The funeral has begun. You are all invited to attend the wake

Good-morning, fellow mourners! I hear skiing in the arena is on the activity agenda. The horse of choice for this is Beezer’s retired old jumper mare. She’s a big, old-style Trakehner, as in “broad of beam, big of bone”. Plus, before she was a jumper she was a combined driving horse, so she really, really knows how to pull. She’s real four-wheel drive animal. So I’ll put the long lines on her and she’ll give you a tow around the arena.

Beezer, count me in on the scam er Plan. I have plenty of experience with mud, from falling off in it trying to show in it. Etc. ( No I am Not an mud wrestler).

Our jump could travel the grand prix circuit, and be right next to the Cosequin and Sea World jump! During the opening ceremonies, William the Shat could stand next to the jump, sign autographs and let people pat his Saddlebred. Of course, he’d be wearing our Muck Mud masque. And Rocky, the knife-wielding Labrador would fend off any kookie fans!

It’s J.J. Smith. says SuaveReno after 4 cups of coffee and after reading the “merry thread” frot he 2nd time in cased she missed something the first.

HORSES 1968 was my source for the photo.

Welcome Rexford to our overtly happy CA clique

I’d enjoy a whatever happened to…thread too
hmmm maybe we could do it here

The 5M Cult should be soooo forever grateful that Merry found Mario. Tis a match made in heaven. For Beezer had great fear … neigh, she quaked in her boots … when Merry threatened to get her own dang tractor and disc the arena. Merry on a tractor … oh, the horror! Oh, the carnage that would have ensued!

For this is the woman who once ran up onto the graves at a cemetary because she could NOT negotiate the turns in her manly-man pickup. She very nearly put one of the motorcycle officers accompanying the procession INTO his grave. Which prompted him to comment something along the lines of, “This is why women should not be allowed to drive trucks.”

Beezer realizes what rusty has done and thinks that feeding the dogs the koi sandwiches is a fine, FINE idea. So she tries to slip hers to one of the JRTs. But she mistakenly tries to give it to the finicky terrierista … the one who eats only white meat – no skin for him! – and the best cuts of steak when it comes to table “scraps.” (Only Beezer could own such an extremely picky JRT. ) Unfortunately, Merry sees the picky bugger spit out the koi sandwich. She knows what Beezer has done. She is not amused. Several of the 5M cultists have to save Beezer from Merry’s wrath.

O.k. - I’ll e-mail one to you, as opposed to posting one here. There’s no way, after last night’s fiasco, that I’m posting a picture of myself up here. I don’t want people to be able to identify me. (Dear God, I can see the headlines now “Irate horse show mom qua chat board addict blows lovely young equestrian away.”)

I only have a black-and-white scanner here at home, so I’ll have to scan photos for you AFTER the bar, when I can have access to a color scanner! This time next week. . . .

Merry and I probably both did it, but yesterday I did ask Melinda and Weatherford to kill the other thread. Elizabeth, don’t worry, you had nothing to do with it! Like another favorite Mary - the Mary Tyler Moore show - this Merry Show had to end.

I would have said this earlier, but I just crawled out from under a table at the wake, having drank far too many margaritas…

Please don’t put my Blenders in the casket. I can’t live with out my blenders. It isn’t fair to take the hearse away when it is my turn to ski. (there is no smilie face for whining ) Its just not Fair.

<<elizabeth and Wake Thread stand in the driveway, waving and cheering at AAJumper as she pulls away in the early morning light.>>

Bye AAJumper. Do well. Make us proud. You can do it. Woo-hoo!! We’ll keep a light on for you.

(Now, Wake Thread, I’m off to work. You have a good day. And behave yourself. No more of this falling off the first page of the BB.)

One eight hundred fourty nine closet CLOSET WORLD

Merry I know that whole jingle by heart! It’s completely annoying but I just can’t take my eyes off the computerized dancing little closet man. Do you think we could get a dancing jar of muck on our commercial? Then we could also hire someone as a “jar of muck” mascot.

Suavereno - “Hack and Snack” - LOVE IT!!

“And Posting Trot, please,. . . . and walk and take your peanut butter and jelly sandwich out of your fanny pack.”

We knew it was coming, says wty. Head hanging, ahhhh those fabulous margartias rusty,you’re the best, coreene and all her “friends”, A/A with her now visable scars, elizabeth whose fingers are worn out from dialing and faxing. Weeble, Suave, wty all headed to horse shows. Merry, headed off to have a wreck of her choice with some poor snow bird canadian. And Beezer, with Mr Beeaer listening to the tinkle of Mother ringing her bell. BUT, the Canadians did NOT win!!! We have the sun and warmth in Calif. Not to mention rolling blackouts. HA, see if they can top that!

What happend to de thread

Cece’s Presley’s horse seemed to have a one word name like Chesterton…Heir apparent sounds familiar…

When I left on Friday, the wake was just beginning.

Here it is Monday morning, and it looks as though it has been a wild weekend with no end in sight.

I’d like to suggest just the right beverage to go with the sushi and Ms. Paul’s fishsticks. Place one raw, cold oyster in a martini glass. Pour warm sake (saki?) all the way to the top of the glass. Drink your oyster shooter all in one “sip”. Yum. Repeat as needed.

Heck, even if the sushi’s all gone, you can just make do with the oyster shooters.

It worked for William Jefferson Clinton.

(Did I really say that?)

If Merry and Beezer won’t let us sacrifice the goat, we can always sacrifice a few Margaritas.

elizabeth is this house big enough for all of us? Hmmmmmmm a home for the non-profit group. With the ability of housing our mascots…

A/AJumper, we will purge you of this nonsense. The electromagnetic pulls were at odds. Just be glad you weren’t in the tent that blew down. Trying to find one’s horses all night and then finding one was headed to be transported, well…With the full moon and all the hooey, you will be back!!!

Now, exhausted from phone calls, wty heads for the nearest and dearest rest stop. Curbs jingling along the way, ummmmmmmmm she says perversely. Where is that Shat when you need him?

The QVC show is now an utter debacle. The producer calls, “Cut to a commercial!” but Bea points out that dangit, this is QVC. Everything’s a commercial, and besides, she wants more air time. She turns to Beezer. “So tell me,” she says in a hoarse whisper, “is there anything you can do to entertain people while we try to salvage this segment?”

“Well,” Beezer says, “I can bring on my Jack Russells and the crazed Labrador Retriever.”

“Go with it Arlie!” Bea shouts, giving the thumbs-up signal.

Backstage, rusty can’t believe she’s told to unleash the Jack Russells and Rocky, the crazed Lab. But she does so. In a moment the terriers have savaged a toupee off the director’s head, and Rocky has grabbed a butcher’s knife from the display on the nearby kitchen set. Stage hands scramble for cover.

Bea is about to lose it. “Is this some kind of a joke? My career is finished!” she screams, waving her arms around.

“No! Stay still!” Beezer cautions. “Don’t make any sudden movements while Rocky is armed!”

Suddenly, the TV screen goes black, replaced in seconds by the frozen shot of the QVC logo…

SuaveReno, I’m going to LAEC for the Gold Coast show on April 8th…and I’ll be starting off doing the hopeful jumpers!!! Yes, I’ve been demoted, LOL. Actually, the plan is to start the day off in the 2’6"-2’9" jumper class to give me and Cypress a dose of confidence, and hopefully after a couple of classes we’ll finish with a nice low AA round and go home. Someday I’ll be able to have two good shows in a row…someday…

I 'm starting tht one right after “Riders”

The rings are locked and I can’t ride and more rain tomorrow. Is there a facility that has a decent indoor ring in OC??? Alas, I guess I’ll go see the fearsome Threesom (Lexie, Reno & Cosmo) and give them a hug and alove (carots, corn oil and other assorted goodies… )

If I get motivated, maybe I’ll even cook a meal for my husband…

Questions: Do our husbands need a equine support group???