Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Have you contacted MB’s legal defense team ?

Is that Mary Haskins Gray? There’s a message from Nick Peronace “Please check Inbox” on her page…


This whole thing is tragic. I’ll be interested to see what happens with the court case, because the current tactic of MB’s attorney calling LK and RG squatters doesn’t seem to be a good one. I understand that they may in fact be squatters, and from LK’s FB postings before they were locked down or removed, she seemed a little unstable to say the least, but unless she was armed and threatening MB, I don’t see where his attorney is going with that.


Ugh. Horrible that someone would repeatedly game the system that way. Dirtbag.

Thanks for the explanation.


If NP shoves his nose in this, one imagines him offering his LE expertise for example, the situation will have truly jumped the shark


I don’t know. In NYC the fire marshals get you out immediately. The only possible thing to file in NYC would be an Article 78 petition in Supreme Court alleging the NYFD acted unlawfully. Don’t know the NJ equivalent.

A fire department usually removes folks for lack of exits. There must always be 2 ways to exit any domicile in case of fire. So if someone is in a basement with only the stairway going upstairs as a way out, the fire department can evict from the basement. Dangerous wiring situations is another thing. Increased gas levels are another.

This is what I’ve seen on FDNY eviction documentation people bring to our court thinking we can get them back in.

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He can write a book about it. “Orange is the New Shadbelly.” It would be like Orange is the New Black, but much darker and with a Gone Girl twist.


Here is an example.

BTW I’ve seen this numerous times. Angry tenant reports landlord for violations. Fire Department comes and removes tenant due to danger, again most often lack of 2 exits.

Btw2: For the story referenced in the link - bull the landlord didn’t know it was illegal. Anyone buying a house knows if it’s a one family or two family dwelling. It affects MANY aspects of the home including taxes. And, where I live you need to provide parking spots as well for a multi family dwelling.


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My first thought is that he is offering his training services thinking there would be big $$$$ to be had.


For the love of god, the kid was like 5 years old and VERY clearly at an arcade playing a game!!


@ tryingtogethere - Mea culpa! I thought it was creepy, thank you for the clarification.


One thing to add…some people are questioning who called the police through the week leading up to, but not including, the shooting. MB"s lawyer stated in the video that the requests for police to come to the the farm had all been made by MB.


If you have tenants that you wish to remove, you follow certain steps and they are then removed by the police if they fail to comply. I am a landlord and I would never lease without a contract. I’d also never show up at a property to… do what it was he thought he was doing…

I feel like the fiancé MH has more to do with this situation than none. I always had an uneasy feeling about her and knew her top priority was to get on the Olympic team. I wonder what her angle is in all of this.

Of course MB is responsible for his actions. They are grotesque. But as more things unfold, I wonder.


Oh good Lord, that’s equally or more likely.

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I heard this also.


If you work in NYC, then I am sure you are aware that there are myriad ways in this city that slumlords can and do circumvent the system. I think it is a bit disingenuous to imply that tenants have more power here than landlords. Maybe in evictions, but I can tell you horror stories both experienced (cost me over $25k) and witnessed that prove that LLs are very powerful here… and above the law, beyond the reach of the buildings department, etc. Just saying.

ETA: not to get too off topic, but since you brought up my town as an example, I thought I would clarify. Though yes, you are right that Fire Dept carries weight, Building Dept’s hands are tied in many situations. And I have had a landlord break multiple housing laws and was told I had little meaningful recourse.


I had seen in the news that both parties contacted law enforcement.


Might depend on definition of law enforcement…Child services, ICE, etc could fall under the definition. Then there’s the regular, local police. then there’s the Fire Marshall. So yes, I’d believe that calls were from both.

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I posted the Nee Jersey landlord tenant laws a couple of times. If I read them correctly, to evict a non-contract “at will” tenant, it requires a strict formal notice and about 3 days for threats against the landlord or disorderly conduct. I did get confused on the formal notice if that has got go through the court first or just follow a certain format. Grounds can be causing disturbances so screaming “I’ll ruin you” might be considered a disturbance. He needed a lawyer that understood tenant law.



My company help built the Western Currency Facility for the US Treasury Department … complete project was placed under a stop work order by the Ft Worth city fire marshal’s office over the objections of the Corps of Engineers

The Corps said they could not do this, but by god they did… there was a complete redesign of what the plant was to do if a fire alarm was sounded… require a lot of money to redesign how work in progress was to be stored when everyone exited the building