Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Story said Lauren is in a medically induced coma.

This is among the dumber things I’ve seen on the internet this week, and it’s been QUITE A WEEK


I wonder if, having allegedly been in a state of fearing for her life and safety, whether she took a smart precaution of wearing a bullet proof vest, and/or an Eventing safety vest on top of it?

My take on this is just a bit different. At a high level - as recently as late spring/early summer (based on LK’s FB page) things seemed to be all ok. Some good shows, new horse coming, even in I think July the Michael Poulin clinic w/ all kinds of emojies for Barisone Dressage. Then come early August a 180 degree turn, leading to this horrible event.

Its not about finding an excuse, its just very hard to get a grasp over what could have led from then to now. In a pretty short period of time. I can come up w/ probably a dozen scenarios and still find it hard to get to the end result. Based on MB’s comment “I had a good life” it seems safe to say that he understands what he did and knows he’s in a bad spot almost no matter what led up to it.

BTW, about the only “excuse” for shooting someone that I can think of is real, honest -to-god self defense .


Where are you seeing that? I’m reading “stable condition” but that is all I saw regarding her status.

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Yes but we’re talking about the media - I doubt if any of them would know how to look up dressage scores much less know what they mean.

And it is LK herself who had numerous references about herself, the “award winning medalist”. I’m sure that’s where the media got this from, they scour social media.

This whole thing is a tragedy no matter how you look at it.

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It wasn’t in the print but if you listen to the video, the newscaster says it at the end.

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Gotcha … I read the article but hadn’t watched the video.

I did some googling, and found a ‘talent’ website that indicates she also does acting and modeling…or allegedly so.

He has one charge against him in Palm Beach, for resisting a Police Officer in a traffic stop. Some other derpy traffic violations. Nothing that suggests he’s an outright A-Hole or inherently violent, though I haven’t met the guy. Lauren on the other hand, apparently has an established history of violent and deviant behavior, with court records and charges, in both her home state of NJ and (apparent exile?) in NC, where she lived before moving back to NJ to shack up with Barisone. As others have stated, her history of conduct ranges from misdemeanors like obtaining alcohol illegally to violent assaults and harassment.

I don’t know how she got the “huge amounts of money” to land with Barisone, but she seems to have had a lifestyle change in the past several years, as her NC address and what little is shown indicates relative squalor, in comparison to her NJ life at Barisone’s farm. I came across unverified information that she and her man came into a windfall of money before she became a name, possibly via lottery winnings, while they lived in NC. She appears to have deleted or removed all of her Internet footprint from before she became a “Dressage Diva”, and what is out there shows no discernible childhood history with horses - Soccer was her teen sport - or equestrian activities, so that is something to give context to her recent history and her constant preening on Facebook/Instagram. It seems as though she literally “bought” her way into the sport back in 2016, after moving to NC, but again, there is a huge, many year gap in what’s out there, so I can’t say where exactly she came from after becoming an adult in NJ and her later time in NC, or how she ended up doing Dressage around 2016 or so, which is about as far back as her available social media posts go and the date of her USDF membership.

Given her fiance’s apparent criminal history, it seems as though she could have stayed in NJ in her 20’s and most of her 30’s, before moving with him to NC, and had nothing to do with horses until that time. That’s just what I figure, given the evidence available. As for her fiance, his name will bring up a long list of charges against him in NJ, ranging from violent and criminal behavior to a bunch of traffic offenses, including drug use/possession in the past several years and others going back to the 90’s. All things considered, I think the next several weeks will be very enlightening in regards to this horrible situation and the actions of everyone involved.


Thank you and WOW, haven’t seen you pop up here in a while! Welcome back.


I have not seen the Fiance mentioned by name anywhere, so please do fill in some blanks for the rest of us, and perhaps we need some popcorn too? This is seeming more and more like a really bad soap opera…
It is tragic that bullets became involved, and am sure we all are praying LK survives. If she does, I reckon she will write a book, sell the screenplay rights, and more details will emerge…


See the link in the quote, post #281. It is at the end of the video.

He certainly was brave taking down a 6’3" gun wielding man, if that’s true.


His name is Robert, he’s from Livingston like she is, and that’s about all there is. [edit] Follows her around and does her bidding, handling all the man-work as she does her Dressage. They have been together for many lunar rotation cycles, possibly a decade’s worth or more. I would even go so far as to say they could have been together since her HS days, though at the very least, her early adult years, given their shared hometown. His available history, beyond court records, is about as blank and time-gapped as hers is, so I’m guessing she possibly did the same thing with him as she did for herself or he’s just been a criminal deviant involved in unsavory things or otherwise under-the-radar, working whatever whenever, due to his record. About the only thing of note is that he went missing from their rural dwelling in NC for an undisclosed period in late 2017. Obviously, he turned up again, but the fact that he was reported missing and then nobody said “Hey, he’s been found!” kinda makes you scratch your butt and ponder what really happened.


If 50 year old accusations can be considered against someone to safesport, then i think 15 yr old court convictions should be allowed to be considered regarding current behavior.


Thats what i was thinking. Unless he is gay. But no straight guy is going to own a pink and black gun.


It has been posted that she is awake and continuing to recover.


Note to self:
If I decide to commit murder or at the very least felonious assault, I will first purchase a weapon that by its color will throw the police off my tail!


Well said…I cannot imagine MB would own a pink and black gun and would not own that particular make. An entirely plausible explanation above and we will have to wait and see what actually happened