Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

This is what leads me to assume there is video evidence or a confession.

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Sure, but NONE of it is relevant to whether or not Barisone shot Lauren. They can be juicy gossip for many years before, and might explain why there was escalating conflict, but that does not give him the right to shoot her. You donā€™t get to shoot your tenants just because you find out they have past criminal records and bad reputations, and they are pushing your buttons.


Ding ding ding we probably have a winner.

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Miss Marple? Please feel free ā€¦


In my experience, the immediate charges donā€™t mean much of anything about the investigation. Immediate charges are very common in high-profile cases like this (and can be amended later as the investigation continues). It just means the prosecutors feel they have enough to go before a grand jury. And since it has famously been said that prosecutors can indict a ham sandwich, wellā€¦we should all keep in mind we could potentially see plenty more drama around this case as it unfolds.


I think it is very clear that MB shot Lauren. There are all sorts of things that could have caused that to happen that affect an eventual verdict, though.


Yeah I donā€™t think anyone here, even the wildest speculators, think he didnā€™t actually pull the triggerā€¦


As weā€™re now all off the deep end of rampant speculation, my theory is that she was an accidental victim as he defended himself against 30-50 feral hogs.



Michael Barisone has been charged with attempted murder and weapons offenses

Thatā€™s a 2 day old article. @LexInVA is right.

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Nothing other than self defense justifies a shooting.

But if there are extenuating circumstances that allow me to go to someoneā€™s house with a gun and shoot them, and not go to jail, please elaborate.


Itā€™s still showing on the COTH news feed, Iā€™m not passing judgement or making any claims just provided the link as to what is showing in the news feed.

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I know a straight guy whose favorite color is pink and one whose favorite color is purple. I know other straight guys who own and wear pink and purple shirts, among other colors. Iā€™m not sure whether any of them own guns or what color the guns are, although I am certain that at least two of them know how to shoot. Not everybody fits into some neat little stereotype box.


Please post the site where you got the information that MB brought the gun to the encounter with LK since none of us has apparently seen this info. yet.


Did you read what she wrote? There is nothing that says he brought the gun. Many things could have happened that lead to him shooting her.



There are plenty of circumstances that could. If she got in his face yelling and he pulled out the gun. If he snapped mentally and can be declared incompetent. If he wrestled the gun from her and turned it on her. If some other scenario occurred that drop the charges from murder to negligence or attempted manslaughter. The intent required to prove murder or attempted murder is a highish standard.

Of course, it could be straight up attempted murder too. I donā€™t see why you think itā€™s so obvious exactly what happened, when the whole thing looks like a made for TV movie.

And then there is always jury nullification. Iā€™ve seen a few of those in my day, where the jury, in its black box, decides something no one expected based on the facts of the actual shooting, but likely on what happened before.

I didnā€™t say anything about whether he went to jail ā€“ I said it could affect the charges. For some of these he would probably still get jail time, just less.


For those of you who arenā€™t familiar with the charge of Attempted Murder- hereā€™s some info that will enlighten you.



Palm Beach, where are you getting all this information that the gun was one that he had acquired illegally and brought with him to the house? Because I havenā€™t seen that information made public, and itā€™s far from the only possible scenario that could lead to attempted murder/weapons charges.