Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Ok. I’ll use the Ferguson shooting as an example of how things get scewed in the very early stages of an investigation. You see, the reporters are relying on witness statements and minimal police information (police don’t release information on on-going investigations and an arrest does not complete an investigation).

In the Ferguson shooting there were multiple witness accounts of the victim being shot in the back as he ran away. MULTIPLE accounts. When the offical report came back - it turns out that not only was he shot in the front - not the back, but that he had gun residue from the officers gun on his hand from when he tried to take the gun.

The news articles all reported that he was shot in the back. That’s what the witnesses said.

So when people say there could have been more than one gun or that gun could have been the boyfriends or the girlfriends… etc. What’s to say he didn’t throw the gun he used in the woods before he was tackled? I’m not saying that happened but what I am saying is that there are many, many factors that we don’t know. It’s all speculation. What we do know is that there is enough evidence for an arrest.


There is a complaint filed in court, which is cited in news sources. That is not speculation, it’s the result of an investigation of the crime scene as well as witness statements. Considering that the police have 5 years to conclude their investigation and bring charges, there is no reason to bring charges the next morning unless they are satisfied that they have a complete investigation.


I read “injured” not “shot”.


The introduction is still there: Mad, bad & dangerous to know.


This part read weird to me too. The fiancé is in the house- escapes being shot at- doesn’t call 911 but instead decides to walk out of the house and confront the guy who was in a state that he had just shot his girlfriend in the chest twice and he was able to subdue him by sitting on him. Seems weird unless the prep collapsed after realizing what he had done or something?


Good post. I wanted to chime in real quick, because I feel like we were in a somewhat similar situation earlier this year. I even posted about it here, but never updated when the situation deteriorated even more. We bought a farm that I’d boarded at for about a year prior, when the family decided to move away. Even after closing on the house, they were coming on the property and stealing things (gates and fencing keeping the horses away from a major road, the front door, etc.), leaving their literal tons of crap on the property but claiming we had somehow agreed to let them come get their stuff at some indefinite time in the future. They called the police on us, claiming we had stolen some of their stuff that they had already taken to their new house. Threatened to sue us and their own realtor for not giving them free rein to access the property to get all their 20 years of hoarder junk. Again, all happening weeks after we took possession of our new home, changed locks, etc.

Of course, as this is happening (and to this day, I’ve been told by others), the woman is ripping us apart on social media as big meanie heads who preyed on these poor hurricane victims and on and on. Her social media face was “poor little old me” as she was threatening us with lawsuits and bodily harm, and generally being an enormous bully. Oh, and just about everyone in the family had a laundry list of criminal convictions. So, yeah, I can vouch for how high stress it can be to try to get rid of someone who is trying to stick around after they are supposed to be gone. You bet I carried my little purple Ruger with me, just in case they or one of their kids or friends showed up to carry out their threats. Some people seem to actually WANT drama, and thrive on making it, or staying in high drama situations. I don’t trust the face folks put on social media in the slightest.

Don’t take this as me saying MB acted in self defense. I have no idea what happened between LK and MB. The truth will come out. But I’m not going to jump on either bandwagon, because sometimes what you think you know about someone or a situation is either an exaggeration or an outright lie.


The front door saga!!


I read (and yeah, now I can’t find it) that the fiancé rushed out of the house at the sounds of gun shots to stop MB and in the fight that ensued the gun fired, hitting a window. Such a report could only have come from the fiancé unless there was a poor barn worker who witnessed the horror show.


I’m pretty I read early on in one of her FB posts that the reason she wasn’t leaving was because there were some strings tied to the horses. She couldn’t just take them. It seemed to me when I was reading it (therefore not sure if just speculation or what I read) that when she brought them in to his facility, he had her add his name to the ownersip or something, literally making it impossible for her to just pack up and go.

The other thing I read from a friend of hers on facebook was that the other injury was the fiance who’s wrist was broken by Michael trying to get the gun out of his hand.

Not sure how true either of these things are though.


Michael Barisone was hospitalized with head and arm injuries. According to the NY Post, he was still in the hospital as of this morning. https://nypost.com/2019/08/09/equestrian-shooting-victim-told-911-operator-michael-barisone-shot-me/

Yes, he was not shot. He was injured.

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I read the public FB posts and I can say , yeah a background check would have been wise…

there was a TON of stuff that was posted publicly just a few days ago. Scary stuff

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This was the lead story on CBS news at 5.


I find it unusual MB is still being “evaluated” in hospital. I wonder if he had some sort of psychotic break? The repeating of “I had a good life” as he was arrested is weird too. What a horrible situation all around.

i think people are fascinated by this because it Is like rubbernecking at a traffic accident, we all want to figure out what happened and here there are so many pieces that don’t easily fit. It is why detective novels and series are a thing. Quite natural.




Hello?! The gun was pink and black. I seriously doubt MB would own a pink gun. At least no man I know does. I would guess that the gun belonged to her.


MB is the one charged with the weapon offense.


The media articles keep referring to her as “award winning” equestrian. Come on, this is a COTH forum. I’m sure someone has already looked up LK’s scores. …that’s what you do.


Was it not mentioned here somewhere that she is a USDF Bronze medalist?


Did Barisone ride in the 2008 Olympic Games or was he the traveling reserve? I can’t find his name on olympics.org.