Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I was curious what exactly the law means by weapon possession. It doesn’t specify ownership it looks like, just having a weapon on you. So it might not have been his.

  • [B]Possession.[/B] Whenever you carry a weapon on you, have one in your home, or carry one in your vehicle, this is usually considered possessing a weapon. It isn't necessary for you to actually have it in your hand or in your pocket, or otherwise carry it with you. To show possession, a prosecutor must show that you had control or domain over the prohibited weapon.
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The whole facebook diatribe sounds to me like she was setting up a self defense scenario and it didn’t go the way she planned. However, and it is a big however, I have not one single clue as to what really happened.

And yes, I do read a lot of murder mystery/suspense novels so there’s that.

I imagine no statement is coming from his camp yet because his attorney has probably told him, and anyone else involved, however minimally, to keep their mouths shut.

There are a scant few people who know what happened. And the principals either are not, or are unable to talk at this point.


Agreed. Point blank in the chest with a 9mm, twice, gets you dead.


So how is she calling for help? I don’t get it


because it’s Too Soon for us to have the facts, and with that, I’m headed out to do something productive…

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Unless you were at the scene or a witness, you are speculating. They may be educated guesses from our esteemed friend, PB, however— they are - at least for now- your speculations.

As for the rest, I don’t make it a habit to ridicule people. There are others who are far more skilled than I in that regard.


Since when is late 30’s a kid? RIGHT???


Terrible thing that happened


It’s believable that someone who was shot, but remained conscious, could call 911, especially if they had their phone on them at the time of the shooting.

However, it’s harder to believe that someone who was allegedly “blasted” twice in the chest at point blank range with a 9mm would still be conscious to call 911, and survive and be in stable condition 24 hours later. It sounds like the shots were not well-aimed, center mass shots to the chest as the Post would have us believe.


How’s this for a plausible scenario…

First off, PINK gun…probably not his but more likely hers.

Reason for him going to her rental house… maybe she called him over, argument ensued and she pulled the gun on him.

He reacted by trying to disarm her.

Gun goes off accidentally and shots graze her in the chest (as others have pointed out, two bullets directly into your chest and it’s “lights out” for you.

Seems entirely possible and the most telling evidence will be …whose fingerprints are on that gun! If her prints are on it the whole story changes!!!


yes, someone has already offered the she pulled a gun on him and he disarmed her and shot her with it defense.


MB has an ex-wife, and apparently a current girlfriend. The pink and black gun could have belonged to one of them.


When I was telling my SO about this whole incident last night, he said basically the same thing. “Point blank” in the chest twice with a 9mm, it was highly unlikely that she would survive and was, as of last night, upgraded to stable condition.

In LK’s facebook postings she talked about owning several 9mm handguns. I believe people may be confusing the facebook postings with actual (non) information regarding the actual gun used for the shooting.

I have not seen a description other than the “pink and black” of what caliber of gun she was shot with. Though I may have missed a statement in one of the articles with law enforcement quotes about the actual weapon.

In this article it’s mentioned as a pink and black 9mm Ruger Handgun.



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The article mentioned the gun was under him. The article did not mention that was the ONLY gun, nor did it mention that was the caliber that shot her. The article is only going to mention information gathered from witnesses. The police won’t offer that information this early in the investigation.

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Except there is a witness who says Barisone came to the door, pulled a gun and shot her twice, and also fired into the house at the witness. Crime scene investigation done, Barisone charged. Evidence gets collected, photos taken, statements taken etc.

The gun was illegal. Not sure how picky illegal weapons buyers are about color.

If you are so afraid of someone that you grab your gun when that person shows up at the door, you really going to let him get close enough to disarm you? Are you going to open the door and step outside?


The investigation has proceeded far enough that Barisone has been charged with serious crimes. I would not characterize it as “early.”


To be fair, the Police don’t have to share what weapons they found in what locations. He could have had weapons in other locations.

I would also consider it early in the investigation.


My response is to the argument that the “pink gun” was used and that a 9mm would more than likely have killed her at point blank range.

He has been charged because there is enough evidence, probably cause, etc to issue an arrest. Yes. What I’m saying is that the news article may not be stating all the facts regarding weapons found at the scene and on his person as they would not necessarily know that. I’m stating that there could have been more than one weapon, maybe one that had a smaller caliber, maybe one that was not the pink one that is in question.

The news article may or may not know how many weapons were found at the scene.

That is all I am saying.


Originally posted by Palm Beach:

The gun was illegal. Not sure how picky illegal weapons buyers are about color.

Where did it say the gun was illegally procured? I’m no crime expert, but I would guess shooting a person with a gun in any manner that wasn’t purely self defense could get you a weapons charge of some sort, even if you bought it legally and had a permit to carry it prior to the incident.