Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I am not that familiar with the game Clue. But I feel like we are definitely approaching that point here. So I will say the farrier in the wash rack with his purple hammer.


I just went back and re-read the entire thread from the beginning. This is gonna be a loooooooooooooong discussion.


I will be sure that if I commit a crime involving a gun, it will be blue and camo so that no one will ever know that a straight female shot it.

The absolute lack of logic hereā€¦

The entire gun debate is laughable because there are so many possibilities that one can not just draw out of thin air. A). dude can totally shoot a black and pink gun. Guns do not discriminate. B). When in a pinch and needing personal protection, it is highly likely that an individual will ask people within his/her network. Being married to a weapons expert, I can tell you that the most economical purchases weā€™ve have had have been private sales (and there have been enough to make this decision). Weapons that are more tailored are generally purchased much higher at a shop price than what they are sold for at private resale making a pink gun likely a cheaper purchase and one that one would part with. Guns can be fashionable and fashions go out of style. Do we know what MB preferred to carry and that he would not carry a Ruger? Absolutely not. The details to me lend more so to someone who needed a personal defense weapon (in their mind) quickly versus a high-end weapon (as someone has suggested) that generally takes some time to be sent to the purchaser from the manufacturer considering most shops donā€™t carry a plethora of high-end handguns. Also, Ruger is a good weapon.

As far as the charges, MB has been charged, not convicted. It is very common for law enforcement to stack charges high and then the charges be either removed entirely or changed entirely once the case has been pursued in court. MB could still fight for self-defense in court and have charges dropped. The gun charge may simply be because he shot someone.

Also, as far as the handgun behind the back of MB on the ground (which I have not seen in a report but have seen on COTH). Tactically, when someone who is less than educated in personal defense pursues an individual with a handgun, it is highly likely that they will grab the gunmanā€™s arms and lift them up as they lean in to move the weapon away from their own body. The gunman will lock their arms causing the arms to stiffen and raise above the head. Shots are commonly fired if rounds have already been dispersed as the gunman will generally still have their finger on the trigger. In this case, it would be quite fathomable to shoot through a window. With the elevated hand position, it would be entirely possible to push the gun out of the hand and behind MB. An intense struggle occurs causing fiance a broken wrist and other unknown injuries to MB. Potential scenario 1 out of 5,000.

For those questioning the fiances cahoonas and whether or not heā€™d rush a 6ā€™3 gunmanā€¦ If my husband had been shot with what one would THINK would be 2 fatal gunshot wounds to the chest, I would absolutely rush a 6ā€™3 gunman if my life seemingly depended on it. Self-preservation is hella strong and the reaction Iā€™d have to someone shooting my husband is something I canā€™t describe to you.

Case in pointā€¦ We do not make our sanest decisions during times of total and utter crisis. Sometimes we as logical sane beings can not fathom the decisions someone else would make in a case like this, let alone a perfect stranger.


MB didnt have a weapons permit. LK says she owns a gun and says she knows how to use it. MB doesnt have criminal background. Lk and felon fiance both have violent criminal backgrounds.
You have one of the 3 that says they own a gun. That same person seems nuts and has a violent pastā€¦Iā€™m speculating it was her gun.


While we are all speculating it is also possible that the gun was indeed hers but she didnā€™t have possession at the time. Say if said gun was kept in tack room. So it is possible it could be her gun and it may have not been self defense.


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Having read through this whole thread, I am struck by how incredulous everyone is about anyone confronting a 6ā€™3ā€Ā man. Is LK a diminutive 4ā€™7ā€Ā flower? What about her boyfriend? Why do yā€™all assume heā€™s some 97 lb. weakling? Having found a picture of him, he looks very much the kind and size of guy to be a decent match, in a fight. When anyone is fighting for their life, they can take on a lot more than expected. People have pulled cars off pets and children, with extra human strength. The fight or flight response in mammals infuses extraordinary strength for a short time.
Each side seems to have itā€™s champion, wanting their impressions of their ā€œfriendā€Ā to be true. People show a side of themselves to some, and reveal a whole other side to others, especially con artists or people with an agenda (and no I am not accusing anyone, just stating a fact).
Actions and repeated behavior are telling, words are not.


Winning post of the day, if not the thread.


Where are you guys getting all of this information! I thought I was a good sleuth up until now


I got my info from a public records search. I also took screenshots of various FB pages which have since been erased or made private.

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No. As Iā€™ve tried to say several times, all we have is what the police have released to the press and a witness statement by the Fiance. police arenā€™t just going to search the crime scene, and itā€™s entirely possible that someone would have registered and unregistered weapons in their posession.


This is not necessarily true.

All we have are news reports and witness reports. As Iā€™ve said before, itā€™s possible he had one registered weapon and one unregistered weapon.


Thatā€™s what I thought, but folks keep going on about what is in them.

Iā€™ll just say, from my limited involvement with the justice system, initial charging documents may be a mishmash of witness statements, crime scene analysis can take more than a week, and charges are adjusted all the time (both up and down) as more information comes to light and prosecutors review the case.

The victim did say one of her guns was a cute one that fit in her purse, so that probably adds to the speculation.

Either way, II saw a FB update from a friend that she is awake and talking now. I think talk of her ā€œjust being grazedā€ is hogwash, it was very serous. Whatever reasoning or events happened, it wasnā€™t a superficial injury.

Iā€™m so glad I have a busy weekend so I canā€™t just obsess over this train wreck for the next few days


When we first moved south, I was surprised to see a case of handguns for sale at the golf cart store where we were buying a cart for our new farm. One of the handguns in the case was pink. I laughed at the absurdity of it. The salesman said ā€œIt hurts more when you get shot by a pink gun!ā€Ā :lol:


My brother is 6ā€™4ā€Ā and we fought constantly, Iā€™m 4 years younger and 8ā€Ā shorter and while he never had a gun I was perfectly willing to fight back if he hit me which he did plenty of. We work with animals that outweigh us by 1000lbs. Not sure what the big deal is of a couple of inches.

We have no idea how many witnesses there are, if there was a confession, or what did indeed happen. What we do know is that the police had sufficient evidence in the first 24hours to arrest and charge someone of serious crimes. That is not done lightly, to ensure a conviction they want to have be pretty darn certain of guilt before bringing charges. If they didnā€™t feel there was sufficient evidence or they didnā€™t have a confession they would have let him go, done a more in depth investigation, then brought appropriate charges if warranted.

Iā€™m thankful that while there will be lifelong repercussions from this terrible situation, it looks as if everyone is to survive.

This volatile situation should at the very least be a clear lesson that bringing weapons into a dispute significantly increases the risk of escalation.


It seems some have watched an awful lot of CSI. The only thing the news can report is what they have been given.

I think the fact that she was shot twice and is awake makes people think it was a graze. Especially since she is the one who called 911. An untrained shooter in an intense situation could miss center mass easily.


Thereā€™s little to smile about regarding any recent equestrian-related news, but I admit I laughed out loud at this comment.

We pretty much have a full house of weapons, personages, and rooms at this point for a horse world version of Clue.


If you go to the courthouse you can read them. It does not contain all the details, but it will contain enough details to be used at an arraignment, which is the formal declaration of charges, and also will be used to decide if he stays incarcerated or is let out pending trial, and how much (if any) bail to set.

Those of you who think the investigation is incomplete, please understand that the police have 5 years to complete the investigation and charge Barisone (I believe, might be different if she dies so itā€™s murder). There is no reason to file the complaint the following morning unless the police have completed a thorough investigation of the crime scene and interviewed all relevant witnesses, and there are no loose ends that might allow him to walk free on some silly technicality or questionable evidence. Barisone, unlike some hunter/jumper folk, is not running around molesting children so there is not much of a reason to rush to get him permanently off the street. It speaks volumes that he was charged so quickly.

Facebook comments are usually not reliable new sources, nor are anonymous internet posters. If you read real sources and used logic, not cotton candy speculation, this is a pretty simple situation. Also understand that witness statements are compared to evidence gathered at the crime scene and the evidence usually does not lie. Crime scene evidence documentation and gathering is a science, and there are special technicians who usually come out to process the scene.

So Iā€™m going with Michael Barisone with a pink gun on the front porch.


I remember well his ā€œdisappearanceā€Ā and the drama surrounding itā€¦but no drama about his return. And honestlyā€¦iirc the windfall seemed to occur not too long after that.

As for her social media accounts and I termed presence being cleanedā€¦there are more than a few of us with screenshots of some of her activities on the Interwebz. Screenshotted and messaged among the local set because she was considered dangerous and someone you did NOT want to get into dealings with.


Palm Beach - I totally understand what you are saying and maybe just maybe this is as simple as Barisone snappedā€¦but I would bet one lung and part of my liver (whatā€™s left of it) that the details of this situation will come to light and it will easily be Dateline or 48 Hours worthy.

LexinVA has some great info and thatā€™s tip of the icebergā€¦


I think people think that results on any tests that were done come back as fast as they do on TV. Cops/crime scene techs donā€™t process the evidence except in very rare jurisdictions. Their job is to gather it, make sure itā€™s packaged correctly, and get it off to the lab. The same piece of evidence may pass through multiple sections of the lab (prints, ballistics, etc). None of it comes back the next day. Analysis of gathered evidence could easily take months.