The funeral has begun. You are all invited to attend the wake

How did chef do at Indio? Wasn’t this going to be her debut on Jade in the A/A hunters? Was she perhaps blown way, way, way off course by the sandstorm?

Merry is worried about her fellow cultist. She jangles her curb chain nervously.

A suitable racetrack, eh? We’re close to Pomona. The track is open all year for the horses in training there…

We could plug in the margarita mixers at the barns along the backstretch!

“Our friends could stop by,” Merry says excitedly. “We could have match races and our own little, non-profit ‘gaming ventures’. We could sell refreshments and have a blast! What do ya’ say? Should we hit the road to the LA Fairgrounds and have match races?”

[I]elizabeth stalks onto the QVC set and calls a meeting. “Do you know what they said? Do you? Do you?” Merry tries to jangle her curb chain bracelet to soothe elizabeth, but elizabeth was having none of it. Even Rocky could feel her rage and was cowering. . .

They said “We’ve only got two more pages to go and we’re at 50. We kicked those Californians @$$ so hard that their great grandfathers felt it.”[/I]

People, stop jingling your chains, smootching the valets, twirling in your sparkley party dress, sending faxes (that one was directed at me), getting toasted on bad margaritas (I’m sorry - I’m speaking in a frantic rage here), and START POSTING.

I also wanna talk about (in hushed and reverent tones) the birth of a new threadlet. I know the old thread would want us to go on. Life doesn’t stop, after all. There are more names to remember, more horses to discuss, more memories to re-live.

Besides, we NEVER did (in over 600 posts) find out the answer to the original question! (Which of course, I have forgotten now). But those kind of things need closure, and it is not polite to discuss such matters at a wake.

What can I say I got lost and he was getting on my nerves. He is lucky that he is a man of the cloth or things could have gotten Really ugly.

LOL Merry…I like the new title for HITS. Or maybe they should rename it to HITM…Horse Shows in the Mud. I hear that is what it is like at Indio after it rains. Mud, mud and more mud. I was thinking about taking Cypress down there today, but it is supposed to rain down there too, so there would be no point. Instead, we’ll go Wednesday as planned. At least I go to ride this morning, pack my trunk, and load up hay into my truck before the rain hit!

AAJumper hears the crack of thunder and feels the first drops of rain. She grabs the big blue tarp in the back of Merry’s truck and Rusty helps to unfold it, covering those riding in the back. The big El Torrito sign looms up ahead, like a homing beacon. “Will this weather EVER end?”, she cries out, in misery. Her hopes of escaping the horrid rain fade quickly, as she checks the weather forecast…rain on Tuesday and Wednesday, in the desert no less!!!

heidi, what HAVE you done to Infopop??? elizabeth it is not us, it’s that infamous northern sector who has diligently sabatoged our thread. No one can get on!!

“Hmm … fried brains,” Beezer muses. “Isn’t that something Canadians eat??”

Merry, I’ll go feed the horses.

I’ll mix in a little left-over artichoke dip for the fussy eaters.

Oh, and I suppose it is a bad thing that the barn cats got into the margaritas. . . . That will teach us to fill the birdfeeder with margaritas when all the fake crystal decanters were used up.

Rent the limo, we’re there!! Off to Cooks corner. Now what’s this about juggling??? Don’t tell me one of our illustrious guests has tried to juggle the glasses again. Those are Beezer’s good Romanian crystal goblets…Behave, no get into the limo, pleeeease??

Hm. So THAT’S where that credit card got to! And here I thought I’d just burned it up at the Mary’s sale…

Don’t even get me started on Merry’s purchases at Mary’s (Alex, I’ll take “Names that sound alike but mean such very different things” for $300). She is FAMOUS for planning a big shopping outing, gathering up so many products that the salespeople are all salivating and then … putting it all back.

Sorry to be late … I ate so much mud on my last round of mud-boarding that I just had to go get cleaned up. Ponying frisky warmbloods … the NEW Olympic sport!

that wants the Canadians to keep David Hasselhoff?

This cult was made for me, thinks weeble to herself, waiting not so patiently for the flan. I mean, helmet head, the dishelved look, and begging for funds, welcome to weeble’s life.

In an effort to maximize our mud collection I have found that muckers can harvest ten pounds of mud per foot per step, very efficient, wouldn’t you say? With our harvesting underway, what are the marketing plans?

Scotch? Are you sure? Rusty made some more margaritas with Pedrone this time

Coreene: What’s your time frame on Saturday says SuaveReno??? Will we be sober ?

The koi will NOT be moving into Beezer and Mr. Beezer’s home. Though we DO have that lovely guest bedroom currently occupied by Mr. Beezer’s mother … but let’s not even go there, OK??

“Coreene! Unhand that young man! That is NOT what we meant when we suggested you try body boarding!!”

That explains why the mice were having a dance party in the driveway. Geepers, 26 mice doing a line dance is kind of funny.

Luckily, Beezer’s JRT are not very skilled at catching mice, though many JRT are. Beezer, buddy, your guys are. . . well. . . a little portly, wouldn’t you say? (I’ll bet Aunt Merry slips them Koi when you are not looking.)

[This message was edited by elizabeth on Feb. 25, 2001 at 10:13 PM.]

I’m tellin’ ya, a famous Mexican juggler! Does’nt this story get more and more interesting?

Well, now that AAJumper is back, I must depart. For three weeks infact, but not to ski, Oh no… I’m off to Barbados!!

Keep searching Suave, for more on MCJ.
Ciao for now. (and don’t hate me because i get to escape this awful weather…just pray that my plane does’nt crashI’m
always so afraid of that)

Merry if it does start raining that hard, do you think the Canadain Clique will send the Mounties to save us?

“William the Shat”. I like that!

Can’t you just see him overacting in our info-mercials?

“This mud… MASQUE… is so—ah—aMAZING. It’sallnatural. Made from… splendid… bio INGREDIENTS… with all the wholesomeness of farm—LIFE!”

“Hello, I need you to bring some oreos, veggie burgers, and margarita mix to my friend wtywmn4. And can you attach a note saying ‘here is my breakfast of champions for you.’ Thanks.”

Rexford, I loved your answers! Welcome, welcome.

Though your answer about the pink house was a little suspect. Being new to CA, I have noticed that every third person has a pink house!!

Merry, oh Merry how could you? Wty drops her head, shaking it slowly side to side. Those poor carp, fileted into jerky? How can any one of us eat that knowing what we do! Heaving a big sigh, she turns to elizabeth. “Where did we go wrong”, she mouths. elizabeth is now in a full blown discussion with Jerry Springers manager concerning details of the soon airing show. “No, no!” says elizabeth into her cell, ugh she whispers, he wants us to bring on the terristas & lab. This will not do! Knowing full well, what kind of a debacle this could be. rusty, as if on cue, pops up with 8 glasses of frosty gatorade margaritas. A/A, whose injuries are beginning to burn from the sun, rolls under the shaded side of Merry & Beezer’s renowned, “easy to install, collapses to pack” gazebo/tent thing. Interestingly enough, it only took 3 hours, and 8 people to put it up this time.

Well what a bummer! I came into the topic late and even though I am a youngish adult and should remember or at least know of some of the people you were talking about, I didn’t. I guess I spent too much time riding super green horses and never made it to the show ring or really just out in the world very much.

I just skimmed through and had fun, sorry to see it go! I would like to lay down a single red rose and an apple please.