That's a twist

@smoofox wishing your guy a full and speedy recovery from the pneumonia.


Who elected you to draw that line?

What makes your assumptions/theories/hypothetical situations/whatever you want to call them more valid than anyone else’s?

You have your own theories. Other people have different theories. Some people have made unsubstantiated statements. Until or unless the facts come out in a court of law, it’s all conjecture at this point. Why do you think you should bludgeon other posters with your views?

If you want to buy The Chronicle and dictate policies on the BB as the owner of the website, have at it. In the meantime, everyone gets to voice their opinions and discuss them. That’s how it works here.




Originally posted by YankeeDuchess View Post

“On the one hand, GreenWithEnvy continued to think I was possibly an alter for LK, and someone else (NotGrandPrixYet?) was speculating until earlier today that I was, if not an alter for LK, then a relative. If two of the most vehement anti-LK posters still believed until the end that I was LK or a relative,…”

So, you weren’t referring to me here?

I have said, truthfully, that I am here not BECAUSE I am pro-LK , but because I found what I perceived to be a cyber mob of about 10 people appalling. Since the partisan clash is most easily described as pro or any LK, I do sometimes

as a short hand describe my self as pro-LK. But that is shorthand. It is still true whether you believe it or not my reason for being here is not that I know LK, am her alter or relative, but instead see her as the abstraction of a shooting victim being blamed and bullied by a small group of intensely invested posters.
I have not read the previous three threads and don’t intend to.
My first posts were calm and polite. Over the course of the exchange, things got heated, on both sides, with many insults and accusations addressed to me, and I regret and apologize - very sincerely - for my tone and style. But it did not seem exactly unmatched by the “tone” I was receiving at the time.
I continue to think that a small core of about 10 really invested posters ganging up on the victim of a gunshot wound is a travesty.


You got me. I did say it. I did say you were vehemently anti-LK. I apologize.


Actually I believe they do still have monetary bail, but again, read… the … article to confirm.

“Bail is still an option, but the reality is that judges have nearly done away with it. In the 3,382 cases statewide that were processed in the first four weeks of January, judges set bail only three times. An additional 283 defendants were held without bail because they were accused of a serious crime or were a significant flight risk, or both.”
from linked NYT article.


Not looking for a medal. The point of the scenario was to point out that it has not been established that LK “did” anything other than refuse to sign documents to create a situation in which she got shot.


I’m not sure the refusal to, or unsigned documents has been proven.
Point being there’s actually very, very little we do know beyond LK was shot, and MB is the alleged shooter.


I didn’t say I get to draw the line. I said it is easy to agree that victim shaming is bad and open discussion is good, but very difficult to agree on the line that separates the two.

I have indicated in some instances where I would draw the line. I assume others would draw the line differently. I assume there are some who say “victim shaming is not OK” but would be unwilling to point to a single post which they would label victim shaming.

Just saying it is very hard to have a consensus on where the line should be drawn.

I never said my hypothetical scenarios were more valid than anyone else’s. But I try to clearly label what is a hypothetical scenario and what is presented as fact. I have criticized others not for making assumptions but for stating them as fact.


I take the recorded 911 call as evidence that MB wanted LK to sign documents and she refused. That was stated by MB as the basis for the call. She has said that she refused to sign an “agreement”.

 Is there really any question as to who shot the gun?

But the circumstances in a shooting do matter. It’s rarely black and white. Just look at the many police shootings where an officer fired thinking someone is reaching for a weapon and they’re getting their license or where officers think someone has a gun and it’s a cell phone.
We don’t know the circumstances in this incident except from LK. And I don’t find her credible. She obviously recas ts events to help herself. There’s nothing obvious, at least not until Barisone gives his account.


Of course. You’ve been so humble about your perceived role here:

As for this:

I have no idea what scenario you refer to, nor am I interested in your speculation about documents. My comments relate to your protestations in the post I quoted that your fight for justice against an ostensible mob was being made light of, and the aggregate impacts of dozens and dozens of posts you’ve felt the need to make in this thread.


We have the 911 calls. We know that he was indicted on two counts of attempted murder, which indicates that the police have serious evidence of premeditation.

What I really don’t understand is why people are hammering her to explain what “her role in the chain of events” leading to being shot was, and to “take responsibility for it” or explain why she “didn’t leave”, when as far as I know, there is no evidence that beyond saying “no, I won’t sign the documents” she “did” anything at all. She didn’t capitulate to whatever MB was demanding.

Suggesting or stating that she is partly to blame for the sequence of events is, IMHO, blaming the victim given that at this point there is no evidence that she actually DID “do” anything beyond refusing to sign a document. It is certainly CONCEIVABLE that she provided some provocation, many people apparently strongly SUSPECT she did, based on her past behavior, but there is no evidence that she ACTUALLY DID anything in provocation, aside from declining to sign documents.

Thus I think it is unfair or at least premature to pressure her to “take responsibility” for the fact that she was shot and MB was in prison.


Not sure of what you are accusing me of here.

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Happy new year everyone! I’m watching the winter classic, making pea soup, and my co-pilot for the last 13 years is enjoying his ham bone from the broth.


You would have a better understanding if you would look at LK’s fb posts prior to the shooting, and if you would take the time to read the other thread. Just sayin’.


I dont see anyone suggesting the bold portion. Can you quote that post(s)?

If you’re referring to me, again, you misrepresent what I said. Read it again.


You are misinterpreting my statement. I am saying we don’t know what Barisone was thinking or his intent to go there with a gun. Or why he fired. He might have thought he was being threatened. Maybe his fear was realistic or maybe not.
As to charges, it’s typical for prosecutors to indict on the highest charge to give room for negotiation in any future plea deal. Which I still think is where this will end up.
LK has been sued by the property owners. (The start of this thread ☺). Should we assume she’s liable for damages just because there is a legal filing? Yet, you assume just because Barisone is charged that he’s guilty of premeditated murder.


Maybe you’d get along better if you didn’t look for accusations in every single post.