That's a twist

That’s a reach


Not really. What has ladyj said that was offensive to you?


I corrected my spelling mistake, I meant yankee duchess. You’ll see it in my post. Sorry ladyj (or whoever, can’t recall exact moniker).

BTW, I had originally posted “ladyduch”, not “ladyj” as you wrote. I think it was clear who I meant!!


I decided to do this one last year, and now my core is hellacious, compared to how I was TG before last. I think these will help you. They have me."+thick+tri-fold+folding+exercise+mat&qid=1577892936&sr=8-4

This mat is great. I use mine for Sciatic stretches and planks mainly, but it’s also good for various weight stretches and yoga poses. I tried doing planks on one of those thin yoga mats, and it didn’t work for my poor elbows.

At least start out with instruction from a Personal trainer. I have learned bunches from mine. With some of the dumbbell stuff, correct position is important, so you don’t hurt yourself. After you have the exercises and positions down, you can cut back and work with your dumbbells at home on your mat.

And the chemicals:

This stuff is great. It helps build your muscles more from your workouts. Won’t do much on its own, or work overnight, but when you are working out, the effect comes with it.

And I like this stuff too.

I started trying this stuff out for my skin, having lived in AZ so long. I think it’s helping my skin some but the big deal is my hair. I had some thinning, due to age (66), but now my hair is growing back. I’ve got frigging bangs from it growing back. Big surprise!! :smiley:

Yes. You will be sore. Accept it, and take an aspirin. :cool:

Just my experience. Good luck!


How do you know it was pure speculation? There are people on this thread that know LK, whether it is from the past, present, or being in the same area at shows. The horse world is not that big!
And quite frankly, my comment about the show was due to the fact that LK seems to think that because she owns 6 horses she has more right than others to comment, and feels it is acceptable to belittle people that may not own as many horses as she has, even if they have more in training! She also feels that because she is planning on showing PSG this year that anyone riding at a lower level is beneath her, which is just BS!


I hypothesized nothing of the sort.
I hypothesize exactly what I wrote, nothing more, nothing less.
Please refrain from assuming others are as quick to jump to conclusions as you are yourself. :wink:

Looking at your whole post, you’ve accepted lots of claims by the victim as facts. I guess that’s your prerogative, but one can’t ignore that there’s lots of room for flaws in your theory when your source is so biased.

Look, past behavior (20 years ago, or this week) is a good predictor of present and future behavior.
What you do is on you.
What people do in response to what you do is on them.
But neither party doing something bad erases the actions of the other.
Personal responsibility.



My bad.

My understanding was that there was a bail hearing and he was denied bail. So you are saying that he has been in jail for months without even a bail hearing?

ETA. What do you call the hearing in which it is decided whether or not the accused is released pending trial or not? That is the hearing I was referring to even if it is no longer called a “bail” hearing in NJ.



With all due respect, and I mean this sincerely…

There are at least two aspects to such situations: empathy and the facts (which may not be mutually exclusive and can apply to both parties). When something goes to court, it is important to address these in a balanced manner, and not lose sight of one over the other.

Reaffirming that a BB is not a court of law. It was wrong for MB to shoot Lk. Victim shaming is also wrong. Open discussion is fair game.


No, that is not what I am saying.
It’s been explained on previous threads.
Or read the linked article I included.


Read my ETA…I understand your point that referring to it as a bail hearing is not proper. The hearing during which it was determined whether he would be released pending trial, as a result of which he was not released, previously known as a bail hearing.

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So the facts of the matter mean not even enough to you to investigate, even when the sources to investigate are handed to you… noted.


This thread has reminded me of one of my favorite musicals and one of the cleverest bits therein. Enjoy!


I would assume people throwing out those accusations would have used declarative statements. If they are unwilling to use declarative statements their best bet is to keep quiet.

Put up or shut up for lack of a better term.


I did NOT state that MB tried to get LK to sign documents at gunpoint. I said that if anyone obtained signatures under duress, such as pointing a gun to the head, the duress would invalidate the documents. I asked you the previous time you made this false claim to quote the allegedly offensive statement using the quote feature, then make your comment below, so others can assess for themselves what I actually said.
In post #1251, I mentioned that as recently as yesterday, you were accusing me of being one of LK s relatives. If that was not you, I apologize. I do not believe I have singled out you, or anyone of being in the core anti LK group. Again, please use the quote feature if you want to complain about a statement, so that the accusation is accurate. A person who accuses me of being LK’s relative is not necessarily in the top 10. Or even a hater at all.

   As you presumably know, if you repeat these false accusations, enough, they will indeed be accept as “internet  fact”. 

    Please stop twisting my words and bashing me for saying something I didn’t. Please.

Thank you so much!! Happy New Year!


Three Figs, I had forgotten that both Hermione Gingold and Mary Wickes were in that picture. Between the two of them, they must have had some great show business stories to tell at lunch!

I did enjoy the TV update about 15 years ago with Matthew Broderick and Kristin Chenoweth.


So are you now taking over YD’s self appointed role on being the thread controller and telling people what and how they can post?
Got it!


Yeah, she’s playing word games. To move the discussion forward. Apparently “bail” hearings in NJ are no longer called “bail hearings”.

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Are you disputing the assertion that I have directed “ire” on myself? Disputing that it may have given LK a break to have the ire split among two people rather than hers alone? Questioning my motive? Mocking my motive?


You’re welcome! And Happy New Year back at’cha!!!

PS: I try always to support female personal trainers. It seems the PT job market is swamped with men. This, IMO, needs to even out.