking device?

This was put into place because requiring bail discriminates against poorer people (I think?).

ETA: Oh good, Angela came back and explained it better—thanks!


Yes I assumed people were using the common term as a catch all. Technically there was a hearing about him staying in jail or not.

Thank you for the article explaining how NJ revamped their system!

That’s pretty obvious if she thought she was going to make her PSG debut in the CDI classes.

It’s the competitors responsibility to track their own scores and check to see if they are meeting requirements. USDF makes it pretty easy to do online. FEI does as well.

happy new year, everyone! I just bought a new horse - My Christmas/New Years/early graduation gift to myself. Going to go play with her now.


Apparently questioning the “victim” and calling out statements that make no sense is cyber-bullying and mob mentality. I’m sorry for asking questions and thinking something stinks in Denmark with some of the statements. I appreciate @YankeeDuchess has taken it upon herself to be a noble supporter and a pushback to the cyber mob. That said, one way to stop the cyber mob is for the victim to not post about the incident on SM. The one question that will not go away until the trial is, why did she stay rather than leave if the situation was so dire.

And, yes, I called you out for misidentifying me in some of your posts. You are so eager to defend LK, but we are not supposed to defend ourselves against your posts?

LK has already stated she enjoys SM and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. She said she used to post about politics (lord, there’s plenty to post about politics now!!) so perhaps a suggestion would be to enjoy SM without commenting on her legal situation at all. In other words, stop making oneself a target by saying anything at all about August 7. Personally, I’d love to hear about her horses, dogs and riding and how well she’s recovering. It takes a very strong person to push on and move on from something so life-shattering.

Hoping for a healing 2020 for many in this country.

If I post again without great reason, will the cyber mob please tell me to STHU? TIA.


Anybody have some cool New Year’s resolutions?

I have decided to work on my fitness to strengthen my core, which can be done while reading this thread…if necessary.


@GreenWithEnvy people did get pretty vicious. I mean bringing up someone’s performance in ones test and calling it a s*** show is not remotely related to anything. Yeah LK has bought her way up the levels and might not be ready for said levels. I dunno never seen her ride. That shouldn’t have any bearing on her character or this case. Maybe she truly thought she achieved her bronze and she’s that rider that just shows up. Who knows.

20 years ago I knew a woman who didn’t show, just rides for the pleasure of it, ride dressage and loved it. Didn’t show. Rode with a BNT in the area and bought a six figure horse. I could imagine her learning curve if she did decide to get her medals. That being said, these comments about riding ability have no bearing on her getting shot.

And again, she’s not someone I’d ever want to be friends with, but she does listen when people point things out in kindness.

I am at a loss as to why YankeeDuchess took up this particular cause. It’s clear by her posts she needs to read up on the subject. However, to deny people haven’t been vicious is crazy. People who don’t even know her and just see what she writes to go at her like they’ve been harmed by her is crazy. At the same time everyone agrees she shouldn’t be posting and those same people keep asking for details.


I think both LK and YD are enjoying the attention.


I agree with much of what you wrote here, but I think clarification on one point is needed. I recall that the comment was about LKs behaviour at a show, not on her riding skills (although the poster did say they beat her). The behaviour described is inappropriate and stresses everyone out at shows.

yankeedutch, don’t bother, I ignore everything you post.



In a similar situation where I was in genuine fear for my life or my horse’s safety I believe I would happily sacrifice tack, equipment, clothes and personal belongings, no matter how much they were worth. They are all replaceable. As long as I could get myself and my animals to a place of safety. I want to believe that, particularly because there are animals involved. Were it me on my own I can’t be so certain.

We never know how we’re going to react and you may not think your life is in danger until it is. I remember being in my kitchen with my sort of boyfriend holding a large knife to my throat, telling me how much he would enjoy killing me. Only in that instant did I have a realization that “oh, this is actually how women get killed by their partners.” And yet my instinct wasn’t to run, or to scream for my roommate to call 911; it was to continue arguing with him (as we had been for hours) and laughing at him and telling him what a pathetic human being he was.


That post was based on pure speculation. She was making a guess about what happens back at the barn. Also your note to ladyj proves my point with the name calling and all around bs about this subject. Few know actually know her and have interacted with her but many like to throw shade.



So much this. We just don’t know.


I agree. You hypothesize that, based on her track record, she must have been at fault for poking the bear, tormenting MB, and provoking him. Until “she broke his mind” and that led to his shooting her.

If it was her bad, provocative behavior which precipitated the shooting, then she is at least partly responsible for being shot.

I see this as victim blaming. Could be, hypothetically, that she provoked him. You assume she did, based on her past behavior. This is where your (g) previous claim that she reported him for child abuse comes in. If she had done so, that would have been harassment and provoking, making the situation worse, etc

But I believe she initiated her report to SS was based on her complaint of bullying by him toward her. NOT child abuse. I would consider having the cops called on me in response to my declining to sign new documents as bullying. Have no clue what other intimidation was or was not going on. But no evidence I see of harassment on her part toward him.

I have a hypothetical scenario that is consistent with her statement that she did nothing to cause the shooting.

He insisted she sign a new set of documents, probably having to fo with financial stuff, and the ante was at least $50,000. Believing she is in the right, she says “no “. Believing her position would prevail in court if went to court, she refuses to capitulate to whatever he wants.

You assume she did something obnoxious and provoking like alleging child abuse because of her past behavior. However unlikely in your eyes, it is conceivable to me that she did nothing other than refuse to capitulate to whatever it was he wanted. She called SS alleging bullying. She got shot.

In this scenario, one of many possible scenarios, she didn’t “do” anything other than refuse to sign documents and gets shot.

I don’t think it is OK to continually hammer her to “admit to her role” in causing the tragedy, purely based on your SPECULATION, based on her past behavior, that she “did” anything other than decline to sign papers.

Based on her past behavior, some people ASSUME she INITIATED a report to SS alleging child abuse. I don’t see the evidence. A report to SS alleging bullying seems warranted.

If the scenario is as I described, and she did not “do” anything other than refuse to sign documents and report bullying to SS, would you hold her responsible for being shot?

Do you have any evidence for ACTUAL bad behavior on her part in July - Aug 7, as opposed to predicting there was some based on her bad behavior from 20 years ago and the quarrels with the two people from the previous thread?

In the absence of actual provocative behavior, I think it is victim blaming to continue to insist, directly or indirectly, that she is responsible to being shot, or for putting MB in prison.

In the dispute over documents, if you think you are the party that will prevail in court, it is particularly irrational to resort to attempted murder to solve he problem.