Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Regarding NJ and Suboxone


The company behind the drug is known to be dirty and admitted to it, pleading guilty, here in Virginia, with multiple cases in other states yet to come. Suboxone is frequently found in drug busts in the NY Tri-state area, often obtained through fraudulent prescription writing and medical professionals who were incentivized by the pharma to ship out as much of it as possible, especially since cost reimbursements were made from state funds to cover prescriptions that were supposed to be legit.


Thank you.
I fully agree that LK goes very low with her online comments and arguments and I would never support such behavior. I don’t understand why anyone would want to continue to engage when the conversation is so mean spirited.

Unfortunately, people don’t always have the self-control to step away when they should. As we’ve seen here on the BB many times.


Ok…here is just the first one:

On the That’s a Twist thread, in response to:
“ Too bad it wasn’t Wellington season when you were asked to leave the property the first time.
A lot of this could have been avoided (to say the least).”

And LK said:

To be clear, MB never ever asked us to leave. You’ll notice in the 911 calls … MB began by stating we were at the barn at 9pm. He claims we weren’t supposed to be at the barn past 9pm. (We specifically, WERE supposed to be there then.) He’s clearly fishing. Makes no mention of “people living in the house who weren’t supposed to be there.” Bc… he knew that was lie.
He could’ve had us evicted. Why didn’t he? Or, HE could’ve waited until Wellington season to part ways. We were obviously leaving before that & he knew that. His actions (prior to the shooting) are NOT consistent with the actions of a person who “just wanted us gone.” He will have plenty of time to explain those actions in court. He didn’t want us gone from the property- He wanted us DEAD. Unfortunately, this indisputable evidence can’t yet be shared”


My addition in bold


Ok…. More on being asked to leave:

The outright denials:
[Sep '19]

i did answer it, actually. WE WERE NEVER ASKED TO LEAVE. Not formally. Not informally. Not at all. If we had been, I’d have retained our family lawyer long before. You do realize I was at Gladstone showing with MB coaching me like 10 days prior, right? Whatever he was telling the cops, he wasn’t telling us. So please, stop lying. I answered this question twice. This will be the last time.
mB wanted to get out of paying a big bill … but, he wasn’t prepared to evict us or even try. He was merely trying to prove to his gf (who threatened to leave him twice if he didn’t make us leave) that he was “really trying,” to do just that. I learned this later on. K? Question answered sufficiently?

The sidestepping the question by insisting lack of eviction papers means they weren’t asked to leave:

[Sep '19]

A.) We we not “squatting.” Nor were we EVER, at any point (and there are public records of this - or lack thereof at Washington twnshp pd) asked to leave. But cool story. We were just there today. Decided against staying only Bc of the trauma.
B.) I have zero convictions for cyber stalking OR assault. In 2003 (not that this explanation is owed to you- but everyone deserves a chance to save themselves from themselves) I was jumped by 7 girls at a bar. As I don’t drink, I was holding a mini cranberry juice bottle. I defended myself. The judge obviously agreed. C.) Never charged in my life for “cyber stalking,” ever. D.) You think MB’s record is clean? Think again. My charges (and all acquittals- since anyone can get anyone arrested- but it must be proven in a court of law) WERE DROPPED.”

So, yes. Only one party here has a clean record. It’s NOT MB. Get your facts straight.

[Sep '19]

I wish everyone understood how MB operates. Over the years, I have threatened to leave. Mb has walked out on lessons. Pretty typical, actually when you’re training 4 horses and riding ALL day. Mb could act one way one minute- then totally opposite the next. Still, we all went to dinner (or ordered in) at days end & all was good. Every single news report has my friends who knew the real story - stating “I can’t say more but the situation was very, very complex.”
Idc what anyone says- there was no eviction notice. Nor a request that we leave. If there were, that country would have it! They don’t. The situation was very, very complex. Very. 🤷🏼”â™€ï¸

The MB wasn’t really the owner so it doesn’t count:

[Sep '19]

WTF makes you think the House was condemned? 🤔 And wtf do you think called the Fire Marshal & Building Code Inspector ?? Sorry, but I won’t have my horses in a fire hazard. Mb was building illegal things and that’s all you need to know. Our apartment was NOT condemned. The barn was as was their side of the house.
Was just there yesterday! So odd. STILL no eviction notice and a thousand apologies from the owner.

[Sep '19]

of course it’s telling!!! Obviously, had MB told us to leave the property sooner, I’d have retained my attorney sooner. That house isn’t MB’s.

Next- we were interviewing other trainers way before the last week there. We have a home in NC! We were ONLY in NJ bc mb begged me to come & provided housing.“

Now, for a trip down logic lane….If as IM suggests that there was an agreed “get out date”. Wouldn’t that in and of itself be proof that she was asked to leave? And all this happened before that date….then maybe all the crap was about being mad they were the ones shown the door instead of MH.

Let’s revisit the building inspectors and fire marshals shall we?

“ And wtf do you think called the Fire Marshal & Building Code Inspector ?? Sorry, but I won’t have my horses in a fire hazard. Mb was building illegal things and that’s all you need to know.

I thought it was RG who was doing all the building/renovation work on the barns and house, to the tune of being owed 50K.

And there is more; including the LK telling us that the police told MB 9 times to file eviction papers when they responded to the 911 calls. These are just from the original thread. There are numerous other similar statements in most of the other threads as well. But do I believe that MB came out of the blue and said “get out?” No, it was probably, “I’m ending the training agreement (aka the “papers”) which was constructively “get out”.


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Another interesting tidbit on the “timeline”….

For anyone who has been wondering why things “suddenly went bad” after 2 years….


Oh, what a tangled web we weave when at first we practice to deceive. (Marmion/Walter Scott)


The people who do not know LK in real life, or what really happened, trying to CotHsplain to the people who DO, and know way more than the rest of us, is just always going to make me laugh.

That’s not what empathy is. Empathy = \ = defending somebody.


I do not believe so. Early she made several posts that alluded to CPS having not really been on the property before the shooting. She has made many posts heavily alluding to child sexual abuse by MB. She has made direct statements of having photographic proof that MH neglects her children. She has accused RC of negligence and endangering children by losing her gun.

Others who had access to her FB page did report that she admitted to calling CPS on FB.


I am reasonably sure I saw her admit it. Will check my docs.




At this point, I don’t know that anybody knows what really happened.


Did Sweetgrass owe RG the $50K, or did Barisone?


GJ didn’t have money, power and social connections to still more money and power behind her. Many people enjoy punching down. Lauren is one of them.


I don’t understand this part.

Was this $50,000 for the plumbing/construction work by an unlicensed contractor that resulted in the house being condemned? And declared uninhabitable by the authorities?


Being empathetic towards someone does not require defending them, especially when their behavior is indefensible.


No they just update the episodes later on and show them again.

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If Sweetgrass was the owner of the property, and Barisone was leasing the property, then I’d think who was responsible for the payment just depends on the agreement between RG, MB and the property owner. I’d think that a trainer leasing a property long term could have it customized with permanent improvements (with the permission of the owner, of course), and whether the owner or the trainer pays would depend on whatever they agreed on.
IM says that Sweetgrass lawyers admit that Sweetgrass owes RG the money, and I don’t see a reason to doubt that.

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