Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I think the NY post is proving details that are being fed to them by the fiancé. I would love to know if there are other witnesses and what Barisone eventually says.


So if the gun recovered at the crime scene was not his, then what gun was used to commit the crime? They recovered one gun, the one at the crime scene. He was also charged with illegal possession of a gun, and if it was not the gun used to commit the crime then they would have recovered two guns. So I understand your point that maybe they found his gun in his house, not at the crime scene, but then they would be still looking for the gun used to commit the crime. So he would have somehow had to of disposed of it. And there is nothing in any sources that claim the gun recovered at the crime scene is registered to Lauren, and she has not (yet, anyway) been charged with illegally possessions a gun. Plus apparently the fiancé subdued Barisone and was lying on top of him when the police arrived, with the gun underneath Barisone.

Sounds like a heat of the moment crime to me. If he is evicting her and police have been called out recently, things were escalating. And please ignore @TMares rude comment, I don’t want anyone to “sod off.”


Come on, that’s not rude. You post in a tone of “agree with me or you’re stupid” day in and day out. I don’t know if you’re blind to that or intentionally acting in a jerk like fashion.

We are ALL speculating, including you.


I believe MB was due to be arraigned in court this morning. Can anyone pull up that info and his mugshot/arrest info?

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I suspect he did furnish some of the post’s data. However, there are statements here that come from ‘authorities’. Looks like he shot at the fiance as well.

“Kanarek’s fiance, who was inside the home, peeked outside to see Barisone brandishing a pink and black handgun, authorities said. The former Olympian shot at him but missed, breaking a windowpane in the door, authorities said.”





Speak for yourself. I’ve had extensive training in fraud and investigations, so I am not speculating. The obvious and the simple are usually correct. But please please, when all is said and done, if the gun found at the crime scene is not the gun used to shoot Lauren and was not brought to the crime scene by Barisone and is not the weapon he was charged of illegally possessing, please bring this to light so you can all ridicule me. It certainly won’t be the first time I was wrong.


Except that “authorities” weren’t present to witness the shootings themselves, so that information has to be from a statement from someone who was there … probably the fiancé. I’m thinking this was some poor editing.


I do not know what the gun laws are in NJ, but in NY you are not allowed to even shoot a hand gun that you do not have a permit for. So that charge might simply be something of that sort.

(Disclaimer - this is not me even pretending to have a clue what happened here.)


I’m sure there is plenty of culpability to go around with this entire event and any and all events leading up to it. There is historical precedent to support this…

LK is local to me…very well known around here but not because she is a top notch trainer or rider or anything like that…but well known to say the least. I always want to believe that people are good at their core but those who travel through life constantly embroiled in drama might be making very very poor choices…in this case I don’t think the participants are evil, but absolutely there is a history of promoting drama that rarely ends with a mutually acceptable solution. This recent event would be the extreme example…but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other, less extreme examples… I don’t wish what happened to LK to happen to anyone but I am not surprised it happened to her…

Having said that…

If there was indeed an eviction notice in front of the farm house, this would not be the first time she has been told to remove herself and her animals from a property and refused to go. This is also absolutely NOT the first time she has taken to social media to take shots at people…and for what most folks can see on her Facebook page at this point related to the current situation, This. Is. Mild. to say the very least. The irony of her having an issue with someone bullying her after what she posted/wrote/said about other riders, trainers, and horsemen/women in our area is just breath taking…one particular trainer in our area was the target of daily vehement attacks and name calling…it was just unbelievable that an adult would keyboard cowboy in such a fashion to destroy someone.

Yes, moving 5 horses is a trick sometimes but if you have the means to compete at a barn of this caliber and maintain FIVE horses, money is likely NOT the thing that is keeping you from leaving and seeing to the safety of yourself and your animals. If there is an eviction notice in the yard and your life is being threatened as claimed, then you GO.

When you post on social media that you possess two firearms and that you don’t need to sleep with one eye open because you don’t sleep…well that all but says you are armed and ready for whatever comes your way. Should MB have waded into what was certain to be a shit show with a firearm…or used a firearm for anything other than absolute self defense? No…but none of us at this point knows exactly what happened.

I have been in horse world at various levels & in various disciplines during my 50 years on this rock. I’ve seen a lot of crazy. Hose world seems synonymous with crazy some days…even otherwise decent folk do crazy stuff in horse world. Up until recently I was showing at the same USDF shows at LK…have had several interactions with her as a steward, rider, horsewoman…and she was always nice & pleasant for those brief interactions. I have also had interactions with MB at shows, clinics, and the like…he was never anything but helpful and kind and willing to share his experience and knowledge. I’m sure there are folks who can express similar sentiments about both. And folks who can share crazy horror stories about both.

I don’t ride much or show anymore…crazy busy farming full time - part of what I do involves dealing with intact male breeding animals. I have to be tough and not much of anything scares me. I can handle some big, naughty boys pretty effectively. But you know what? There are people that absolutely scare me because of the drama they create…like a giant black hole that sucks in everything and everyone near them, leaving a wake of destruction at the very best and outright destroying people and things that don’t manage to avoid the suck. I run from that sort of situation…but there are also those who see the black hole opening up and jump right in, as if they will magically be the ones to set someone straight…usually never ever works out that way.

So before we all choose up sides since none of us was present when this tragic situation unfolded, let’s just remember that this was a dance of at least two, and if historical precedent rings true, there were three folks on that dance floor…Again, plenty of blame ALL. THE. WAY. AROUND.


SOmehow that does not sound like a man’s gun.


I was reading this thread out of curiosity and I noticed the argument regarding the unlawful possession and/or use of a weapon charge. I am not offering any opinions however - Anytime charges are filed - they have to fall under a category and each category has a list of things that would be included. The below are just a couple that would be listed under that particular category:

Discharges or shoots a firearm into a dwelling house or any building or structure used for the assembling of people

Shows his gun in the presence of one or more persons or any weapon for that matter that is readily capable of lethal use in an angry or threatening manner

I apologize if this article has already been linked but it seems to give more details.


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If it happened at the house, and he was trying to evict her… he shouldn’t have been anywhere near it. It absolutely sucks but the only way to proceed would be through the courts, with a court order, and law enforcement doing the actual evicting.


Not knowing the shooting victim at all beyond what was publicly visible on Facebook, or MB by anything more than name, this is how things appeared to me.

If you are fearing for your life and your horses’ safety in your current arrangement, you GTFO. Even if you honestly believe you’ve done nothing wrong. Even if it means couch surfing and parking your fancy dressage horses in a cattle barn for the time being.


It’s entirely possible he had one registered weapon and one illegally possessed weapon. Even if he shot her with a legally owned weapon they could still file another charge on other weapons that were found in a search. It’s not unusual.

Sometimes is the main charge is dropped you can still get a conviction on a smaller charger so prosecutors want that option.


I carried a 9mm for several years as a backup weapon in combat, I am surprised to say the least that being shoot point blank in the chest twice by what is said to be 9mm that any one is alive

I was expecting the gun to have been a 25ca or maybe a 22



One of those maybe?


Just about every manufacturer makes pink guns. There’s even a “hello kitty” 9 mm out there.


Right, which means two guns were recovered, not one gun. The crime scene is the house where Lauren lived, not his house. I don’t know how far away his house is from Lauren’s tenancy, or if they can automatically search his house or if a warrant is necessary. But there is no indication that any other guns were found with exception to the pink and black one he was lying on top of when the police arrived.


Middle aged men aren’t usually the target demographic for pink guns, but who I am to judge if a dude wants to carry a 9mm in Muddy Girl Camo?


I can think of a handful of barns within a 45 minute drive which could accommodate 5 horses easily for a few weeks or a month in order for someone to get their plan B in order. They would not be high end dressage barns, but regular barns with acceptable care. All she would have to do is have a friend do an ISO post on one of our local groups for her and she would have had several suggestions. Instead she seemed bent on taking him down while keeping her horses there and living there?

If you are shot in the chest twice and need to be medivaced out - are you really the one calling 911?

Not saying MB should have shot her, but the reporting is getting crazier by the day.The whole thing sounds like a Lifetime movie.

Also would like to know what she does to afford to go from training/first level in 2016 to importing multiple horses and riding at fourth in 2019. Kind of my life goal, minus the drama.