Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Bet she called both SafeSport and CPS


Yes, I can imagine your father and RG calmly and civilly walking into the barn or house or whereever they confronted MH and RC. Bet they asked to be served tea and biscuits too. What was the sudden hurry to get your stuff out that day and not any of the days before the shooting??

And, I am confused, yet again! Earlier you said MB had excellent attorneys, but here you say “bullshit attorney”.

Do you take responsibility for ANYTHING in this entire situation or are you totally blameless?


Why was he harrassing you? What did he want that you were not giving him?


He wanted them GONE off the property (that apparently is not his).


Wasn’t asking you, eggbutt.


I agree, but she will not answer that one question that has been asked repeatedly in these 106 pages of banter…why didn’t she leave long before it escalated to violence?


Thats exactly what I’m doing. Please don’t waste your time trying to tell me you wouldn’t at least TRY to correct some (many) minsinformations & total lunacy on a forum all about you- which you never asked for. Some asshole shoots you and there are actually people QUESTIONING whether or not that’s ok. I realize now, even a proper news story - or the audio - or the camera feed outside our apartment could sway the minds of idiots. (Not saying YOU are an idiot. Just that they exist here.)
But, hey… if no one cares, I don’t need to correct anyone. And I’m confused why this forum is here if no one cares about actually happened. I guess… have fun making up insane stories. 🤷🏼”â™€ï¸ I’m out.

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Looks like you are not going to get an answer on this one.


We are curious why you wouldnt leave when asked if he was harrassing you and you feared for your life. There were places that offered to take your horses.
Why are you avoiding that question if you want to set the record straight?


I think ALL of us care but the story continues to change and major questions are ignored. You’ve cleared up a lot…where everyone was living, who owned the gun used, and that MB owed you $50,000. But it still isn’t making sense.


i did answer it, actually. WE WERE NEVER ASKED TO LEAVE. Not formally. Not informally. Not at all. If we had been, I’d have retained our family lawyer long before. You do realize I was at Gladstone showing with MB coaching me like 10 days prior, right? Whatever he was telling the cops, he wasn’t telling us. So please, stop lying. I answered this question twice. This will be the last time.
mB wanted to get out of paying a big bill … but, he wasn’t prepared to evict us or even try. He was merely trying to prove to his gf (who threatened to leave him twice if he didn’t make us leave) that he was “really trying,” to do just that. I learned this later on. K? Question answered sufficiently?

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Thank you. If you were so afraid of MB that you were “sleeping with one eye open”, why didn’t you leave and take legal action against the debt?


The story hasn’t changed. Not one bit. Not from my side, anyway. As more questions are asked, I may fil in more blanks. That’s not changing a story. That’s adding to an already INSANE story. Lemme ask you- when ou read the patch article someone posted, did it all make sense to you THEN??? No. It couldn’t have. That’s what set ups are meant to do. Confuse people.

So, I wil be as candid as I can. Mb is a BAD PERSON. I lived there for two years. You honestly think in the 5 days leading up to my shooting, things went THAT sour - I needed to be shot twice in the chest? Be real here. At least do that - and separate your antics from those of SW. All I ask.


At LaLa pop rider: I am curious about you having cameras recording all over a farm that you don’t own. What gave you the right to do that?? Along with voice recordings. Isn’t that illegal wiretapping???

So could any of us go to your house and put cameras up and record you and rg? Or would that be illegal and a violation of your privacy?

NEVER been asked to leave a farm? Are you sure??? Well, maybe yr daddy came to the rescue and bailed you out again. My understanding is you were asked to leave 3 farms in nc.

What about the pending cyberbullying/cyberstalking case in NC from 2019?

Why did you post a 6 chapter narrative of yr opinion of MB’s life. You wrote it like you were there and apart of their marriage and relationship.



I promise you I am trying to understand. My problem is any rational person would have gotten the heck out immediately if he was that bad!


Girl, you sure do have an interesting life.
Have you decided who you want to play you in the movie version?


Lala, that may well be true that he didn’t ask demand that you leave the property BUT your posts have been made public that you were in fear of harm coming to you for a week before the shooting. That to me is the most perplexing why you did not load your precious horses and get the hell out of there then retain your family lawyer to settle the debt etc.


Legally, I cant answer that. Though, there were clearly reasons beyond your knowledge. I’ll answer one thing: I DID take certain actions. Also, we had no idea MB was going to refuse the debt on its due date. If he wanted us gone so badly, I wonder why it is he Begged Me to get my 5 yr old mare who was in Holland being trained, to NJ “IMMEDIATELY!” That was just 2 weeks prior. She was fine & in great hands. But MB INSISTED I bring over w my other 5 horses he had in training. Doesn’t add up to the average person, I get that. It adds up to me, though. After all, I spent 2 years with that barn day in & day out.

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No offense, but I really don’t care what your “understanding,” is. I’ve been at the same one farm since I moved to NC. Still there in fact! No clue about cyberstalking in NC. I haven’t been to NC since after Wellington- for 3 days.

You seem combative & youre certainly making up lies. Stop yourself. Or don’t & believe your self authored tabloid.

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But, you didn’t have to do anything he asked you to do about the mare, did you?

You come off as a strong person yet you apparently allowed yourself to be used for some reason, assuming what you’ve said is fact. It is truly hard to comprehend why you stayed so long (2 years) if it was that horrible. It just does not make any sense…you must be able to see that.