The funeral has begun. You are all invited to attend the wake

It was


(I’d make a George joke here, but it would be in poor taste - wearing Flame Suit now)

Elizabeth, really… just drop it. The forum is not the place to discuss others. If you have a problem, address it to a moderator in personal email.

Someone had a problem with what you posted, you had a problem with what they posted, everyone got a chance to gripe, and now it’s time to move on.

I’m not going to tell anyone they have to apologize. Now, let’s all be adults and drop it, rather than continuing to rag people for ONE post a week after the fact.

Now, look, we’ve gone and shocked the revelers at the wake into silence. I haven’t been paying attention… is this an Irish wake by any chance? Is there any Bushmills handy?

[This message was edited by Erin on Mar. 02, 2001 at 03:36 PM.]

YES - granny pants - we can sacrifice granny pants!!

Sacrificing granny pants will stand us in good stead with the IRS b/c they will be too embarassed to question us. I mean, who the heck feels comfortable talking about granny pants. . . . except every freakin’ person on this BB.

Congratulations, Merry! In spite of the Canadians and all their posts, you have risen to the top of the heap! But, keep an eye over your shoulder for fear someone from north of the border will try to usurp your crown.

Suave stops her horse show planning to remove several the terrieristas from her legs. But girls we need a course designer she syas accidently drop kicking a JRT into the middle of the chorusline

My able and trusted lawyers have advised that the last will and testament will be read on Monday. My ample gift of perception has detected a rat among you.

Don’t deny it! Motivated by greed, crudely disguised as grief, I know which one of you is responsible for Kevorkianing the thread.

Should you wish to discuss a settlement and NDA, you may contact my lawyer, Glaria Allread.

So, I hear a thread is missing???

As I posted on “Who Nuked Our Thread?” I have an iron-clad alibi. I think it was elizabeth! Notice how she conveniently ran off to take the bar exam…?

As for the pygmy goat getting a reprieve, yeah, I AM allergic to it, imagine that! Touch the darn thing, or touch my clothes after I’ve handled it and I break out in hives. (Beezer, somehow, finds this terribly amusing). I may not “hack and whack” the Canter thread, but the goat…

The preacher now climbs out of the coffin and, bleary-eyed, stumbles toward the beverage table and scans the area, looking for a cup of strong, black coffee. As he starts to pick up one mug of steaming Joe, Pam yells out, “Not that one, Reverend! Beezer’s Jack Russell uhm, er, relieved himself in that cup!”

“Oh no!” Merry finally cries out, breaking down totally. “This wake is turning into a complete charade! Has no one any dignity?”

Ah Merry, well said. Now, what did you buy? You know we cannot leave this gravesite without a peek.

Tin, I think we have hit #5 invisible, Now, we do need a place to go and lay in the sun!!! IT’S OUT AT LAST!!!

Wait just a sec! It seems to me that we have recently given birth to a great scam … PLAN! … and a cult complete with its own 10 Commandments. You mean we have to do MORE??

Whoa, Beezer and Spot, what a pair. They could do the dash for cash without a doubt. Geeez that mud sticks…but what a hoot watching those Canadians scatter.

Hmmmm, WB racing? Let’s see where would we have this? Oh, and we have to change the starting gates, widen them slightly…More work, wty toodles off muttering to herself. We need to find a REAL life.

[This message was edited by wtywmn4 on Mar. 13, 2001 at 05:14 PM.]

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>If we go on Jerry Springer, who will throw the first chair? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It will be Kimmie McDonald! Furiously heaving an entire contingent of chairs across the set at the assembly members of the 5M cult and screaming: “Stop talking about me!!”

here’s a family picture of Kari. She the only across from the onion dip and chips.

Every picture endears him more to me. What a great horse! And the kid’s cute too!
Kryswyn surveys the carnage of the food table and snatches a chicken wing from Beezer’s JRT who growls. Kryswyn growls back saying in Dog ’ don’t mess w/ me Bucko, I’ve got 13 of you at home." But to be fair, Kryswyn offers an only slightly wilted carrot stick in trade. The JR, unable to understand something for nothing trots away happily down the table, stopping only to mark in an unattended punch cup. Kryswyn then turns to the Anna Nicole Smith look alike with short hair and says,

Yo, Merry, did you ever get through to Bob McDonald in Idaho? Waasssssup with Kimmie? And who is she when she’s at home anyway?

Merry, I think PamM is thinking about safety. I really can’t put words in her mouth, but I’ll bet she hopes there is at least a leather crown piece on any halter used for turnout. Even a freakout in the crossties, when in a nylon halter, can be rather serious.

However, all of us suffering through the several wet winters since El Nino, then La Nina, now supposedly nothing out of the ordinary but certainly not what we’re used to, know exactly where you’re coming from! The sunglasses are wishful thinking

Cheers, Maggi

For making me spit my lunch all over my computer!

Merry! They haven’t defeated us! All we have to do is add this thread to the old coat and WE WIN!!

“Koi Boy, I like it!” says Merry. “In honor of the funeral thread, should our stall drapes and be all black? Our tack trunks will be customized Warner’s trunks that are designed like little chrome coffins! And we’ll line the inside of our tackstall with tuck-and-roll purple satin. And there will be big sprays of red and white carnations on stands outside our stalls!”

The mounties may come and go but Cosmo’s a keeper (the child too as a matter of fact)

“Do the mounties really exist?” exclaimed SuaveReno at the Anna Nicole Smith lookalike. “We’ll I’m going to go up dere and get me some…” staggering to standup SuaveReno pulls out a yellow photograph of JJ Smith in his heyday before any of us realized he had an alternative lifestyle. She then pages through her wallet only to find another old print c1968 of her once teen crush Kenny Nordstrom less 60lbs or so. “d’ya shink they have does guys up dere dat look like dem?” she slurrs to Coreene and Kryswyn

Where the heck is Elizabeth with that tort?? We ordered a chocolate one, yes? Who knew it would take her DAYS??!?

How did that happen?