Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

But the boyfriend stepped outside, even after being shot at?? And was able to subdue an armed MB? The whole thing doesn’t make sense. A tragedy, in every sense of the word.


Just brandishing a firearm in front of people (in an aggressive manner) can be illegal possession. It doesn’t necessarily have to be illegally procured. I don’t think I’ve seen that in any articles that it was illegally procured.


The gun is not in question. He was lying on top of it. The fiancé was on top of Barisone. What is with this mysterious other gun that was used to shoot Lauren? He shot her with one gun then fell down on top of another gun? Even if the police recovered 100 guns from the house Lauren was living in, how would that impact the facts? Don’t you think the fiancé would have grabbed a gun when Barisone showed up with a gun and started shooting if there were guns in the house? He didn’t - he went outside and went after Barisone and most likely saved Lauren’s life.


Can you imagine being a barn worker on that day just going about your routine, bucolic chores?


I feel like the word “horse” has probably appeared in the Times more this week than in the last 5-10 years combined.


I’m not sure why you’re being so difficult. What everyone is saying is that it’s possible there was a legal weapon and illegal weapons. Since all we have are a few shody news reports and a questionable witness we have no idea. In those situations witnesses are notoriously unreliable, they can see or hear things that didn’t actually happen. The police don’t have to divulge information about what weapons they found or what residences they searched


Or coming back the next day to take care of the horses amid (I’m guessing) investigators, crime scene tape, reporters, and curious onlookers?


I wonder that too, and why a local hotel wasn’t an option if she felt threatened, yet wanted to stay near her horses.


I’m not trying to be difficult, but do you consider ABC, NBC and CNN “shady” or “shoddy” cuz you wrote “shody.” Or maybe both shady and shoddy?

Good grief, the shady/shoddy news sources are citing the complaint, which details the charges and other relevant information. The complaint is a document filed by the prosecutor in court to get proceedings started. They are not pulling stuff out of thin air.


I wonder why so many people here are so hard pressed to find an excuse for Michael Barisone shooting a woman.

It’s really weird.


Oh come on, all we are saying is that we have little info and most of it comes from the fiance. It’s a complicated situation and the prosecutor doesn’t have to give the general public all the information. I’m not justifying Lauren being shot, just that the entire thing sounds like a shitshow and there’s a probably a lot more involved then reports have stated.


I’ll keep it going by adding the word horse in every puzzle I submit to them


Like there’s a whole lot of criticism about what she should have done, and not a whole lot of Michael Barisone shouldn’t shoot people

Michael Barisone shouldn’t shoot people


Well, the article on COTH states that a male was also shot. I guess that makes MB as sad sort of equal opportunity, if true.

Does anyone who the guy is?

A long, long time ago I worked in district criminal al court. It’s amazing the credibility and lack of credibility of some witnesses.

I really think there’s a whole lotta fact finding left to do and would HATE to be an investigator on this case…


Of course he shouldn’t shoot people. What many of us are offering is that it may have been accidental or the result of a struggle. DH has a roger 9mm, once cocked and fired, subsequent firings are frighteningly easy, almost too easy.

again in case you read my input too fast again…of course he shouldn’t shoot people.


No, most of the information comes from the crime scene investigation, which is very very detailed. If there were any inconsistencies in the witness stories or questions raised by the evidence at the crime scene, they would not have filed charges so fast. This is so open and shut I bet he pleads down.

NJ has 5 years to bring charges in felony cases. Charges were filed against Barisone the next morning.


No one is saying it’s ok for MB to shoot people. But after seeing things on the victim’s Facebook page that could be interpreted as threats of violence or retaliation on her part, I think some of us are questioning whether things are truly as they appear on the surface.


I guess the same applies to taking on boarders - complete background check before allowing them in.


It looks like someone completely deleted her posts from FB now?

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