WaLa, there it is! Thanks.
However, still unapproved and not able to thank you for that tip.
Thanks, that’s where it’s been hiding.
Time for another test post…
Ever hopeful, I am trying again! (test)
Thanks to the Mods for continuing to pursue this issue.
I am guessing this post will be like every single one of the others I’ve tried in the last many months and go in “unapproved limbo” before being processed through by a Mod, but I won’t know until I hit “post reply”…
Hey mods, I have an unapproved post sitting in the “I want to breed Arab x WBs” thread in the sport horse breeding forum. can you send it through? Thanks
test (different browser)
Sorry to add to your workload, Mods, but I just got an unapproved post as well. I’m guessing that it’s because there’s a (benign) link embedded in the post. Sigh. So, what happens next? Does the post go poof or does someone review and approve/disapprove it? Thanks!
I did also and didn’t have but two lines and no link?
I rewrote the post and then it went thru, later may be two similar ones when that first one is checked if cleared.
Those filters work thru their own cyberlogic, that is not very logical.
Thanks Simkie and Bluey! I just tried rewriting the post and still got the unapproved message. In this instance, I think it’s the link. I see what the Mods say.
Test (new account)
Well, the new account works. Same computer, same browser, same IP address. Different e-mail.
Gasp!!! Finally! I’m so sorry it took taking a new account for your posts to go through without issue. There must be something in the old account that is somehow triggering the spam filters.
We could try playing around with that account’s username if you like… or do you just want to leave well enough alone at this point?
Thank you for your persistence and patience!
Maybe the hyphen in my original username is the issue?
I’d prefer to use the original account since I’ve had it for more than a decade!
@Dawn JL I changed your original account’s username to “DawnJL” to see if that makes a difference in your ability to post with it.
Give it a whirl when you have a chance and we’ll see if that helps!
Mod 1
Well, changing the username worked!!
OK, this is weird. My profile is showing logged in to the old account. Checking posting status…
(posted as NEW account) Hmmm…
At least I have a new problem now!
I turned off my login assist program (Norton) to make sure I was logging in to the original account. (I had selected the old account, but was ending up in the new account somehow.) When I logged in that way, my profile showed the original username (Dawn J-L), but I got this message when I came to the forums:
Welcome to the Chronicle Forums.
Your forum sign-up is not complete, you must add an Alias/Screen Name before you can post to the forums. Your name and email is not exposed to Forum users, only the Screen Name is accessible or viewable. The forums and the rest of www.chronofhorse.com has single sign-in, so your log in information for one will automatically work for the other. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are the views of the individual and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of The Chronicle of the Horse.
Complete Profile
[If I clicked on the hotlinks it brought me back to my profile with no option to edit or add the username]