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Way off course- NYC

I can see it out my bosses office window! Looks like both towers were hit near the top floors. There’s fire and tons of smoke…

Bin Laden? Seems to be his kind of work. About 3 weeks ago he made threats that an attack of unparalleled precedence would be made. He should have been hunted down and shot years ago

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Worthy:
Actually, come to think of it, I feel like hugging everybody I know. Including the mailman.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I just came home from the barn and ‘my’ firemen were out washing their trucks. I stopped to say thanks. I get the feeling I wasn’t the first.

This is unbelievable…I’m trying to type and my hands are just shaking! WHY!!!

Please be careful sweety…
My prayers are with all you Clevelanders. I’m up at the University north of Charlotte. I do feel like going to Cherryville where my barn is.
I’m so afraid for downtown Charlotteans.

Ride it Like You Stole It…

They are showing the Pentagon w/smoke billowing out! I am scared now not just shocked. A bomb was set off by the heliopad. This is getting to be too much! Everyone becareful!!!

“No One Trains For Second

Let us pray that our leaders are just in their retaliation and act with more wisdom than we give them credit for…I hope and I pray that they do NOT start WWWIII, no matter what the temptation.
I have little faith in our leader, and I PRAY with all my might that his actions regarding this incident will not lead to the end of humanity.

Ride it Like You Stole It…

Moesha works at the World Bank in DC and my aunt works for the FBI/CIA…pray guys!!!

Talk about heebie jeebies. All night long at work I was on edge, something just didn’t seem right (I’m a 911 dispatcher). I couldn’t sit still and felt very out of sorts. It was so bad that when I finally did get out of work I drove straight to the barn and just hung out with my horse for awhile. Right after Iwalked in the door from the barn my husband called and told me that two planes had just crashed into the WTC.Strange huh?

OH GOD!!! I can’t even think of words anymore…

I, too, considered that the pilot may have crashed the plane himself. If so, he is quite the hero. There is another possibility, however…we may have shot it down ourselves if it was known to be hijacked and on course of major distruction. I hate that thought, but it’s a very real possibility. The other unaccounted for hijacked planes will likely meet the same fate.

Rebecca www.sonestafarms.com
“Find something you love & call it work.”

All the innocent lives lost…and for what???

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by AHC ownerofspottedhorse:
jtm, someone posted earlier today that slugger was fine.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thank you. I have been worried sick about her all day, and just got home from school so haven’t read the other posts.

~To the world you are just one person to but to one person you may be the world~

I just heard of a 4th plane thats been hijacked…OMG…

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Anyway, let’s hope and pray that this insanity ends quickly. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

From what I hear, America may never be quite the same again.

See What Mood I’m In at iMood.com!
My parents keep asking how school was. It’s like saying, “How was that drive-by shooting?” You don’t care how it was, you’re lucky to get out alive.

There may be another hijacked plane coming into DC (from AP reports on C-SPAN)

* Fiero *

OMG… I just found out that 300 people in my school have lost love ones in the horrible event today… that is more then 10% of my school!! Thank God I didn’t know anyone that was hurt there… But I am praying for everyone else at my school that did know someone…

Someone here said they had just watched a show on terrorism stating that what “should” happen after an event like this is that the terrorist will then go to small communities and start biological warfare. They do this to distract us and draw our attention away.

I hope and pray this is NOT the case.

This is such a tragedy. I just don’t yet know what to think.

Oh Jennaisis, how awful for you. The photos were absolutely horrific… I think I’m going to be stuck with these images for a long time. I can’t imagine seeing it live. You know, I almost never look at accidents or watch graphic news footage, but I had to look at the TV coverage today because it just wouldn’t sink in that this was real until I saw it.

All airports closed.

Sears Tower and Aon Building (4th tallest in the US), which is next to mine, are being evacuated. All government building evacuated including the Dirksen Federal Building.