The funeral has begun. You are all invited to attend the wake

One more superiority issue…we are hands down more entertaining and interesting here in the Golden State. The Wake thread has 15 views for every post, the Canter thread, 11 views per 1 post. One state versus a whole country. Meaningless mathematical trivia, but WE WIN! WE WIN!

…and she says (still somewhat drunk and speaking in third person):

"Jade did great at Indio. Chef is out of the office this week, so Coreene could not get all details, but checked up on the Hits web site for results.

“SuaveReno, will we see you some upcoming weekend? Do let us know when you’re coming down.”

Then Coreene calls Restaurants on the Run and orders alcoholic reinforcements.

THEN she thinks she has a good fashion idea and proposes that the funeral crowd go into the curb chain business by making them into souvenir bracelets.

But I feel so wrung out! It’s sunny (84 degrees), my daffodils are blooming, and I have a two photo shoots and a horse show in the next week. I am creatively taxed!

Merry hears the sounds of wailing, mournful violins sobbing in the background…

Ohhhhhh, the sadness of it all…Louie, Louie…yeah baby! What are we eating? Must have something to digest with all our liquid refreshments…

Trying to sober up…Now I am sitting reading the “ill and injured” section of an old HORSES magazine and saw a reference to Melissa Cardenas as being the daughter of a “famous Las Vegas magician”. Now who could that be

I can only imagine the mud at Indio in the rain! Last year I slopped around in 80degree heat because the guys in the water trucks were a tad over-zealous. And the area where I— I mean my groom---- washed my horse was abominable by the middle of week one! So maybe you should take scuba equipment?

Just think how handy RUST breeches would be in muddy surroundings!

Merry punches it and the truck pulls into the El Torrito parking lot. The group has arrived. Merry is so delighted that she’s finished both halves of her Thoroughbred article that she yells out to all the patrons inside, “A round of chalupas for everyone, on me!”

It is then that she realizes she left her cash at home, and El Torrito doesn’t take checks. But oh, wait… she happens to have Beezer’s credit card in her back pocket…

It must be sooooo ungratifying for their only obligations to be sitting around, eating bon-bons, watching the snow, and playing with infopop to mess up the BB. Poor Canadians.

Rusty has just whipped up another batch of Margaritas.

As far as tracks got there is always Pleaston or Golden Gate Fields or Bay Meadows. They are all relativly close together so if we get turned down by one there is always another. THey race Mules so why not WBs.

Mango Margaritas coming right up. As the cults self appointed Margarita maker I will try to make any flavor that is ordered.

The way to beat the rolling black outs is to live and work in the same power grid as a hospital or fire station. You don’t get your power shut off that way. How ever we must all conserve or we won’t have air conditioning this summer. Not that I have AC any way and certainly not in the barn.
Although when I lived in TX I got to show in a arena with AC now that is great. The Margaritas don’t melt.

I posted my eulogy over on the “real” thread. But I have stopped by here to pay my respects.

Elizabeth, I am sorry that my JRTs brought shame and embarrassment to Bill. (Though who knows? Maybe he LIKES that kinda mauling! ) But really, it’s not their fault. Merry knows better than to yell “SQUIRREL!” in a room crowded with terrieristas. It’s not like she could have forgotten her own experience of having them dangle off her ponytail…

Coreene, I cannot hope to ease your pain upon the death of “your” thread. But take comfort in the fact that you gave birth to a grand and wonderful thing. Clifford and his ancient English saddle thank you.

To all the friends that we met and bonded with, a hearty toast … even if it IS with that cheap stuff that I have been forced to put in a carafe. (As I have told Merry repeatedly, appearances are soooo important and they must be kept up. Which is something she tends to forget as she slogs out to feed the koi in what was once our arena.)

And finally, to those Canadians who are attempting another coup and trying to wrest the thread title away from its rightful owner … well, I’ve never trusted those north of the border. Canadians … they LOOK like us, but they’re different.

How about the horse that gets a shampoo to remove said mud and muck, including a conditioner in mane and tail, and then upon returning to paddock, prompty rolls anew in the mud and muck?

WEEBLE! Our very own Merry’s Mud Masque harvester!!

And, yes, I am with you. They can keep David … too much Hassle, not enough Hoff!

I’ve never heard of Pedrone. Is it some kind of narcotic? Or is it a facial scrub? Help.

Oh, hey, that horsie is looooovely. Let’s keep him as our mascot and ditch Rocky.

Rocky growls menacingly from his dog bed in the corner, and he waves his rose bushes shears threateningly.

I am just wondering if perhaps the Koi might be happier in a kiddie pool, in Mr. Beezer’s Mother’s room. Beezer could go in in the morning and chat up Mr. Beezer’s Mother. They could have coffee together as Beezer fed the Koi. . . . It would be lovely, really.

I’ll have some Pinot Grigio with that too please.

Mmmm mmmmmm. That sure is yummy!!

All I kept thinking about was Sigfried and Roy. Which one do you think it was??? HORSES didn’t say…

SuaveReno staggers to the door “I’m off to the Rockies in search of Mounties, may I bring anyone anything before I go???”

…maybe if your nice to us and share your margarita’s we’ll send over a mountie or two But what do you need mounties for? You have Hasslehoff, he’s a lifegaurd and can rescue you all on his surf board

a great idea…just don’t let him sing. No offense, Elizabeth, but those “trying to be cool” singing commercials, I know it’s a joke, but pleeeeeease!

However, Capt. Kirk with Mud Masque on the face and bald head is a definite 6-figure return to our cult, um, non-profit.

I think we need more Margaritas, since the thread has fallen to page 2.
After all we were all out enjoying the 85 degree weather and riding our horses.

I was talking to my boss today and he said it was 1 and snowing at home in Alberta, poor Canadians.

Um, Merry…
As a citizen of Dallas, I’m afraid I must dispute your right to claim the black kid glove from Neiman-Marcus as a symbol of California.

Neiman Marcus is as Texan as well, George dub-ya Bush. Stanley (Marcus) has fought a long hard battle to bring culture, art and expensive doo-dads to the not-so-common man and it all started here.

So, not to start a fight at the funeral or anything, but you need to pick an authentic California artifact - maybe a surfboard or alphalfa sprouts - and not go “borrowin’” from Texas!
Remember the Alamo!