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Way off course- NYC

Here in Cleveland, they are evacuating the city and the airport. There is a plane on the runway that might have a bomb on it and there is one in the air that was headed here but is now over Toledo airspace and they are hearing screaming in the background. This is hitting close to home here.

Prayers for everyone…

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Worthy:Actually, come to think of it, I feel like hugging everybody I know. Including the mailman.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Listening to the President speaking…

“Apparent Terrorist Attack on the City”

I was crying on my way to work.

5 months down…6 to go
(OMG, I totally missed month 4!!)

Helter Skelter!!!

Please keep safe and please, when you can, check into the BB.

This is so shockingly horrific.

>> Can you believe we now live in an era where we can say to each other “where were you when the United States was attacked”? <<

Two words: Pearl Harbor

There is a fire on the Mall, according to CNN.

and my brother is HOME! However he was in NYC yesterday and the rest of his crew and their plane are there right now So thankfully he is ok.

My folks still live about 15 miles from O’hare airport and are right now throwing stuff in the car to come stay with me. Dad was a commercial pilot for United for 35 years. He is VERY worried right now and that, more than anyting else, worries me!

Be strong everyone! I’m going to go hug my four legged kids… checking back in a bit.


I heard it was an American Airlines 757 that hit the Pentagon – apparently it crashed into the heli-pad.

Thank you Fleetie for expressing it so eloquently.

My thoughts and prayers are going out to everyone touched by this horrific tragedy.


Will this ever end?!

“No One Trains For Second

I almost think if the pilots had still been in control of the airplanes in NYC they would have put them down in the water.

But again HOW ON EARTH WOULD I KNOW??? Pure speculation. I guess that is what we need to do with our minds in the midst of all of this maddness.

“The older I get, the better I used to be.”

NBC has just reported that at capacity, there are 50,000 people who work in the two WTC towers. I can’t fathom this.

Thank god AHC is safe - I’ll continue to pray for the others in NYC.

Anyone heard yet from Moesha?

All of my friends who went away to NYU for their first year of college…look what they get to deal with…

This is ridiculous–everyone who got to watch tv in school is lucky–we had to leave our tvs off all day. The only reason the whole school found out was that one teacher flipped on CNN to check between class periods and saw the second plane hit.

Not to mention how many people who were called to the office because their parents wanted to bring them home–my mother included–which completely terrified me [my dad is a pilot and I had gotten no news on him all day] and I nearly lost it walking downstairs. All in all, an ugly day in Pittsburgh. In fact, downtown was evacuated/cleared, but our school still remained open?

Anyway, let’s hope and pray that this insanity ends quickly.


unconfirmed - plane crash in pittsburg.

building 7 collapsed and apparently the Mariot is looking pretty bad and will probably be next to go.

Also, Barbara Olsen phoned her husband from one of the planes (I think the first one) and said that they hijackers were armed with knives and box cutters. Everyone including the pilots were piled into the back of the plane as they took over; meaning the hijackers had the knowledge to fly a commercial plane which I can imagine isn’t an easy task.

Just saw on tv 200 firefighters are dead and over 78 police men are missing.

Prayers to them and their family

The Pentagon is in Arlington Virginia. Just on the West side of the Potomac.

–My most accommodating strength is my willingness to humiliate myself

My husband and I have recently been seriously contemplating a job offer from MSDW’s New York office - they have, in fact, been trying to recruit him for four years. Needless to say, when we spoke on the phone this afternoon, we both uttered simultaneously, “thank god we didn’t move to New York”.

I cannot imagine the terror that many have experienced and continue to experience there.

What an unbelievably horrific day of such untold human suffering.

…the flight that hit one of the towers was a 767 AA flight 11. They were hijacked from Boston and were supposed to be going to LA.
All planes are being rerouted to Canada. The FAA has declared a state of emergency as well.
I am thinking of all of those people and their families.

No, jennasis, you are not wrong. It is awful to feel frozen inside.