Woman Shot at Barisone Farm



Was it purchased legally by LK ?

I haven’t seen anyone on this board making excuses for MB’s behavior on account of his status as a big name dressage trainer.


You are absolutely correct - we DON’T know; we are speculating, trying to apply “logic” based only on what we DO know and following those “paths” to an explanation of what happened. But we certainly don’t know what actually transpired, or WHY.

What we do know however, is the past history (or at least parts of it) of both parties plus the fiancé. In two of those cases (LK and her fiancé) the past is far from squeeky clean. And like it or not, your past does follow you and “color” your character. Also, past behaviors are seen as possible predictable hints of present or future behaviors. Thus seeing LK as not the totally innocent victim here is understandable.

MB may well have his own skeletons but at this point we just don’t know. So at least at this point, the scales may seem more weighted in his favor over hers. Only time and forensic information will tell.


I would say that if one person has no criminal record to speak of, and the other two people have extensive criminal records, it’s no surprise if that raises questions for many people. Regardless of anyone’s occupation, whether that’s dressage trainer or auto mechanic.


This was posted this morning



I’m not on Facebook nor do I have a subscription to the NYT’s, but from what has been discussed here and the articles I can read it sounds TO ME like MB wanted them out—off his farm.

Did they not pay their rent? Were they dealing drugs? Were they just drama crazy? Any of those issues would be grounds for eviction to me.

The issue seems to be that MB was NOT going to let LK take their/her horses when she left. Something about she had signed over partial ownership of said horses to MB? That’s where I want the story to start and that’s probably the reason behind the cops being there several times that week.

I think it was her gun and he got it away from her in self defense.

Or or it could have been the farrier in the wash stall


Yep, everyone is speculating, and the majority of the speculation is placing the blame squarely on the woman who had two bullets in her chest, who had been saying for days she was being threatened with physical violence

Oh and fwiw, you cannot personally force tenants out at gun point, then shoot them when they don’t comply for those forwarding that narrative.

Christ on the cross.


I just wanted to say that I love your posts but feel you may have some unresolved issues with the Dressagians


It will be just like the Mr. Wickets episode where the horse was killed for insurance money
shades of the Helen Brach and Sandman situation

"‘He was quite a showman,” Braddick said, in a more reserved sport where riders wear formal coats and sometimes tophats (the horses wear hats too).’



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We all know that failure to pay board entitles the farm to hold the horse(s) until such money owed is paid. It can be as simple as that. Also, just because someone claims or flaunts wealth doesn’t mean they aren’t heavily in debt (just speculating) or just a jerk who doesn’t pay their bills. We have one very public person, in the news, who is notorious for that.
Personally, I’d love to see the Sopranos make a comeback, this time moving into the New Jersey horse world.


I get that she was looney, but none of that explains why Barisone repeatedly said to cops “I’ve had a good life” after they arrested him, or why he was found with the fiancé lying on top of him to keep him from moving when the cops arrived, with the gun pinned under his chest. This is all from the police report.

So you and your “rational” friends think Lauren and her fiancé “staged” a situation where she got shot twice? I mean, I know there’s plenty of crazy going around, do you really need to add to the collection?


That is DressageHubcrazy-worthy. There are always options for dealing with crazy people that do not involve a gun. Oh, silly me for even suggesting that.

I am still appalled at people applauding Dressage Hub and failing to see the irony of the fact that the ultimate vindictive crazy bully (SW) is complaining that another crazy bully scared her and therefore deserved to be shot


Seriously there are more than a few folks who know first hand about the shenanigans she’s been previously engaged in
for whatever reason(s), horse world seems to be a magnet for sideways and I would think that anyone who has been around for any amount of time has seen things they wouldn’t have ever even considered prior to actually seeing it. Do I really think she shot herself? Irrelevant
but the fact that her previous behaviors and actions lead folks to even consider that should say a lot. NONE of us knows exactly what happened because we weren’t there
but that doesn’t mean the boyfriend’s eyewitness statement is a credible account. Gonna be interesting to see how all of this settles once out of the wash
and maybe he absolutely just snapped - i put nothing past anyone on a really bad day
or for some folks on any day.


I find it interesting that MB is still hospitalized as of last night, meaning he either suffered somewhat serious injuries or they have other reason to hold him there vs recovering in a jail cell. It adds another piece to the puzzle.


Well I am not applauding DH or the vitriolic attacks
wouldn’t wish getting shot on anyone
but for those who aren’t personally acquainted with the victim to assume based on reports that are based primarily on the boyfriend’s statement that this is cut and dry and simple and MB got mad because she wouldn’t leave and shot her
that is over simplifying a lot. You don’t know me from Adam’s off ox, nor I you
do you know the folks involved in this incident? Some of us do


Do they have 5 years, though? And is attempted murder a “little charge”?

One of the news articles about this case mentioned New Jersey’s Bail Reform and Speedy Trial Act, which went into effect in 2017. From what I read, it seems that act requires that defendants appear before a judge within 48 hours of being jailed (ETA: I’d assume that being in custody in the hospital is similar? Again, too little info here to know for sure what’s going on). It also states that a defendant can only be held in custody for 90 days before an indictment (180 days before trial). It further implements a risk assessment process for release, which, while I’m not a lawyer, suggests to me that reasonable cause to suspect attempted murder (or any other serious violent crime) could very well earn you charges on that count fairly quickly, even if it’s not a perfectly open-and-shut case.

If I shot someone in the chest in the course of an argument, in New Jersey, I would not be at all surprised to be charged with attempted murder within 48 hours, regardless of whether I acted in self-defense or whether I instigated the argument with the intent of committing murder.

I don’t think we can read too much into the timeline, here, given recent criminal justice reform in NJ.

But I’m also one of the doubting Thomases who doesn’t trust everything that gets reported in the NY Post, or posted on Facebook, or discussed on CotH. I’m going to wait until more detailed and reliable evidence comes to light before I decide that Barisone is a murderous villain or an unlucky schmuck. Just like I’m not ready to draw any conclusions regarding whether Kanarak is a violent manipulator or a perfectly innocent victim. The facts that have been made public are not sufficient to clarify what happened or to condemn either party. Yet. The people involved deserve a fair trial, and there’s a reason that justice is served by juries who are presented with all the available evidence, not internet randos reading news reports.

What I am willing to speculate on is what the Dateline NBC episode title will be (because if there’s enough “how could that happen” sentiment to generate a 20+ page speculation thread, there’s enough intrigue for tv). Will they straight-up copy the Post’s punny “Unbridled Rage”, or highlight the contrast of violent crime and bucolic location with a title like “In Greener Pastures”?


I find this statement interesting. With on going talks about gun control in this country, leave it to the horse world to somehow spin this story into she deserved it. I apologize if that’s not what you meant, but that’s how it comes off. No one deserves to be shot.

I feel like if it was a police shooting like we’ve seen rather than a BNT and a rich white woman people would be blaming the shooter.