What's the deal with "unapproved" posts?

This just happened to me in the Current Events forum, and while the post was showing on a green background, now it has disappeared completely.

@Moderator 1 Is my post gone for good or is it in your approval queue? It was in reply to Clanter’s post about Biden’s running mate. Thanks! :slight_smile:

It was in the moderation queue. I just approved it.

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The posts going to the spam folder is my only gripe. I can live with the rest. That is truly frustrating.

It seem to have become worse, now hits more edit tries than it was doing, practically every one this afternoon.

This keeps happening to me, too.

I just had one unapproved, that was edited. The computers hate me today (not just COTH computers).

Tried a message 3x. Posting here to alert, but not going to keep trying. Does not seem to be a new issue anyway.

The developers just informed me of a change they’ve made regarding the spam filter, which they believe will help alleviate this issue. Keep us updated. I only had a couple posts in the moderation queue this morning, so that’s a good preliminary sign. :slight_smile:


:smiley: I suspect you suffer more than we do bearing the brunt of dealing with all the unapproved posts where we are only annoyed at our unproved posts.

Thanks again for all you and the developers do :applause:

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I tried editing one post twice and it didn’t get unapproved, so maybe that is working now.

Also it has only frozen, white page that doesn’t change, two times today, one early this morning, one a while ago.

A few days ago it was doing that every several page changes, so a big improvement on that also.

I tried editing one post twice and it didn’t get unapproved, so maybe that is working now.

adventures today:

I just edited a post then the system double posted …original post and the edited post … I just deleted both

I “liked” a post…system froze , spinning little wheel of death appears… just closed the whole site,

There does not appear to be a Key Event that drives the failures…there must be multiple holes in the code

@Moderator 1 I just edited my post (if only I could type and see the errors the first time I proof read, sigh) in this thread and it was trapped in the spam filter. Can you please release it.

Same as trubandloki. I successfully posted then tried to edit and got unapproved after the edit. This thread:

@Moderator 1 - Can you please approve my 3-part post in Current Events (COVID-19). It’s a journal article from Lancet. I broke it into sections so it wouldn’t be too large.

I approved them earlier today. Looks to me like they’re all up. Are you seeing them now?


I see them now - thank you! I hope breaking it up made it a little less problematic.

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Dammit, everything I try and post is unapproved right now!

Of course I expecting this to post OK, that would be typical

Twice my posts have been flagged as spam. The first one eventually posted, a few weeks back.

The post today has disappeared. I did not have any links in this current post. What they both have in common is that I was trying to edit them and all of a sudden, during the edit, the screen went green and my post became spam worthy ——

Swear-worthy to say the least, since today’s post disappeared:(

Sorry about that, most everyone now knows not to try to edit, especially a second time, that is a sure enough unapproved post sent into Moderator1 files, to scan for spam.

There is a glitch in the spam filter that does that.
They may not get it fixed, as the whole site is transitioning, for what we have been told, to a new platform, eventually.

Until then, try to proofread before posting and letting mistakes just stand, if not too bad ones.

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@Bluey, ok:)

Thanks for that:)

I will try to improve my proof reading; this IPad changes things when I’m not looking - I have caught some things that would get me in the woodshed:eek:

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