Tye dye equines

OK ladies I am here and am willing to take my punishment for what I did . I bought that horse from TDE. As you all can see there are several conflicting stories and Reg?s I changed his name hoping he would never again be connected with Freelance the Canadian WB, and Tye Dye Equines. I knew this would all start as soon as I saw that original picture of that poor baby in the barb wire paddock. So I removed him from my own site. He is currently a very solid 4th level, and is showing so much ability for the upper levels, he is a special horse. I hope he has a Cinderella story to tell someday. I am sorry for any misrepresentation on my part. And I am in no way connected to TDE[/QUOTE]

Just… Wow !! :eek:
TDE was honest about the horses pedigree.
YOU are the one that created a pedigree naming a sire and dam that did not produce this stallion , ie LIED about the lineage of a stallion at stud! :eek:
I hope for your sake that he did not breed many mares.

Do you really not realize the gravity of what you’ve done?:confused:

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If Sport Horses R Us - Allie Helinski is so causal about lying about her stallion - I wonder what other horses she has lied about?

You know, selling horse as one thing, when it is really another is a crime?

For some reason - I am betting this is NOT Allie’s first “fib”


Looks like she sold this one in foal to the stallion - Wonder if the buyer knows that the stud is a draft cross, and not what Allie made up?

Sport Horses R Us and Allie Helinski might as well hang it up now and get out of horses completely, because she is totally and forever busted and shown herself (by her very own post here) to be a liar and willing to defraud the public.

When will people realize that the internet will expose you every time?

Just… Wow !! :eek:
TDE was honest about the horses pedigree.
YOU are the one that created a pedigree naming a sire and dam that did not produce this stallion , ie LIED about the lineage of a stallion at stud! :eek:
I hope for your sake that he did not breed many mares.

Do you really not realize the gravity of what you’ve done?:confused:[/QUOTE]

No she was NOT. She had him listed as a Canadian Warmblood and when she was questioned about it, she said he is a warmblood because he is a draft cross and a Canadian because he was born there. No, she did not represent him accurately at all. She also said the foals were WB’s.

No she was NOT. She had him listed as a Canadian Warmblood and when she was questioned about it, she said he is a warmblood because he is a draft cross and a Canadian because he was born there. No, she did not represent him accurately at all. She also said the foals were WB’s.[/QUOTE]

I stand corrected.
However, she was honest about his parentage and did not create a false pedigree , Sporthorsesrus did!

Sport Horses R Us and Allie Helinski might as well hang it up now and get out of horses completely, because she is totally and forever busted and shown herself (by her very own post here) to be a liar and willing to defraud the public.

When will people realize that the internet will expose you every time?[/QUOTE] I tend to agree with Sonesta here…

[QUOTE=S A McKee;6475607]
What an odd statement.
You seem to think that OTTB is a separate breed?
Or do you think that TB’s should not be allowed to breed?
You do know if an OTTB or TB is approved by a registry the offspring are eligible to be registered as Warmblood’s. Or maybe you don’t know that?[/QUOTE]

McKee, you have to be the most consistent and persistent troll that is still not banned from COTH. Good job!!!

I really know the answer to that question. Not only that but I am an advocate of Tb’s in Wb breeding.

However my Dear Anchovy, to be a Wb eligible stallion that has breeding rights with any of the registries, ANY stallion has to have licence/approval, whether through sport or testing. Now pay attention to this part, my fishy friend, a 3 year old, poor little Tb stallion, in her questionable pasture, is not licensed with any Wb registry and any foals are therefore not eligible either. Her idea that a WB is any hot and cold mix, is not the same definition that the registries use. I am guessing by your statement, out of the two of us, it wasn’t me that didn’t know.
I have no issue with using Tb’s in breeding, in fact it is totally necessary and if you don’t mind getting your lips chapped, you can read through some threads where I have said this. I love Tb mares and one of my mares is from a OTTB, who was inspected and approved by the Trak registry.
BTW McKee- you picked a great group to defend. Awesome, you found a place to grab your next WB from, since I know you are such a fan.

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Sport Horses R Us and Allie Helinski might as well hang it up now and get out of horses completely, because she is totally and forever busted and shown herself (by her very own post here) to be a liar and willing to defraud the public.

When will people realize that the internet will expose you every time?[/QUOTE]

She may have no choice. A defrauded mare owner may end up owning the farm…

McKee, you have to be the most consistent and persistent troll that is still not banned from COTH. Good job!!!

I really know the answer to that question. Not only that but I am an advocate of Tb’s in Wb breeding.

However my Dear Anchovy, to be a Wb eligible stallion that has breeding rights with any of the registries, ANY stallion has to have licence/approval, whether through sport or testing. Now pay attention to this part, my fishy friend, a 3 year old, poor little Tb stallion, in her questionable pasture, is not licensed with any Wb registry and any foals are therefore not eligible either. Her idea that a WB is any hot and cold mix, is not the same definition that the registries use. I am guessing by your statement, out of the two of us, it wasn’t me that didn’t know.
I have no issue with using Tb’s in breeding, in fact it is totally necessary and if you don’t mind getting your lips chapped, you can read through some threads where I have said this. I love Tb mares and one of my mares is from a OTTB, who was inspected and approved by the Trak registry.
BTW McKee- you picked a great group to defend. Awesome, you found a place to grab your next WB from, since I know you are such a fan.[/QUOTE]

You really have trouble with reading comprehension don’t you?
I certainly didn’t defend the parties involved in this thread but as usual you jump to conclusion my little challenged friend.
Well bless your heart get glasses or learn to read. LOL
But you didn’t answer the question now did you?
From your reference to OTTB as a separate breed you need to get up to speed quickly.
THE BREED IS TB NOT OTTB. Clear enough for you?
( I typed in caps so you’d be able to read it )

[QUOTE=S A McKee;6476758]
You really have trouble with reading comprehension don’t you?
I certainly didn’t defend the parties involved in this thread but as usual you jump to conclusion my little challenged friend.
Well bless your heart get glasses or learn to read. LOL
But you didn’t answer the question now did you?
From your reference to OTTB as a separate breed you need to get up to speed quickly.
THE BREED IS TB NOT OTTB. Clear enough for you?
( I typed in caps so you’d be able to read it )[/QUOTE]

I actually saw the site. It was an OTTB. Who is obviously not eligible for Wb breeding. I did not suggest it was another breed, you did in your trolling efforts. Why is wrong to refer to a Tb as a OTTB? When it comes off the track… I’ve got glasses, your turn to grab some manners. Why don’t you speak up when you actually have a point to make instead of misreading everything and then starting a pointless debate. What is your point on this subject besides me referring to a Tb as a OTTB? hmmm

As far as many of the other statements, well, they are personal opinions. I do not think, personally, that it is good breeding practices to allow stallions that are not tested, have an inadequate pedigree (draft cross or ottb) to breed mares by accident or otherwise. Then advertise them as Wb’s when they are absolutely not eligible for inspection.

the original quote. She used a draft cross and a OTTB as stallions. Both of those horses (and she had the Tb’s pedigree listed) were not going to be eligible based on their pedigree. Tb’s, including OTTB are approved for Wb breeding. But not this one.

OT is an adjective…wink

[QUOTE=S A McKee;6476758]
You really have trouble with reading comprehension don’t you?
I certainly didn’t defend the parties involved in this thread but as usual you jump to conclusion my little challenged friend.
Well bless your heart get glasses or learn to read. LOL
But you didn’t answer the question now did you?
From your reference to OTTB as a separate breed you need to get up to speed quickly.
THE BREED IS TB NOT OTTB. Clear enough for you?
( I typed in caps so you’d be able to read it )[/QUOTE]

I would dare to say that this is TOTALLY off topic.

The horse in question was a young, scrawny, neglected, poorly conformed TB off the track. I think it is safe to say he had a ZERO percent chance of ever being approved by any WB registry.

Yes, there are many nice TBs - Yes, OTTB is not a breed, I don’t think any one thinks that. But there ARE purpose bred TBs… and this wasn’t one of them. This horse was a reject in every form.

Tye Dye was very excited to see what he produced … and later redracted, and said it was an “opps baby” and that his nuts had been chopped.

BACK to topic at hand…

I think Sporthorses threw her friend under the bus … but it’s too late now, cause the COTH bus ran over both of them.

I think Sporthorses threw her friend under the bus … [/QUOTE]

Yeah, I had the same thought. Deflect, deflect, deflect.

Just started reading this thread today…back and forth all day between rides & cooling off…
Tye Dye is a graduate of Animal Sciences at WSU?? at least that is what I come up with in my quick Googling…Hoping some one with education would know what a heatlthy living situation & healthy animal looks like. Though I admit all photos have been done since I started reading.

So far as SRU having no relation with TDE…they are Facebook friends…

Did the lawyer you contacted to sue us all write that for you? Regardless, I am glad you took my advice and stopped digging.[/QUOTE]

If so, she needs a better lawyer. One who would advise her against admitting to fraud on a public BB…

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If Sport Horses R Us - Allie Helinski is so causal about lying about her stallion - I wonder what other horses she has lied about?

You know, selling horse as one thing, when it is really another is a crime?

For some reason - I am betting this is NOT Allie’s first “fib”


Looks like she sold this one in foal to the stallion - Wonder if the buyer knows that the stud is a draft cross, and not what Allie made up?[/QUOTE]

Why would the buyer know that the stud is a draft cross and not a RPSI registered warmblood? The add specifically says that the Clyde mare is in foal to a RPSI warmblood with a link to his now nonexistant web page that stated that he was an imported Polish Warmblood.

I’d be so PO’d to find out that I bought a draft mare in foal to an imported WB and it turned out that my fancy half WB, half Clyde foal is actually a 3/4 draft, 1/4 paint with no papers and a fake pedigree… :mad:

Dang shame for the horse to be associated with these two yahoos. He needs brain surgery, but he’s a cute little guy.

Wow. What a thread I started! I was merely asking whether anyone knew anything about TDE! I went away for a couple of days and now we have falsified pedigrees and all sorts of stuff! TDE is clearly unaware of how little she seems to know. She obviously has no idea what the definition of a warmblood is (she told me in an email that whether a horse is called a sporthorse or a warmblood, "the distinction doesn’t matter to me ") and how the registries work. She apparently thinks that you “join” (ie write a check ) and your horse, no matter how poorly bred, gets approved. Otherwise she wouldn’t be claiming that her “canadian wb” foals are eligible for all the registries. Either she is totally clueless, which I would like to believe, or she is also, like her friend, knowingly committing fraud. If that’s the case, shouldn’t they both ( at least allie, who publically admitted it!) be reported to the authorities before they defraud anyone else? Last I heard, fraud is a criminal action.

Ps By tde’s definition, I guess I could go to my local dog shelter, take any mutt there, train it to bring back ducks and advertise it as a Laborador Retriever, since, well, it’s a dog, and it retrieves stuff and it kind of looks like one. When questioned I could say, well ok, it’s a hunting dog, what’s the difference? It absolutely amazes me that someone could be so completely clueless!

If that’s the case, shouldn’t they both ( at least allie, who publically admitted it!) be reported to the authorities before they defraud anyone else? Last I heard, fraud is a criminal action.[/QUOTE]

I’m not sure what authorities you think any of us could report this to…

However, a person who has bred their mare to this stallion, believing it was a Polish warmblood, with that (false) pedigree, would be able to take civil action. :cool: