Tye dye equines

I don’t know. Aren’t there fines for defrauding the public? If any of the horses were sold across state lines the dept of interstate commerce might be interested. Or perhaps the breed registries should be made aware that someone is trying to falsely represent their horses as being registered. I’m glad people can find things on the forum, but not everyone reads it.

The trick is to find out who (if anyone) has fallen for the B.S. and bred or purchased a horse from either one of them. Is that possible? God, I’d like to think the websites are just Sim Stables. Why does this shock me every single time? I can’t get my brain around this kind of horse person (people).

Ps By tde’s definition, I guess I could go to my local dog shelter, take any mutt there, train it to bring back ducks and advertise it as a Laborador Retriever[/QUOTE]

No - you could only do that if you went to Labrador in Canada and got it at a dog shelter there.

On the other hand, if you were able to teach a dog from Nova Scotia how to ring bells and retrieve ducks, you could advertise it as a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever! (Or would it have to ring the ducks? I’m a little shady on that point). :smiley:

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It has to ring the ducks, then bring them back to the handler.

No - you could only do that if you went to Labrador in Canada and got it at a dog shelter there.

On the other hand, if you were able to teach a dog from Nova Scotia how to ring bells and retrieve ducks, you could advertise it as a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever! (Or would it have to ring the ducks? I’m a little shady on that point). :D[/QUOTE]

I think you have to import a duck that will retrieve while ringing a bell… and I’m as up-to-date on this as I am on my Polish Imports. :lol: Oh wait, that would be a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling A Retriever


But what about my English Lab? Was she imported from the UK through Labrador? And she never could toll a duck…btw, how do you toll a duck? (ETA my bitch’s grandsire went BOB at Westminister, so he and she did have papers in their “registry.”)

Good investigative work, guys! Truth is a defense to libel. I see that the houseguests have arrived.


I don’t think these a registry for that. Oh, wait, let’s just invent one! No one will bother to look, and if we get caught, well just say its a hunting dog. What’s the difference anyway?

What’s a houseguest?

Regarding “houseguests” see:



Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, :lol:

So the dog takes money from ducks if they use Confederation Bridge?
That is just silly. Ducks have no pockets to carry change.

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That is just silly. Ducks have no pockets to carry change.[/QUOTE]

They don’t carry change. They only carry bills. Didn’t you study duckology in school? :smiley:


They don’t carry change. They only carry bills. [/QUOTE]

GROAN!!! (My uncle would have loved you Jos…that line is what my cousins termed “a daddy joke”. I miss him, and his puns)

Perhaps they learned something…

Saw an ad of theirs on dream horse for a TB mare in foal to Draft paint cross

She took down most of her website. Perhaps she did.

Maybe this was a CTJ moment, or she’s going to come up with yet a new persona.

Maybe this was a CTJ moment, or she’s going to come up with yet a new persona.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I’m betting on the latter option.

You guys are so cynical. TDE just graduated from college. She’s a kid who seems to think people are as clueless as she is. Maybe she has learned that there’s a lot more to becoming a breeder that getting some random horses and pasture breeding them and calling them warmbloods. I still don’t think she has any idea of what it takes, but hopefully she has some idea of how much she has to learn. I’m still concerned that she places her ambitions above her horses’ welfare ( she said in an email that she didn’t want to wait 3 or 4 years to be able to afford proper fencing-even though she informs me that she has 50 k to invest in her business-because she has “dreams and ambitions” that cant wait). I think she needs to sort out her priorities because people will catch on
Pretty fast.

I’ve been on COTH for a long time and I didn’t know what a “houseguest” was. I went to the link provided, then that mentioned the Alisija Zabavska Granger thread.

WOW! I was up quite late last night/very early a.m. reading that and only got up to page 50! I don’t know how I missed that tragedy.

Us? Cynical?:confused: No way! We are all sweet and nice and vying for the title of Coth Miss(Ms. or Mrs.) Congeniality for 2012. No one has ever lied to us online or lied about their horses or expertise, etc. We believe everything we read and forgive those who have trespassed…those who survive our target practice, that is.