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Way off course- NYC

How can one sum up the greatest lifetime disaster in a few sentences?

To AHC, Jennasis and the other members who witnessed the carnage first hand, all I can say is that I cannot remotely imagine the thoughts and feelings that you experienced during those hours. Your lives will change because of this.

Find someone to talk to. Don’t shut it in. And if you make life changing decisions because of it, then so be.

Was watching and saw a second one go through the second tower!!!

“No One Trains For Second

Thanks for the Chicago update, Glimmerglass. Someone here in the office said the Sears Tower would be the next most likely target and my heart just sank…

MD state gov’t here in Annapolis closed down, and State Circle is closed to all non-emergency traffic.

I have watched TV with my 10 yr old son and I have told him that they(firemen and policemen) are the true role models - not the high paid sports figures and entertainment industry figures. Some have been working for 24+ hours trying to rescue victims. God bless them.

Please close your eyes for a few seconds.
And pray - even if you never have before - for the people, their families, & the emergency workers.


Even in Utah - schools closed, VA hospital access closed…OMG!

just heard the update thanks VT

This is so horrible… I am in school right now and in every class we just watch CNN to see if anything is happening. Since we are only about an hour from NYC there are a lot of people whose parents work there or other family members. Coming back from lunch I saw 2 people crying because there parents were in it. Also I know a girl whose mother was just leaving to go to a meeting there when it happened. Thank God she was just 10 minutes late. I pray for everyone who has family members there…

right near the Capitol and my friend’s husband is at the Pentagon!

Portia that is a beautiful prayer. Thank you…

We will find out, that there were many heroic pilots I believe. As you said, someone fought hard to keep that plane from doing the damage it was hijacked for.

The type of evil it took to unleash this, is unbelievable. But as someone said, please do not paint all arabs with the same brush.

One of the towers has collapsed (south tower). There was an explosion at the base of the south tower.

“No One Trains For Second

That the pilot was flying the plane anymore. I mean, none of the others would ever have crashed into the buildings. I bet the pilots were killed and the terrorists took themselves out.

Too bad the people on these planes have no clue about what is happening. If they knew they were going to die and that they were all part of a well orchestrated plane, I’m sure they’d storm the cabin and take out the terrorists–even if they were also lost.

What a hideous thought, but it seems we live in a hideously ugly world.

2nd tower just collapsed.

Bush has landed… at Ofit Air Force Base in Nebraska (HQ to the Strategic Air Command… pretty damn secure area IMHO).

If Dressage is a Symphony… Eventing is Rock & Roll!

Now they’re reporting that a large plane has crashed in Summerset (sp?) county in western PA… no clue if it’s related or not.

If Dressage is a Symphony… Eventing is Rock & Roll!

Another building in the World Trade Center complex just collapsed. Maybe building 5.

Dear God.

Colin - AHC is okay.

I have heard people on this board and others around me speculating about the events today being linked to the end of the world.

I just want to clarrify for those who do subscribe to the Christian point of view (hence the Bible), that these events are “out of order” so to speak when refering to the prophecies spoken in the book of Revelation regarding the end of the world.

I’m not trying to start a debate…please read this as information for anyone who has wondered if this is the begining of the end.

This is surely a tragedy. One I will not forget. I pray that our country will stand together and fight through the physical as well as psychological warfare that has been thrown at our homeland so cowardly.

ABC is now saying there was no car bomb at the State Dept.

Locally, all non-essential personnel have been told to leave the Air Force Base (this is a major command HQ) and downtown has been shut down.

If Dressage is a Symphony… Eventing is Rock & Roll!

It’s strange, but I keep thinking back to the reopening celebrations after the buildings had been cleaned and repaired after the 1993 bombing. There was such a sense of pride that they’d rebuilt after that awful event. And now the buildings are just gone. Also, I visited the Trade Centers in 1976 when they were virtually brand new. Now, no one will see them again.