What's the deal with "unapproved" posts?

Let me contact someone in the main office this morning to manually unlink your original username from your old account in our main database. I’ll let you know when it’s ready to test again!

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Back to unapproved…

I just had an Unapproved notification for a long, long post with tour, hotel, activity recommendations in the Off Topic “Visiting South Carolina” thread.

I did include links to the various places I was recommending. I did not know that would trigger “Unapproved” because I read posts every day that have links in them ???

Is my entire post gone? It took a long time to compose!

I will check back tomorrow. It is too late to re-write the entire thing. :frowning:


Some times, this site’s filters get a little overzealous sorting spam from true posts.
Unaproved posts go to a queue in the Moderator’s computer.
Moderator goes thru them and approves those that are not spam.
Then your post will show up, so don’t despair.
It’s Monday, I expect it will be there shortly?

It is annoying when a word or link triggers the filters, is it.
Better the ocassional unaproved post than a bunch of spam all over.

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Back to unapproved here too, and I can’t even send a message to the mod.

Mod 1 explains what’s happening in the second post in this thread. Here it is for you.

Thank you. I wasn’t sure if this fix was still in effect. I sent Mod 1 a PM.

I take it the techs cleaned house to get rid of all the spam since now my posts are disapproved again. Was doing so good too.

I just had a post go unapproved Pony Grandma for the Sport Horse Breeding thread. I found it on my posting history and tried to repost now it says invalid character at position one. What is this?

The second post on this thread explains. Here, I’ll copy it here for you.

I did see that. It went beyond the ‘unapproved post’ thing because I had found the post in my ‘posting history’ (before I emailed the moderator) and I had tried to repost using copy/paste. And that didn’t send also. That was when it showed up with the notice that there was an ‘invalid character in the first position’ and even the moderator does not know what that means.

pony grandma and I have been PMing about the situation, but her original post had been approved after being hung up in the spam filters…and then her subsequent attempts to repost had been hung up as well due to the filters not liking the links.

She’s all set now. :slight_smile:

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We haven’t had to approve js’s recent posts, so I believe whatever was hanging her up has been resolved as well.

Unapproved again. Seems every time the techs go thru and clean out the spam, I’m back to being unapproved to post.

Issue has not been resolved

My posts are no longer approved again, some don’t even post as unapproved, they just disappear

I having issues again !!!

Still having problems