It looks like the dots were in the previous video as well. He was just standing further away from the piece, so it wasn’t as in-your-face.
Didn’t someone contact her asking about Nick, and all she said was that she remembered him?
Certainly he’d have quoted, and broadcast to the heavens and beyond, any post wherein she waxed eloquent about Nick being an otherworldly gift to dressage.
And Chevy’s cup has disappeared.
I suggest viewing the videos without sound. Soooo creepy.
Crap…I am now lip reading. Now that’s scary!!
You wish. And I deliver. Behold…
I believe this is it, or perhaps the original version of what’s hanging above the fireplace.
Yet I see no dots. Who put on the dots? Why are there dots? Are they lights? Glitter balls? Swarovski crystals? Skittles?
It looks like I am blocked though I have never posted on his page. Creepy…
I got blocked from his page because I laughed at him.
I also laughed at the “Trump lost” responses someone* peppered all of the comments with; either is a ban-worthy offense in Nick’s eyes.
*If that “someone” is here among us - nice work!
Even though I don’t currently have a facebook page, I am not blocked and can see all of his rantings in all their glory. Not sure if that’s something I should interpret as some kind of perk…
I can only assume that the reason NP hasn’t made that page private is because doing so would limit his audience.
As much as he hates COTH…he needs us. We feed his appetite for outrage, which I admit is really the only reason I sometimes have misgivings about keeping this thread going. But then I see him trying to ho himself out for free clinics…
@Paint_Party you are amazing.
Do you suppose you can buy that artwork at a street bazaar with LEDs added along the bridles to make it a masterpiece worth displaying over your fireplace?
Im blocked too, and never visited his page through mine…so hes probably digging through our profiles on here trying to find us on social media elsewhere…
He hasn’t blocked me yet, which is weird. I did say some not complimentary things on FB.
That same print was for sale at our local newsagent. Clearly it gets around. It is a fairly cheap print.
Nick - (I know you are reading this thread even though you always say “a friend” reported all this to you because God only knows, you would never read anything here) what do you mean by “our industry”?
You are not in the industry. Not even remotely in it. You are not connected with any horse in any way - not hands on and not even as an owner or trainer or instructor or stall cleaner or what have you.
You are not out in any barn at 2 am sitting with a colic case. Or out on the backside at 4:00 am feeding to start another long day.
You are not out there in the chill rain repairing a fence line because two mares decided to have a disagreement and the fence was in the way. Getting dark? Starting to snow? Too bad so sad.
Oh yeah - one of them cut her leg up and needs to hosed down, treated and wrapped. Correctly wrapped.
You are not out in a cold arena in the evening teaching lessons and dealing with horses who are feeling frisky as the breeze picks up - and then having to explain to parents why the lesson had to end early.
You are not cleaning stalls and paddocks - no matter what the weather is. No matter what time it is. No matter how cold or hot or sick or achey you are.
You are not, as I am now, agonizing over a laminitic pony who has been doing so well for over a year and seemed to have gotten past it thanks to intense management and care… but something in the past week has changed and she is sore and unhappy no matter what you do… and you know this is not going to have a happy ending.
You can not diagnose a lameness. You cannot administer meds - especially IV. You would be clueless about what meds would be needed. Quick - take the vitals on a horse (temp, pulse, respiration, color, CPR, gut sounds etc.) without having to google how to do it.
Can you hook up a trailer in the dark? Can you back a trailer into a very tight space up at the emergency vet when anxiety and dread are overcoming you?
Any ideas about proper saddle fitting? How about confirmation (form to function)? Have you scribed for dressage judges? Attended lots of clinics - both as a rider and to audit?
A mare is foaling - and something is going wrong - if you wait for the vet to get there, it will be too late for the foal and maybe for the mare, as well. QUICK - what do you do??!! NOW!!! Can you fix it? You need to act - NOW! Two lives are depending on you. Every second counts. Make the right decision and DO IT!
Along those lines - can you correctly and safely handle and collect a stallion? At a breeding farm, you need to be able to do every single thing that comes along.
You can post your opinions on dressage on Dressage Hub (you do realize she does not think you are what you think you are, right?) - but that does not make you part of the industry. It makes you one of those people who comments on Facebook - that is all.
If you want to be part of the industry, it takes work. Damn hard work. Not blustering or bloviating or writing a book to complain that others have never recognized your greatness. Actual work. Hours in the saddle. Even more hours in the barn. Horse sense. Horsemanship. Claiming otherwise… is just deceit.
When you have done any of the above (and even more I did not mention) for over 30 years, in a variety of disciplines, at the National level as well as “just” out there in the pasture, get back to me about how you know all about “our industry”.
Sorry all - it has been a tougher week than usual. But that is often the case in “our” industry…
… and that laminitic pony needs my help and a dose of Banamine (actually, Prevail) * to help her out til the vet comes by.
*note to Nick - they are the same thing, just different brand names. Easier than saying flunixin meglumine.
Oh but Nick thought he was a food critic, so saying he is a chef is not much of a leap.
I would never suggest making another facebook account to view his dramatic flair.
I wonder just how many people he has blocked. I suspect the list is long and distinguished.
OMG, I read about this the other day. The chef doesn’t seem to think he is making something FOR someone… for about $1600 for the 6 people at the table. The blog writer’s original blog and follow-up were hilarious!