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The Maestro has written another book

And whoever the Reader is MUST read with punctuation and spelling errors intact. :smiley:


Here’s a link to the print on demand specifics.

Oh, well, that’s a given! It will add to the dropping of jaws.


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So, it costs $0.85 to print?
Does Amazon take a cut of the profit ($19)?

I for one would be willing to take legal action if he mentioned me. Given it was his first public encounter I know of, I doubt he remembers it, but I still have the threats he made to me saved…


If someone did decide to read the book to us, just put it on youtube and make the channel private. People would have to get a link from the person to be able to watch it and Nick would never know about it.


Google Meet, or what the ZOOM alternative is?

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That person reviewed the first book too. One star (there is no zero star option). Their first review was removed so they posted again. This time, it stayed. Never would have guessed the person was a horse person from the first review.

Anyway, both reviews were excellent. If you are on COTH, thanks for doing the reviews.


I agree that we all probably know exactly what will be said in this book, but I am very curious about what is said in the “forward” (if it was even written by a different person).

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He’s got screen shots in the book, he names names. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


Yes that is the reason I copied it here


Real names or screen names?


Um, Amazon, how is that not defamation?

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If they are screen shots of actual posts or conversations, it’s not defamation

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Did Amazon take it down already?

no it’s still there


I’d assume that they do take a cut - there is the shipping cost in there that amazon is not going to eat for the seller, plus if the POD books work anything like the other items on Amazon, there is going to be a commission owed to Amazon. I’d expect that NP would see somewhere in the neighborhood of $10 of every $20 book he sells. If he manages to sell $600 (gross, not net, so 30 books at $20 per) worth of books this year, he’ll get a 1099 so he will have to pay taxes on the money as well.

ETA - I just read through the link provided and it looks like his print cost would be about $3.20 per copy - it is a flat $0.85 plus .012 per page so (196*.012)+.85=$3.202 rounds to $3.20 and he’ll get 60% of the sale price less the printing cost - so this looks to be his final profit on it:

(20*.60)-3.2 = $8.80


Well, the interpretation relies on context… One he’s probably supplying?
Otherwise, is he offering links to where these come from for the full context to be accurate and free of his, as the books author, bias?

Don’t know. All he said was that people would be buying the book to see if their names were in it.

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I suspect more Minute Rice.