There are a couple different manufacturers - this is one example
Within 10 minutes of setting up her new toy, Smokey figured out how to cheat the system. I’ve now given it away to a friend - I worried that she would break her teeth on it.
Atticus Finch (foster fail) takes on Zazu. I’m not sure which is more impressive, Atticus’ never give up never surrender approach to combat or Zazu’s patience!
Some of them are shot for photo classes so I get out the real camera. Even used a flash for this one since we were supposed to be doing portraits for flash class.
I’m sure you know this, but take that string away before it gets swallowed
My weirdo Bounce loves chewing on the bags chips come in.
Which was amusing until he managed to bite off a piece & get it lodged in his mouth so it was choking him.
No more bagchewing allowed!
I was invited to post a picture of my cat. This is one of her cutest unposed pics. I was right there with her, holding the string.
We have been together for 17 years and she is not my first cat.
Now I hope you’re happy as I have deleted the pic that you picked on me for. You jumped to a conclusion that you thought would make me look bad and stupid; well, guess what, you are the stupid one for making an assumption that I am a stupid non-cat person.
It’s people like you that take the fun and laughter out of COTH. There are far too many of you here and I wish you would all go away and let the rest of us have fun.
Shame on you.
You read waaay too much into my post.
None of what you say was intended.
I happily let Bounce chew on bags, until he nearly choked.
Please repost Velvet’s pic, she’s lovely.
I’ve had cats since 1969
No apology will be forthcoming.
I’m sorry you misinterpreted my post is the closest I can manage.
I can’t help that you read into it a tone that was not intended.
So cute! I don’t have a photo easily available (pre-cell phone days), but Leia, our dearly departed female Tuxedo, loved to watch those dog trials that show black and white border collies herding sheep.
She used to stand up like your cat, put her paw on the screen and bat at the dogs as they moved around.
(I did take a photo, but it was from an actual camera. Photo is buried somewhere in a box in the garage. Will try to find it one of these days).
Audrey (orange old lady kitty) was lying peacefully in the sun until Jacob (obnoxious 4 year old bottle baby kitten) wanted to “share”.
Tiger (we call her Mega cat because she weighs 19 pounds) is our niece’s cat that needed a home when our niece went to college.
Rocky, looking debonair.
He looks just like Dickens even down to the Buddha belly!
Some of my cats like to paw at the ice skaters or tennis players.
RIP Dewey. My sweet fluffy bunny.
Ms. Wee
Roughy. Orange and white goofball. Here is part of him hanging off the ledge on the 2nd floor.
I don’t have a cat but come to the Menagerie forum to look at everyone else’s. I came here to see yours especially since you mentioned what a special relationship you have and how she is such a comfort when you are feeling down.
What an elegant cat you have! What’s his/her name? Chin up and send more pictures. I brightens my day to see them.
Have you read this thread? It’s nice. So I did a thing today

part of him hanging off the ledge on the 2nd floor.
Does the rest look anything like this?: