That's a twist

But it suggests that
@ladyj79, having gone through a risk-of-death situation and, in the crucial moment did not call 911, finds the fact that LK waited 12 hours in response to a creepy SUV understandable.

That is, supportive of the plausibility of LKs actions.
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My DH bought himself an air fryer for Boxing Day. Haven’t made wings yet - cauliflower, French fries and sweet potato fries so far. All got the thumbs up!


What I love about COTH.
I return to this thread for the first time in a long time and go from all the insane showboating and debate on page 4, to page 48: Air fryers. lol. I don’t really feel like there is much of worth to read in the pages in between, but if I am wrong, could you please provide me with a recap?


Exactly. You care just enough to throw out an incorrect statement as a jibe, but can’t be bothered to back it up when an obnoxious person like me calls you on it.

Your basic slime-and-run technique.


I am confused by the end of the last paragraph. Was someone else actually charged with something? I missed that information.


Not really. The same circle that’s been going around on the last few threads is just going around again here. Except that food has been thrown in the mix on this one because why not?


By the way, you’ve confused yourself. I am not the one who asked why anyone would create an alter. Perhaps a journal of sorts to help you keep characters separated would be beneficial. And who cares what your financial status is??? Do we all need to provide our stock portfolios now to be included in certain forums? Obviously I am pissed and fed up with the constant yammering from one specific poster who has offered nothing but questions and interestingly guided remarks.

I am off to ski for a while. WITH my fine crystal and nice bottles of riesling.


You imagine that, bc it’s what we see in every single movie - except ones which show the person being shot at, magically missing being shot in highly choreographed action scenes.

IRL - shock, adrenaline & physical fitness play a huge role. It takes between 5-7 minutes for a lung to collapse. Longer to bleed to death. I did wonder how it was possible I was still standing … I would have thought he’d mistakenly loaded the gun with blanks - if not for the fact I was uncontrollably bleeding. I did assume I’d die. But, while I was still breathing, I was going to use every single ounce of strength I had left to help Rob restrain MB. Rob is 5’8 to MBs 6’4. Hearing “Michael!!! Stop MOVING,” made me think rob was losing his hold. If Rob wanted, he could’ve choked out MB to the point of being completely unconscious. That would’ve been easier. But, he wanted him conscious. At least partly. On the other hand, I knew the gun was still in MBs hand underneath them. This is why my MAIN concern was to do whatever possible to make sure he couldn’t fire it again.

What are you implying by saying “that’s some genuine superhero shit- if I were shot, I imagine I’d be flopping around on the ground like a fish?” If it’s a compliment- thanks! If it’s an insinuation I wasn’t shot in the exact manner I described- no thanks.

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OK, I don’t generally post on this thread, but I do read it for entertainment. @YankeeDuchess , you are just as guilty as anyone of making presumptions and connecting dots with no real information. Everyone was doing it, speculating and guessing. Which is why this is a discussion board. Folks were discussing. It happens whenever humans talk about something, the “what if”? eventuality gets mentioned and pretty soon you are down a rabbit hole.

I just want to point out that you do it, too. And, you get quite nasty and personal. “slime-and-run”, “jibe”, just in the last post. You are very quick to condemn trainers and to speak to MB’s motivation (to get more money, the reference to squatters was just an aside and not the real reason…).

So, I love a good discussion, but give credit where credit is due and realize that there is a LOT of speculation and second-guessing going on, and, at this point, nobody is right or wrong. As to calling out a poster to comment on another poster’s experience just smacks of stirring the pot.

Speaking of pots, I love my Instant Pot.


Yes. It’s been discussed, but you did say you missed it, so, I will catch you up. RC had a federal warrant for her arrest. She had the option of federal marshals collecting her & bringing her to NJ. I believe she opted to turn herself in, with a deadline for arrival. She was then, charged. I can’t discuss her charges other than to say, it involved her pink, 9mm Ruger.

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I think the one thing that has been established is that the allegation that “LK reported MB to SS alleging child abuse” has not been documented.

LK says she reported MB to SS, but there is no basis for assuming the allegation was child abuse. I think the SS report was alleging bullying toward LK by MB, but do not claim to actually know. While there is no evidence that LK called SS alleging child abuse, I asserted that if the follow up on the original call (alleging something else) revealed how bad the situation was, SS may have referred to CPS.

I made an attempt to bring the discussion back to the purported topic by asking whether others found it bizarre that MB would call 911 because his clients refused to sign a document.

Apparently no one wants to address that issue, and would prefer to fall back on the oldies “But why didn’t she leave?”, etc and swapping recipes.


Food solves most things.


@YankeeDuchess - your sneering and need to take over this thread and even police it is a bit puzzling. Most heated, loooonnng threads eventually stray off topic and become about recipes, pets or what have you. It is not a conspiracy of any kind - it just happens.

Ah yes - the rest of us are mere imbeciles next to your Holmesian ability to cleverly deduce everything about everything. You seem to suggest that you have info no one else has. I am not sure if that is genuine or BS… but your overbearing tactics here make even me - a non-cook - want to delve into recipes. Mainly my mom’s old angel food pie… :yes:


Thank you for clarifying for me!

 I think you were taunting her, not complimenting her, duh.

So, you see, this is exactly the same thing that was speculated upthread: that SS, when questioning LK, learned of the presence of children. And, as required to report, did so to CPS. Which is the hypotheses first put forth and which @YankeeDuchess accuses folks of making up. Yes, someone did say that LK reported child abuse to SS, but the line of reasoning virtually matches this quote.


Thank you.

How do you “humanize a persona?”


Exactly! Also, in my 911 call (possibly difficult to hear) when the officer asks if we’re in immediate danger right then. I responded by saying “I feel we very much could be. The vehicle is back.” (Those two sentences may have been broken up into two separate sentences, if the officer asked something else in between.) I haven’t reviewed the calls in very long time.

On at least two occasions where MB called the cops & I spoke to them afterwards, I let them know that I would not be calling them to harass them (like my adversaries) unless I felt I was in real danger. I apologized to them for being called repeatedly by MB, for absolutely no reason.

I do, so wish I could share the contents of the documents mb actually thought we’d be stupid enough to sign. He even tried to block us from going in the Barn to ride, (something the DA told him repeatedly he was not allowed to do) until we signed his ominous paperwork… When we refused, he called the cops. Those papers literally, haunt me. I think they disturbed the cops as well. I have a video of that entire event- beginning to end. So crazy! Truly…

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I suspect you are asking the wrong persona that particular question.


Yes, I have been criticizing posters who use slime-and-run, also allegation-posed-as-question, also asking direct questions of LK and then telling her shut up when she responds.

Also criticizing posters for the unoriginality of their insults (pot/kettle; please try to read for comprehension), etc.