The Maestro has written another book

Jingling for the pony.

Giving thanks to all the barn owners, real professional people, those for what is described here is their daily life. They do it with shouting about it and asking for acclaim, they just know that all this is part of being a professional.

All that, and a drastic lack of talent and commitment is why I’m a happy amateur who pays others to do all the hard work for me, and while I will never progress.


@smoofox, I’m so sorry for your week and your day. Many jingles for the pony.

Nick would argue that Charlotte Dujardin also doesn’t do anything of what you mentioned. He’d argue that she just comes out of her palace in the sky to ride already tacked up horses and simply hands them off to a groom. She has nothing to do with fences and pastures. Heck, she just calls a vet if a horse colics and goes back to her castle in the sky. Makes the barn staff deal with it and stay late. In fact, Nick knows more about riding than Charlotte does as he loves to criticize her riding and training.

So, because Nick criticizes someone who is as unrecognized and such a failure of a rider and horsewoman as Charlotte, he is by default “in” the horse industry. Don’t you know?



So sorry about pony

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Thanks, all. I will mention that I am NOT the BO here… I just run the place.

Most of the best riders in the industry start from the bottom up. Charlotte did not always ride the top horses.

An example of a true professional IMO…

At one National show years ago, the BNT I was working with/for had had a monumental meltdown the previous evening due to missing a class with a client’s horse. That was all our (the grooms) fault, of course… even though the BNT had not entered said horse and screwed up the entries. We found that out at the in gate. BNT was furious. This was easily a top 5 horse.

Anyway, it was the next morning and we were cleaning stalls. A groom for another BNT from the next aisle over met us at the dumpster and said she was so sorry for us - the entire barn had heard our BNT yelling and cursing. Suddenly, her BNT shows up… dirty and sweaty and pushing a wheelbarrow and mucking out alongside his staff. THAT was a true professional. Not the BNT we worked for who would show up in time for the first class of the day. Nope. This guy was not too big or too important or too grand to still do the dirty work and be an actual part of the team. Much respect for that man.


Yep, most BNTs are so unconnected with their horses. Just like Nick. /s

But Nick never talks about the horse, only what is “owed” to him by the horse and the industry.

I hope your pony is OK, actual horsewoman. Nick should do clinics with you. Actually, most people should do clinics with you. I learned last spring how how to fix wood fences and hotwire. I walked 17 acres of fence to examine and fix nails. I so appreciated it. I learned how to fix hotwire. I so loved it.


But Nick is a chef! #minutericerisotto


Maybe he’ll start serving his Minute Rice risotto in a plaster cast of his mouth.


He’s also a bedazzler. #dotsoncanvas


Ewwwwwwww!!! Would it be served with the audio of hs last dramatic reading? Ewwwwwwww!

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If his mouth is full of plaster of Paris, he can’t talk…


Jingles for your pony.:kissing_heart:


Reminds me of those ads in the back of comic books when I was young advertising the machine that you could use to add rhinestones and little metal studs to your jackets, jeans, skirts, etc.

Do you remember Margie and Gandalf Products? I could have sworn that was a Gandalf ad.

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I forgot about bedazzling. Those were interesting days…

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In all fairness, for a book that does not show up on the search function, that would be quite the achievements.
I wonder how many are actually sold…vs dammit, I have to print them now or lose my option…
or whatever his platform dictates.

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Waiting patiently (in my bathrobe) for your opinion/review. Now be honest…

I finally listened to the selfie set to music. Very bizarre. He doesn’t do himself any favors does he, bless his heart.


This is a valid point, not only the lack of the book showing up on the search function but 300 copies being a good number because of that.

It is hard to find that book on Amazon. Search for it by title and author and it is still a long scroll to find it.

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He’s now offering autographed copies, so he may have purchased a bunch himself to have on hand for any “fans” who want a signed copy.


Did he really say that? Oh dear.

I’d guess that when you self publish a book you can buy some copies at cost and perhaps get some freebees.


and he might feel he has 300 friends and family…

seems you read that restaurant review?

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