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Way off course- NYC


they are hinting that it is terrorists.

I would imagine that we’ll see his groupies dancing around on the TV screen tonight.

My heart and prayers go out to every emergency service person in NY today. Being a 911 dispatcher/firefighter/MRT here in CT, I can just imagine the horrers and pain they are dealing with today.

Can you believe we now live in an era where we can say to each other “where were you when the United States was attacked”?

Mall & White house are fine. It is just the pentagon (so far).

“No One Trains For Second

and the tears are just streaming down my face as they play it.

All local hospitals, firecompanies and police on alert. Just heard that from one of my coworkers.

This is surely the saddest day in the USA and world for that matter, in a long, long time.


The southern tower has completely collapsed!!!

Both of my parents are gone now but I now have a better idea of how they felt, at the youthful age of 21 sitting around the radio that Sunday in December of 1941. I wish I could just tell them now that I understand.
My thoughts and prayers are with all of those who may be in the path of this attack. I’d like to offer a prayer to the American pilots who had the horrific duty to shoot down a US civilian airliner.
I have many family members and friends in NYC and I’m praying for them, my cyber-friends and those I’ve never met.

God give peaceful rest to the victims of these frightful events.

Right before the pentagon crash there was a warning to joint chief of staff that a 3rd airplane was on it’s way to DC. I can’t believe all those poor people traveling on the planes! This is horrible!

“No One Trains For Second

It is SO scary, since so many of my friends parents work in NY. We were in Geometry & a senior came in & said that the World Trade Centers had collapsed & there was an assembly. The high school ended up spending the morning watching TV & crying. Everyone was so scared. My friend’s dad was supposed to work in the World Trade Center today but he missed the train this morning. Thank god. I hope everyone of you is ok, it is such a scary thing. I just hope this all ends soon, it’s awfull. Some of my really close friends live in NY & I haven’t heard from them all day. People were leaving school in groups, no one wanted to stay, everyone was so upset.
Its so scary how something like this could happen so suddenly, & change everything. I just hope this doesn’t become a war. Finally my life was so perfect, & now in one instant, its all come crashing down

~Hooligan~Think Big~Just Ben Spotted~Proud Blue~Parker~
My Album

There is no way the other nations would not support a massive hunt for the group responsible for this.

I first heard about this in math class this morning. Before the teacher arrives, one of my friends comes in, sits down and says lightly, “Hey y’all, I just heard that this airplane crashed through one of the world trade towers!” So of course, we were like “yeah right.”

Half an hour later, we’re all clustered around tables in the cafeteria. The teachers rolled in four TV’s and we’re just watching, dumbfounded, as everything unfolds. My school is kindergarten through seniors and they had to take the younger kids away when it started getting really bad. Some people were crying, some people were screaming, almost everyone was praying (Christian school…)

We seriously sat there watching until it was nearly time to go home. We brought our work into the caf with us (hardly anyone could take their eyes off the TVs enough to accomplish anything) and ate lunch there. The teachers wanted to watch and make sure that school wasn’t closing or anything (all the colleges did, but not the regular schools schools), and they had to keep an eye on everyone so that’s all we did today. About an hour into the whole mess I had a feeling that there would be some major posts on this on COTH. It didn’t even hit me that a lot of COTH people live near the area. I’m glad it didn’t or I would have freaked… I hope y’all are okay.

My aunt and uncle live in NYC and my aunt was across the street when this happened. Luckily, she’s fine.

I only read the first and last page of this topic so far, but anyone else have some major school chaos? As mentioned, I go to a Christian school and all the elementary and middle school kids were convinced that this meant the world was ending (um, God was coming); as they’d been taught for so long there’s supposed to be a huge war and a lot of other bad stuff happen before The Big Day. Perhaps I was the only one who had to face THAT problem- we had to have the principal, vice principal and football coach come in to get everyone under control! Kids jumping around, shrieking “I’M NOT READY FOR THIS!!!” and similar statements… not pretty.

So yeah. I think everyone was affected by this today. I’m just so shocked, and also amazed. This is history book stuff we’re living.

But I wish it never happened!

PS: Anyone else outraged by the people dancing in the streets CELEBRATING this? Every one of them deserves to die…

See What Mood I’m In at iMood.com!
My parents keep asking how school was. It’s like saying, “How was that drive-by shooting?” You don’t care how it was, you’re lucky to get out alive.

she works in downtown NYC. Please???

From what you’ve said, I’m pretty sure that you are quite close to Dayton, Ohio. Do you have any updates about WPAFB, home of the AF Medical base. TT my Dad and he said the F-16 traffic in the area is quite heavy. Any idears?

If Bush spent any time at Offut, you know that the Strategic Air Command is there, he will get a full menu of options from the AF. Not to mention that Daddy Bush was the top G-man at the CIA for a bunch of years before hooking up with Reagan and becoming VP.

which is located in southwestern PA, probably an hr or less from Pittsburgh PA. They do NOT know if it related or not.

That’s right around the corner from my hometown.


A friend of mine works for Morgan Stanley/Dean Witter in San Francisco. The headquarters for MSDW is the largest tenant in the WTC.

She is devastated, she had to listen to the “hoot” (a “hoot” is an interoffice telecom system that is set up amongst various locations) as they evacuated her department in NY. One guy she personally knows kept updating everyone over the hoot as he spent 10 minutes after he was supposed to leave looking for the “Disaster Plan” – she doesn’t think he made it out.

Only one person in her NY department has been confirmed as OK – all others are unknown.

Yeah I heard someone call in on the news and mentioned it was Palestinian attack.

* Fiero *

I have to admit to all of you that when I watched the first tower collapse live before my eyes, i wept. I wept openly and loudly (praying to God to make this all not real). And as I wept I was for a brief awful moment, overjoyed that after 5 years in the business (tv news, read my above post)…after 5 years of being subjected to murders, disasters and incalcuable loss of life and having become the cynical, jaded, bitter, 25 year old that i am…that I was still able to be so moved, so saddened by an event that it made cry. It meant that I hadn’t completely become the cold heartless person that the news business turns most of us into. Lately I have felt just that way. jaded, and indifferent to the constant loss of life I am surrounded by. I am ashamed to say I was happy I could cry and feel overwhelming saddness.

Am I wrong?

Check out the news! A world trade tower just got hit by a plane!

(back to work now)