Way off course- NYC

NancyL, your post made me sick to my stomach. I am trrying so hard not to think about the personalities involved to keep my head on straight. To think about the poor people who had no idea of what was coming or going on is so sad I just can’t stand it. I keep thinking about all those poor people on the planes hoping that they would wake up from what had to be a bad dream. Jennesis, please be strong. my heart goes out to you for the horror you witnessed today. the thought of people jumping from the WTC is too much to bear, let alone witness. Hang in there sweetie.

Behind every good woman lies a trail of men

I just heard a plane crash into the Pentagon, but they aren’t following up on it

the PA plane was a Boeing 767 and still unclear on relation to the terrorist attacks.

This is TRAGIC and frightening

* Fiero *

Jennasis, that is what makes us “the humans” and the rest the animals. Our ability to emote.

I was in a therapy situation a couple of years ago. The first day I was there I went into this little tiny chapel. It was just for meditation. No sermons, no preaching. It was amazing. I started welling up with tears, they just kept coming. Within the next 15 minutes I was sobbing. It was like a dam had broke and all the pent up emotions within were streaming out. It actually felt very good. For the next week I carried a pack of tissues. I was constantly in tears. Couldn’t seem to make them stop. I wasn’t sobbing or mournful, I just was teary. We all came to laugh at it. I still have moments when they overcome me. I think it is a good thing.

Listen to your body and your heart. You are not weak if you feel!!! It will help keep you from that callous self you seem to think you have become. And by all means avail yourself of ANY support that is offered. We find it in some strange places sometimes.

“The older I get, the better I used to be.”

What in the WORLD!
Please let people be ok

Stall rest is over! Hand walking may begin…but don’t forget the stud chain over my nose :stuck_out_tongue:


I hope she is OK.

All our NYC friends - slugger, MAZ, Trooper and the many many more- I hope they are all OK.

Yeah, CNN was interviewing some government general, and he is saying that Usama Bin Laden is their first suspect.

* Fiero *

There is smoke at the White House!!!

he is a selfish little boy who has temper tantrums when he doesn’t get what he wants. Should have been squashed like the dung beetle he is years ago. Hopefully wiping him off the face of the earth is now our #1 priority.

The pentagon sets on the edge of the park-part of the mall. Maybe they are just trying to give it some perspective for people who are not familiar with where it is? The fire is on the side of the Pentagon. All flight traffic has been stopped nationwide.

“No One Trains For Second

Borders between the US and Canada closed. I cannot ever recall that happening before.

I have been praying and crying all morning. All those poor people!

report of fire at state department (unconfirmed). How do you highjack 3 airpalnes in such short space?! Especially when we have been on alert for a week?!

“No One Trains For Second

This is so tragic. Does anyone know if the US saw it coming or was it a surprise attack? I am praying to God nothing happens in Canada. My parents left fro Alberta this morning and I really, really wish they were here right now!!

~To the world you are just one person to but to one person you may be the world~

in horror as I listen to the radio !!!
This is an unspeakable horror !

All my thoughts and hopes are with you on the other side of the Atlantic !!!

[B]I have never felt such a wave of emotions before. I live 15 minutes out of DC and our school was let out early, so on, so on. Anyways today my dad was flying from National to LA…and I saw on the news at school that a plane going from Dullus to LA crashed and I totally flipped out (forgetting the national airport part). I have never felt like I did when I though it was my Dad in that plane crash…and theres no way to explain it. My heart and soul goes out to all of those families though. Some people at my school were directly hit—as in their parents were on those planes. I feel so bad for them…I hope everyone will be ok. Be careful…


Feel the rhythem, feel the ride, get on up its horseshow time!!!


it was number 7

Rachel and Moon

I’m currently emailing with AHC - she’s ok - but scared - her cell isn’t getting through either

there are people alive trapped in the rubble who are phoning family members (on their cells) telling them they are o.k. There is hope!

is that anywhere near DuQuesne??? I dont’ remember enough PA geography to know right now. That’s where my family is. I can’t get any news. Do yo know any details on that crash???
