Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I think it’s one assumption, among many we could draw.

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Then I was mistaken. I hope I am forgiven my trespass.

Lacking sufficient coffee to be sensible is on me.

My point was let’s wait on the facts. All of them. Yes I admit curiosity about her records noted previously, and her FB made me uneasy. Still, I await the facts before I declare anyone guilty. I’m not ready to commit her to a facility or him to prison.


That’s likely true. On the other hand are there several places to go with one or two… and you could go from there in NJ pretty easily to places in PA, NY, CT, etc. So one wonders why she didn’t, in an “I would”, hindsight is 20/20, Monday morning quarterbacking way that’s all theory and not helpful. Not an accusation, but questions .

If you have money, means, and even another home in another state (NC?)… was there a reason that after months, she hadn’t gone to any of those alternate places? Again, its a question, not an accusation.


Thank you. You read it!


Multiple sources state that police recovered a gun at the crime site, not two guns or multiple guns.


[B]Supposition here, but perhaps she had been in drama for so long, she really didn’t realize the true warning signs or her FB posts were merely attention seeking. I know people who post nonsense about situations (I have first hand knowledge of) that are stretched beyond the imagination. Attention seeking on social media and IRL happen.

I am not questioning it at all. I know how hard it is to pick up and move. I also realize that I like to think I would do X in a situation, but one doesn’t really know until it happens. [/B]


The facts:
Lauren was shot twice in the chest, at the house she was renting on Barisone’s property.
Barisone has been charged with shooting her, and with unlawfully possessing a gun.

Common sense:
You don’t drop in on your tenant with a gun if you are just going to have a chat.
Maybe he was afraid she’d attack him? Then you don’t drop in on your tenant.
I’m not declaring him guilty, but sheesh, what else could have happened? He brought a gun to the house she was living in.


IDK - some people crave drama and/or conflict, and they create it if there is not enough going on in their lives. Why do people stay in bad relationships? Jobs with high coworker conflict?

I imagine if she has enough money to keep 5 horses and compete, she can scrape together enough cash to go somewhere else for a while.


Agree, one doesn’t know until you’re in the shoes, if even then, considering the myriad of differences of individuals and their previous life circumstances that shape their awareness of and perception of danger, relationships, etc.

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Perhaps they recovered it/his elsewhere, and not immediately after the incident. Maybe it was elsewhere, not where the altercation occurred, and he was charged when he informed them, or the police otherwise came to learn he possessed it (but not in the literal, on his person at the time)

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He’s been charged with shooting her, so not sure what you are suggesting - he shot her then ran and put the gun away and came back? Obviously the gun he shot her with was the gun recovered, they are not still looking for the weapon.


But, do we know those things you outline as common sense actually apply? See my green comments


Yes likely the gun he shot her with was the one recovered.
I’m not sure that means the gun recovered was his, or was the gun he was charged with unlawfully having.
She suggested she had guns. She said they were not in NJ.
Who knows what the truth is… I’m not taking anything anyone wrote online as fact.


Since Palm Beach has it figured out, the rest of us can sod off.


The neighbor was interviewed and said there was a big red eviction sign in the yard. That indicates MB wanted her out and she was refusing to leave for some reason we don’t know…what a nightmare for everyone involved. You can see it was going to end badly at some point but who would have guessed like this!


A neighbor, who posted video of the crime scene, said that the police had been called there every day for at least a week. (To the farm house she was renting). It was also stated somewhere that there was an eviction notice on the house. So, it can be assumed that she was being told to leave and refused for whatever reason. I am certainly not excusing his shooting her, but why the heck was she still there!?


I realize some of you don’t think much of the NYPost. That said, I think they are providing some good details that just may be true. They also are updating their info quicker than other places.


As for why didn’t the victim move her horses to another place in NJ, I think that word travels fast among the NJ professionals. Her problems with Barisone could damper her chances of getting a spot with any other NJ reputable trainer.

Right now, there are many nice horse farms for sale here at good prices with low mortage rates. If I was as wealthy as she claims she is, she could have considered buying one or leasing one. Hindsight or not, there is no way I would stay at a place I wasn’t wanted, even if I had to move temporarily far away to a not so nice place.

I’m glad she is recuperating and hopefully this ordeal will turn her life around for the better.



Interesting. A pink and black gun. I am sure it is registered to someone.


The sensationalized language the Post uses just makes me doubt the “facts” in their story. Although this version seems more believable than the previous version they published.

Interesting that the handgun they found found was pink and black, according to that article.


The New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/09/n…Qd9Us8sr96pY-g

It’s also on the NYT Facebook page.

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