Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Why wouldn’t he own a Ruger?


You made me feel guilty for laughing out loud.


Yes, it appears questionable especially considering MB’s 6’3" sizable frame and the fact that he is very fit. Could he have been deliberately laying on top of the gun in order to keep in from getting into the hands of R, the fiance? I can’t imagine anyone preventing him from standing horizontally. He’s big. We just don’t know…


Someone who was very close to him, a former Male deputy, informed me MB always purchased upscale items and that a Ruger would not be in that category.


I would posit that if the Pink Ruger belonged to Lauren, that she obtained it while in NC, where such an inexpensive (MURICA!) handgun would be commonplace in the local shops and easily obtainable for her. I would also say that it was likely a compact model designed for conceal-carry (purse or handbag) - which Ruger specializes in - and not a full-size model that is carried in a holster by the open-carry crowd. Also, pink firearms came into fashion around the time she was known to be living in NC. But more to the point, her last known address in NC was in a rural neighborhood near the barn she was based out of, so she would have wanted to be armed having to go back and forth, especially if she was flush with cash or horse stuff or both. Her social media shows expensive horse-related purchases in NC before she relocated back to NJ, and the stuff she was showing off was a bit above the economics of the barn she was based out of, so she’d want to protect herself and her belongings.


The gun was not purchased legally By Barisone.


Except the charging documents state Barisone pulled out a gun and shot her.


Are the charging documents available to read?


Was Barisone married or did he presently have a live-in girl friend?

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I believe I saw in one of the news stories that he was the reserve.


And we have a new leader in the “dumbest things posted on the Internet this week” contest!


Where did you see these documents?


Where did you find this information? Do you have a link to where you read the charging documents?


Given the incalculable number of handguns in illegal/illicit circulation up and down the East Coast, many of which come from Virginia sales, I can’t readily believe that he would have bought a pink handgun off of a trunk dealer when there’s so much more to choose from with the illegal/legal offerings. If he admits to it, fine, I’ll go along with it! But he could have easily legally bought a handgun and whatever else he wanted to protect himself, while he was here in VA or SC, doing clinics, competitions, or whatever high-falootin Dressage folks do between their dental check-ups.


Or the pink gun could have belonged to his wife, his girlfriend, one of his students, or staff members, or anyone. The speculation on this thread has really spiralled out of control now.


Since everyone is speculating, I’ll lay 2 to 1 odds that the gun was hers, and she came out with it and mb got it ogf her and in the struggle she got shot. Fiance jumps him during the struggle and he ends up on top of mb, who didnt want to move and risk fiance getting the gun.
I’m in TX where many people own guns, and the only person i know with a pink one is my neice. Never met a man with a pink gun. And since he didn’t have a weapons permit, I’m betting it was hers, given her and her fiance’s history.
Any takers on the bet???


Don’t give him too much credit, the gun was pink, so…



If the handgun belonged to his ex-wife, I would imagine that she would have taken it with her, since she would have had it for herself. She became a US citizen around the time pink handguns were a thing, and had been in the country long enough to experience a thing or two, so I could see it being hers, though I can’t quite wrap my head around the idea of her getting it illegally. I can see her buying it for herself while in other states, doing clinics and whatnot. Maybe she went to a gun shop/shooting range with some Dressagian folk after a clinic or dinner or whatever and picked one up.

Per the witness’s. The woman and her BF.

