I have never really had a problem with instructors who are a bit tough or like to yell. I got my ass handed to me by my trainer a few times as a kid but it was mostly well deserved :).
The worst experience I have had was one that left me insulted and confused. I was taking some jumper lessons as a local ‘A’ show barn about 5 or 6 years ago.
There was a clinic that the trainer had organized that she recommended that I join.
The clinician was a friend of the trainers - Grand Prix rider from Europe somewhere - not a big name nor anyone I had heard of before but seemed legit.
Anyhow I was put in a group with three other ladies. I was definitely the least experienced and least polished rider of the group but I could ride around a 3’6" course on my mare reasonably well and I wasn’t particularly worried as a often lessoned with this group and the barn trainer had adjusted the exercises as needed. and it worked out well.
We did some flat work exercises which were fine, got a few minor corrections and a few compliments - no big deal.
Then we started jumping. We do a few fences and the clinician says absolutely nothing to me. Calls us into the middle to praise the ex-GP horse one of the ladies is riding (very nice horse too).
Then asks to see our two point position at the halt and proceeds to scream at me that he knew it would be bad and how my crotch was way over the pommel. I was confused - I could clearly see the front of the saddle and felt if anything that I was a bit too far back but I figure ok maybe I’m just not seeing it and try to correct my position.
I then notice he isn’t even looking at me but is complaining to the barn trainer with his back to me. I also notice that the other riders who I get along quite well with are looking puzzled (one of them asked me what I had done wrong but I really had no idea).
I asked for more feedback and got told to stop making excuses.
Now I should have walked out at that point but mostly I was just stunned and confused.
We go out and jump around some more and I get basically ignored.
First time down a five stride line set quite long, I add as my mare doesn’t have the longest stride and was struggling with the distance plus the jumps are a bit bigger than I’m 100% comfortable with. Line rides fine as a six.
I get told that it has to be a five and that I need to gallop it or leave the ring. Kind of stupidly I think ok - I can do that, so we gallop into the line and make it down is a rather strung out five strides and it’s a bit scary looking. I get told ‘good’.
I’m fairly rattled at this point but kind of shocked and too stupid to just leave.
Next time around coming into the line I get screamed at to gallop on and my mare trips slightly and is strung out and I realize I can’t make a good approach like this and circle to regroup.
I then get told I’m done for the day, that I am obviously over horsed, have no control, and my mare is running away with me (umm you were screaming at me to gallop on more, she can get a bit heavy but is really a bit on the lazy side and definitely not a runaway). Needless to say I didn’t come back the next day.
I still don’t really know what his issue was, the barn trainer wouldn’t talk about it, the other riders were just as confused as I was. Several people who were watching approached me later and asked if they had missed something.
Now I was obviously the least experienced rider in the group and when we were introducing ourselves to the clinician I made it clear what my experience was.
I was also riding the least fancy horse, the others were an ex-GP horse stepping down and two talented youngsters moving up, my mare was in her teens and was fine at 3’6" but didn’t really have the scope to go much higher.
I did find out later was that he had several pricey imported jumpers he was pushing hard to get the trainers to sell to the barn at the time.
I also found out the he appeared to be picking one person out of each group to scream at for no real good reason while not giving any real feed back other than that they were out of control etc. (always the less experienced person with the least fancy horse). Others he fawned over but gave no real feedback and some he seemed to teach quite well.
Now it could be that I just sucked compared to the rest of the group but screaming at me and refusing to answer any questions (and I did ask what I was doing wrong) isn’t exactly going to help me ride better!
It was weird, I should have left way earlier but was just basically stunned as nothing quite like that had every happened to me with a trainer or clinician before.