Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Palm beach, the is no information that he brought the gun. Maybe he did. Maybe he didn’t. Maybe the gun used was the one covered by the illegal possession charge. Maybe the gun used belong to Lauren and sn illegal weapon was turned up in a search.

I think you keep failing to understand that the public doesn’t know everything and the prosecutors are probably sorting it out themselves. You’re also arguing with a few criminal lawers on the BB. They probably have good info.


I think many people are not trying to excuse Barisone, but to try to understand what happened when the available information paints an odd picture. The idea of a trainer shooting a rich client just because they are having a dispute is difficult to process. Surely he would know that he would be harming himself nearly as much as her.
So we speculate. Maybe there was a fight over a gun. But whose gun? A love triangle? Maybe he found her gun and intended to intimidate her, starting the struggle and shooting. Maybe he wrested the gun from her. Or it was his gun and he was trying to intimidate. Or trying to kill? Perhaps there was alcohol and drugs involved affecting judgement. Nobody knows at this point.

It may be that we will eventually find out unsavory details about any of those involved. I once was acquainted with a serial killer. When he was arrested and his crimes revealed, I, like most people, said “I never would have believed it. He was always polite to me and seemed like such a good guy!”


Most detailed article I’ve seen yet on what fiancé said and what police saw on arrival. https://www.northjersey.com/story/ne…it/1968420001/

also for those speculating on whose gun it might be, note that he is charged with possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose. It seems unlikely the police would charge him with that crime if he simply took possession of her gun as he wrestled it from her and then shot her with it. He is also charged with attempting to murder two people so the fiancé appears to have been also in the line of fire. https://prosecutor.morriscountynj.go…gton-township/


Back in my hometown, a women pulled up to a guy in a parking lot, rolled down her window and shot him. Turned out he was molesting her niece. She never served a day.

Totally different from this situation, just pointing out that you can’t make that kind of statement as if it were fact.


With what we know about her, an illicit relationship would not surprise me, though I see no clear evidence of one, simply circumstances and facts that would allow it to happen, as Lauren’s fiance Roger stayed in NC when she went to NJ to be with Barisone. Given his recent divorce and her obvious attractiveness and likely willingness to do whatever she felt was necessary, it’s certainly possible that she seduced him in some way to get into his confidences and gain his trust/connections for her own use and then used it to blackmail him, then openly threatened him to the point where it backfired, resulting in this incident. Again, just a wild possibility.


Thank you. Apparently some people are unable to understand these things and would rather make stuff up and spread rumors. Common sense tells you that a woman who was so afraid of her landlord she grabbed a gun when he showed up at her house also would not step outside and get physically close enough to him he could disarm her without a struggle. Plus, crime scene investigations are very detailed, and will turn up signs of a struggle.

“Members of the Washington Township Police Department, the Morris County Sheriff’s Office Crime Scene Investigation Unit, and the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office Major Crimes Unit contributed to the investigation.”


Again, the weapons charge could be related to another weapon on the premises recovered during a search. It’s not unheard of for some to have both legal and illegal weapons. Prosecutors often file othee, lower charges. It’s helpful for if they can’t prove the big charge the bad guy does at least some time.


Common sense would also tell you that a woman who is so afraid of her landlord that she feels a need to carry a gun to protect herself from him wouldn’t publicly post inflammatory stuff about him on social media, either, but …

Basically, none of this makes sense.


Considering the amount of news coverage this story has already received, and the colorful backstory, it will probably be a race to see where it appears first on TV. Will it be on one of the reality crime TV shows, or a fictionalized version on a Law and Order type show? Maybe both.


L&O makes sense, cause it’s NJ and a lot of the scenarios are pulled from NY region cases. A reality crime piece would likely happen too, though probably not for several years.


If she was that afraid of him, and he was evicting her anyway – why not just leave? End of story. No drama. Evidently she had the $$ to do whatever she pleased. Seems she’s had a history of making poor decisions, though.

Sticky Situation is right – none of it makes sense. Now I’ll just wait and see how it all shakes out.


I believe that law enforcement can charge you with weapons possession if you fire a gun under circumstances that are considered a crime - I don’ t think it matters if you OWN the gun, just that it was in your possession and you fired it.

MB being charged for weapon possession does not answer the question of who owned the gun or whether it was “legal” or not.

And given LK’s checkered past with assault charges, etc. I really doubt that, if the gun was hers, that it would be a legal possession in NJ where gun laws are pretty strict. If the gun is hers she may have some serious charges herself down the road.


Would not surprise me if the Jerry Springer Show producers are eyeing up the horse world for a series of shows. Will be a ratings blockbuster!

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I agree, although I’ve lost track of which versions are still on the air. I only watched the original series. They did do an episode on horse insurance many years ago, and they actually went to a barn for scenes of the actors interacting with horses, although I don’t know where that barn was located. I seem to recall the horse in question was named Mr. Whickers. Or something along those lines.

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Like Shark Week!


Or Columbo. He could solve this!

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Has anyone ever had a friend who is a battered individual? I have. What they do makes no sense. Perhaps it’s grooming, depression, who knows - the mental abuse does unexplainable things. Multiple broken bones in the hospital bed for days. Still moves back in a week later. Still asks for help, still gets beat up. For whatever reason they don’t just leave. It’s easy for us to say what the heck, to discredit women when it doesn’t make sense in our minds - but we are not the victims. We don’t struggle with their demons. Logic does not apply. Even if she is a horrible person, quite frankly, it does not matter. You do not shoot people. It takes two to tango - or three - and a reasonable adult would walk away. Barisone sure didn’t.

Gosh we love to victim blame.


SVU is all that’s left, though True Crime is always a possibility, if they can find enough drama llama juice to turn into a season long-script. If it turns out that Lauren and her fiance were doing something criminal and using the business as a cover for something illegal and profitable, they could change the deets to have the character based on Lauren be underage (SVU qualification), turn the fiance into boyfriend, and use a seduction and blackmail angle that results in the shooting and eventual discovery of all the mess. That’s classic SVU right there.


Since they have 5 years to file felony charges, why not wait until they have all the evidence they need to prove the “big charge” rather than charge him with the little charge less than 24 hours later? There is no evidence to indicate there was more than one gun recovered from the crime scene. If you are going to make stuff up, then why not speculate that there were drugs recovered, and being under the influence would at least explain some aspects of the situation. Maybe the drugs were in Lauren’s purse and she has not sufficiently recovered enough for the police to talkTo her about them.

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I’m not making anything up. You have access to the same info everyone else has, there is no evidence to indicate that has been released to the public that there was one weapon or multiple weapons recovered. He could also be charged with possession for taking and using Laurens weapon. The police have never said who the pink gun belonged to.

this is a high profile case. A prosecutor wants to levy charges swiftly, and charges can be added or dropped.