Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Where in hell did I assume anything or state that anything is cut and dried and simple? Here - I will save you the tedious effort of scrolling… nowhere. I am not “oversimplifying” anything, thanks. Not by a lot - or even a little.


Shaking my head. So determined to twist the facts to blame the victim…she seduces him? blackmailed him? Threatened him? You have a great imagination. Victim sounds aa bit unhinged, but that doesn’t make her deserving of being shot.


Our current cultural thirst for superficial reality TV complete with gaudy rich pseudo celebrities, high drama for all to see and a reality TV mafioso style President illustrates just how out of touch with “normal” middle class values the world of horse sport has become. We have lost empathy for true victims and understanding of common workplace professional standards of behavior and repercussions. What else could be expected of sports that were once developed and performed by military officers to demonstrate horsemanship and integrity that have now devolved into a frequently pathetic display of obscene wealth and petty influence. The events of the past week or so are indicative of not only a breakdown in the culture of horse sport in this country, but a wider loss of integrity, compassion, humility, ethics and a spread of the notion that money and power rather than honest, hard work and pride in your word are what matters. A sad week for sport and our country in general, indeed.


I think underestimating the lengths that some people will go to. And I most certainly never said she deserved it…

As for it being a leap for people to question her role in the ultimate outcome of this situation and whether or not she or her boyfriend/fiance set anything up…Jeffrey McDonald, Charles Stuart…and I’m sure others…harmed themselves to send the blame elsewhere.

Some of us were first hand witness to her previous attempts to destroy others. Thank God none of us ever gets what we truly deserve, but if you spend your life playing with fire, it’s no shock that you eventually get burned. Deserve it? Not for me to say…shocked or surprised it happened, no. Even if he did just lose it & head over there to get rid of her once and for all…not surprised…but - I’ll save you the effort of scrolling - nowhere did I say she deserved it.


Thank you for this.


Oof. I had not noticed that headline. Ouch.

I, too, am wondering why Barisone is still in the hospital three days later. Is it related to his head injury? And could the head injury account for whatever comments he made to the police at the scene? And could his lawyer use that argument in his defense down the road? Time will tell.


Oh, sure. Blame it on the farrier. It’s always the farrier’s fault.

Thank you for the dose of humor. I revisited this thread, hoping to find it all a bad dream. I still feel like I’ve been punched in the gut. Just horrible.

I’m voting Dateline. They did a good job on a local case, where AQHA owner Larry McNabney was killed by his wife with an injection of ace. (Episode “Poison”).

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I’m actually with you on this. Honestly the whole thing is insane enough already that I don’t think anything like that (it being a set up, the fiance shooting her, etc) would surprise me. I really wouldn’t be surprised if there WAS a farrier that popped out of bushes, shot at everyone, threw the gun at MB then ran away, at this point.


On MP’s farm a woman, collector of eviction notices, was shot twice. She calls 911. Police arrive to find her boy friend, he of the active legal history, pinning an injured MB down with the “gun” under him. Michael, not knowing the extent of his own injuries, says " I had a good life", perhaps in pain thinking it may be a departure time.

Since most of the talking comes from those who may be considered unreliable witnesses, I vote we wait til the dust all settles.


Holy cow. Really? When/where did that happen??

ETA: Never mind, I looked it up on Wikipedia. Yowza! :eek:

And you’re welcome. :slight_smile:

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Agree. According to multiple posters on this thread, she is all kinds of crazy, and may have seduced him and blackmailed him and threatened him, and he came unhinged. But when you are faced with all kinds of crazy, you do have the option of avoidance. Sure, it’s very tough when you let that person move into your property, but it sounds like he was proceeding with an eviction. He went to her residence and confronted her. And took a gun with him.

Even is she is fruitbat crazy, I can’t see her having her fiance shoot her TWICE to frame Barisone. And in the chest, too. You’d have to have pretty good aim to miss something important.


There is nothing that states he took a gun with him. He could have. Or…

It’s possible he attacked her, she pulled her gun in self defense, and he took it and shot her.

It’s also possible she pulled the gun on him when he asked her to move out, he took it from her and shot her.

your 5 year rule is statute of limitations, a prosecutor isn’t going to hold someone for that long while gathering info. People have a right to a speedy trial.


@MHM, the McNabney murder occurred in late 2001, but the wife kept his body in the ranch freezer into 2002.

The behavior of the wife, her daughter, and her accomplice was so twisted that there is a true-crime book and a made for TV movie on their dynamics alone.


I won’t touch most of the speculation going on at this point, but did want to chime in to say that, as a lawyer, I agree with this. Unless there is incontrovertible evidence of self-defense (i.e. a video), the DA will charge based on the facts they are certain of - that MB shot LK.


If someone is trying to harm or kill you or someone else, thay absolutely deserve to be shot. (Not saying that regarding current thread, but taking issue with your statement that no one deserves to be shot). Self defense absolutely allows for it.


From the prosecutors office:

“At approximately 2:13 p.m. on August 7, police received a 9-1-1 call requesting service at 411 West Mill Road for a female with gunshot wounds. Washington Township Police responded to the scene and located one female who had sustained what appeared to be multiple gunshot wounds. The Defendant, Michael Barisone, and a second male victim were also located at the scene. A handgun was also recovered.

As a result of the investigation into this incident, the Defendant was charged with two counts of Attempted Murder, crimes of the first degree, and two counts of Possession of a Weapon for an Unlawful Purpose, crimes of the second degree.”

For those with knowledge of criminal law, does this (crimes of the first degree) indicate that the prosecutors office has evidence of premeditation, or does it mean something else? What about the weapons charges being of the second degree?


It’s been a strange week. Who would ever have thought that equestrian sports would be on the NY Times, NY Post, and probably have stories headed to Dateline, and it would all be in the same week? It almost overshadowed the new abuse allegations from figure skating this week, and today.


It’s the level of how bad the crime is, first could indicate circumstantial evidence for premeditation or that the prosecutor is hoping to get a plea for a lessor crime if he comes out with the big guns.


There were new abuse allegations in figure skating this week?

I posted on another thread that the word “horse” has probably appeared more in the Times in the last 5 days than in the past 5-10 years combined. Crazy.

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