Warning...my experience with Airdance Farm and Lisa Dunckley


We already had a standing date for a pre-trial, and in open court, in the presence of her attorney (who was “making a limited appearance” e.g. not been paid retainer as of that day) she denied responsibility of the starvation and euthanizing of Alberich.

She continues to not disclose the whereabouts of Joyride and so my attorneys and I are submitting a motion for exparte relief and injunction so we may have a veterinarian independently evaluate the condition of Joyride.

Yes, law enforcement, animal control are heavily involved with the case and I am working directly with them. I will try to post the official reports as I get them.

Update 12/18:

In order to help facilitate the identification and removal of the horses a form has been created here:

As I’m getting numerous contacts each day, over whereabouts of individual horses, if you or or your contacts have horses with her, please fill out this form and submit.

The information is being directly relayed to law enforcement.

Lisa still has not submitted location of Joyride or submitted to a vet eval. An owner was able to remove her one horse successfully today, who is approximately 120 days in foal to Alberich. Which was undisclosed to her owner at the time.

Over the coming days we will work more towards the goal of zeroing out her herd, but for today, one is better than none.

I cannot express how many people have personally messaged, expressed condolences or just reached out. I’m overwhelmed and I cannot appreciate the kindness that everyone has given during this unimaginable time.

I have no words for what happened, and I am certain that many can relate to the emotional whiplash of grief that comes in waves. The reality is my friend is dead. I cannot undo what is done. My focus is on the other 80 horses in her possession, going forward with my civil case and criminal prosecution, ensuring that the enablers of this abuse are also known and then addressing the larger issues at hand.

But for now, I am asking for your help to identify what is in her herd. Please pass the form, and please keep vigilant.


If anyone on this thread knows how to reach Ruth McKinney, who posted above back in 2013 re her experience with Lisa, please let me know. From what she wrote in “chapter 1” I believe I may be able to share with her the story of one of her horses that she lost after sending to Lisa. I believe I may have ended up with one of them - completely unaware of what Lisa had done. The horse has since died of colic, but I would like to talk to Ruth to find out if this was indeed her horse, and let her know how much we, and especially my daughter, loved that mare.


I called animal control so many times over the years… seems like no law people ever wanted to get involved. That photo was the most heartbreaking thing I have ever seen. It amazes me that this has been going on for 12 or more years.

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I sent my judgement to 3 different collection agencies. None could collect.

I haven’t spoken to Ruth in years. I remember when she told me about Lisa selling her horses. I have some contact information for her, but I don’t know if it is valid anymore.

Hi Clint - is there a way I could get that contact info from you? I did not see an option to PM you when I clicked on your name.

And for what it’s worth, I’ve seen Dana Estes and Sandy Boling mentioned in this thread. I believe Dana still does business partnerships with Lisa (she is pictured on a horse that Lisa has listed on Bay Area Sport Horse and on Dreamhorse) but I know Sandy and I know she no longer has anything to do with Lisa.

Is there any way to get this thread moved to Off Course or somewhere where it will be viewed more often? As to the pinto horse that is being marketed, I know that he had a bad suspensory tear with his previous owner.


In conjunction with animal control, Oakdale Equine Rescue took a large number of horses on Sunday from a property in Riverbank, CA. I’m being told it was Lisa Dunckley’s place, though I have no direct knowledge of it.


Yes, the seizure was most definitely Lisa Dunckley’s horses. Donations can be made to Oakdale Equine Rescue - they are overwhelmed.


Hi All,
I apologize for the lack up updates from me the last few days have been exceptionally active with the case, and getting the majority of the horses settled with Oakdale Equine Rescue.

30 of the 80 were seized this week. Another one was euthanized, 13-15 more are below body scores of 2. The majority of the mares are either in foal and nursing or in foal.

Efforts are currently ongoing and fundraising is well underway with both OER and the GoFundMe pages.

I cannot express how bad this situation is, and on equal measure, how deeply appreciative of the community has risen to the challenge of addressing the issue at hand.


Update 1/11/2021:

We had another pretrial hearing today where our motion to disclose Joyride’s location and have an independent vet evaluation in addition to setting trial dates.

The motion was passed and Dunckley now has five business days to comply with the court’s order on filing.

Additionally last Friday she has had another four horses seized from her possession. Making the total now 34 and counting.

She continues to move horses daily to different properties to elude authorities.

Oakdale Equine Rescue continues to go through each members of the herd thoroughly, updating all shots, dental, coggins and checking for pregnancies (and there’s a lot of them). The good work is costing an upwards of 22,000.

The GoFundMe is now at just northward of 10,000 I know after the holiday everyone is buckling down but even if you have a spare 10 please don’t hesitate to contribute.


The mares in foal are such a concern. God bless Oakdale for stepping in now, and helping coordinate veterinary care and appropriate feeding for some of them now. That is NOT cheap… and as these mares approach their foaling date, this will become an incredibly labor intensive situation for the rescue.

What a MESS.

What does she think she has to gain by continuing to hide the stallion?

And who are these people who are abetting her by giving her locations to move the horses to and hide them? Wouldn’t they at least do a quick google before making their farms available to her?

Can you post the GoFund me? I believe COTH would allow it, it is for a charity.


She is going under multiple aliases so they cannot run a background on her. Frequently they’re not people within the equine community (where Alberich was put down was owned by a pig farmer).

As for what she’ll gain, I think that’s worthy of a PhD dissertation.


Alternatively, if GoFundMe is not your preferred campaign platform please know about these alternatives as well:

And you may also donate through:

Venmo: @OERhorses

Website: oakdaleequinerescue.org and look for the donate button.

Sweet River Equine Hospital at 209 551 2020. OER has an account set up with them for immediate donation. You may contact them to also sponsor a horse.

Oakdale Feed cash on the account.

Send your donation check to our mailing address at PO Box 1980, Oakdale, CA 9536


What’s amazing to me is that on FB we have 8 mutual friends. 8 people I know in the Bay Area are friends with her and either don’t know or don’t care about this! Perhaps they “friended” her before all this came out, but… hm.

I have 102 mutual friends with her! I imagine most of not all have no idea who she is or the atrocities she has committed.