Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Nice to hear USEF is taking action, but I agree that for someone who doesn’t compete, train, or even ride anymore, there is no teeth to it. However, perhaps she has kept up her USEF membership so she can more easily search show records and other information that she wants for her blog, and if her membership is taken away she won’t have as easy access to all of this. Indeed, the more I think about it, the more I think this would probably be the reason, so that USEF can rescind her membership and keep her from using memberhship-only resources for research.


And that’s not even who I was thinking of, but yep.
There are PLENTY.

(And no, not Cesar.)

Also it’s my understanding that Lauren Kanarek rides 3rd or 4th level and will not be making a bid for the Pan Am games anytime soon.

Perhaps one could practice counting to four with a non-Olympian for a month or two until a suitably illustrious replacement is found.


The assumption is any other BNT would accept her. Word spreads quickly, especially after a shooting.


But like NP, her reputation/social media posts might give a new barn second thoughts about taking her in.



I’m wondering if the $50K amount is what LK was claiming RG was owed for a bathroom renovation that sounds like it went bad. The bathroom was apparently a poor enough renovation to be condemned; MB is screaming “I won’t pay that” while she’s upping the amount owed by the minute. Totally making this up! Food for thought to add to all of the other triggers.


The ideal time to leave, and the time she was getting offers of help, would have been before the shooting made her famous.

It’s also happened to me more than once that I had to get my horses out of a suddenly toxic situation, with alcoholic barn owners, or trainers who were stealing, or a barn owner was irrationally concerned that her boyfriend wanted to sleep with me. Each time I had people who were willing to help, drove their trailers to come get me, or just said, “Load em up, by the time you get here, stalls will be ready.” People can in fact behave completely bananas in the horse industry and be extremely shitty for no good reason - but if you’re really generally straight up and pleasant to deal with, as LK claims to be, you’ll always have a place to go.


I would say more notorious rather than famous!


I should probably warn them then! I’ll direct new trainer/s to my fb page asap. I’m SURE they’ve missed it. 🙄


Who said that??


Smells of narcissist in here.


Heck, I’m not all that pleasant ;-), and when I made a horrible long distance boarding choice and wanted to move my horse Day 2, strangers at various barns I visited offered to pick up my horse. He was loaded in a multi-horse trailer and moved the afternoon after the morning I decided to move. People see a woman weeping over her horse want to help.



I wish everyone understood how MB operates. Over the years, I have threatened to leave. Mb has walked out on lessons. Pretty typical, actually when you’re training 4 horses and riding ALL day. Mb could act one way one minute- then totally opposite the next. Still, we all went to dinner (or ordered in) at days end & all was good. Every single news report has my friends who knew the real story - stating “I can’t say more but the situation was very, very complex.”
Idc what anyone says- there was no eviction notice. Nor a request that we leave. If there were, that country would have it! They don’t. The situation was very, very complex. Very. 🤷🏼”â™€ï¸


Everyone who is making excuses for MB instead of demanding that driving to our apartment middle of the day (or ANYTIME) to try and kill us is WRONG & NOT OK. So… a lot of people. Unfortunately.


And I am out of popcorn!


You are wrong. :eek:


Take 2? Three?
What is the Flounce Out record, anyone recall?


YOU say he drove to “your” apartment in the middle of the day and shot you without provocation. WE don’t know if that’s what happened. Your history does not breed confidence.


OMG! Once again the total victim. [edit] to stay two years after all the negative things you’ve said. You “threatened to leave”? I’m surprised he didn’t show you the gate.

Yes, you were shot by an obviously provoked man…but you accept zero accountability. [edit] It’s always someone else’s fault.


Lauren Kanarek is a sick, twisted, manipulative, vindictive, heartless, mean individual who in my eyes is a disgrace to your riding community. This girl verbally TORTURED me for four years. I will gladly share some of her sick messages. She sent them all because I date a man she dated 26 years ago. She stalks EVERY ex boyfriend she was ever fortunate enough to have,

I have never had the displeasure of meeting this pathological LIAR. Michael Barisone & his GF Mary Haskins contacted me two weeks before the alleged shooting out of pure desperation and I quote to get “the scumbags of the earth” off their property. LK was making MANY false claims and bullying everyone on their farm. She tortured this Olympic Equestrian who lived and I quote a “Good Life” prior to LK. The funny thing is I have been contacted by 6 SIX different strangers (my name was on LK FB wall) who have been harassed, tortured, etc. by this LUNATIC. Lauren Kanarek is JEALOUS of every girl it is amazing I have never in my life witnessed such disgraceful behavior. Lauren Kanarek actually seeks thrill on torturing others. She brought this man to his knees in desperation & help to remove this girl from HIS property. The news turned it into an owed rent situation when that was the minimal list of things Lauren did to make this couple and their entire farm of employees suffer.

Lauren is a menace to society and believe me you her true colors will soon prevail. His defense team, the detective on the case, etc. has many of testimony, texts messages,and harassment claims from people that this sick girl attacked.


If they would accept said owner/rider and horses. Maybe that’s the problem?