Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

This response right here is everything that’s wrong with American culture, and explains a lot about why you have so many gun deaths compared to literally every other developed nation in the world

. Defending yourself does not have to mean shooting someone. Those of you who take the idea of killing another human being so casually seem dangerous to me.


Sorry, PB. I didn’t mean to take anything out of context. I haven’t followed the entire sequence of your quotes and responses, so it wasn’t clear to me that you were specifically referring to the firearms charges as “little”. I still don’t understand your argument, though, as very serious charges were, in fact, filed.

As for the 5 year statute of limitations that you keep pointing at as the only fact relevant to the timing of the case, given that Barisone was arrested at the scene and that the Bail Reform and Speedy Trial Act imposes much shorter deadlines for moving cases along once suspects are in custody, I believe that the legal proceedings timeline might also be impacted by complexities that not everyone here at CotH understands. To me, it still seems like a remarkable leap of logic to get from timing of charges to guilt of the suspect.

There are a lot of theories floating around this thread, including yours, and most of them must logically be fictions. The statute of limitations on felonies isn’t the kind of evidence that can winnow the truth out of this here pile of speculative chaff, IMO. It’s easy to play judge, jury, and executioner here on the internet, but surely you can understand how others might wait for actual judges and juries to hear the case before agreeing that it’s time to start tying nooses.


Yes, prominent article in NY Times about GM, NY Post, and others on the shooting, and who knows what else is coming later. I know there’s a saying about no such thing as bad publicity, but I think that’s wrong.

Yes, “U.S. Figure Skating Rocked” is the headline, and here’s the link:


According to this SafeSport has been working on the complaints for over a year in this case.


To be fair, if someone is pointing a gun at you and you feel like your life is in danger (which is one of the possible scenarios being discussed here), how would you defend yourself without trying to grab the gun and shoot them first? Or for that matter, grab the gun and have it go off in the struggle by accident?

How else would you defend yourself in that situation? Throw spitballs?

For the record, I would love to see a huge decrease in the number of guns in this country, especially the military/assault weapons that have no place outside of an actual battlefield. But that’s a different discussion.


Exactly. I am a kidnapping victim. Over 35 years ago at gunpoint. My kidnapper is serving 2 consecutive life sentences (bad dude). I am licensed to carry a firearm and do in the states permitted. If I or anyone I care about am ever threatened again I would use deadly force to protect myself and others.


I am so sorry you had to experience that. (Hugs)


"I think we can, because why would a prosecutor blow filing charges too quickly when he or she has 5 years to investigate, and the main suspect is in the hospital?"

Perhaps because a more serious charge would result in a more serious bail?
Purely conjectural.


I’ve never heard of a prosecutor waiting 5 years to file charges when the police arrive to find someone holding the shooter to the ground.

Plus, right to a speedy trial trumps the statute of limitations


My farrier is a very handsome, heterosexual man who wears purple chaps to work, so he probably would have a pink handgun. If I didn’t know that he was also an excellent shot, I would say I think I solved the mystery!


Defending yourself from serious injury or death is justified.






None if us have any idea what the actual scenario was here. The level of speculation on the thread has gone beyond ridiculous. One of the parties made a decision to carry a gun and now two lives are ruined, and countless friends and family members are devastated on both sides.


I think the dust has to settle on what actually happened, and violence is not the way to settle a dispute…

I’m troubled by the social media posts prior to the incident and specifically the use of “solid gold” in this FB statement…

If I didn’t live in the house on the premises (part time from my other home in NC) & the past 2 weeks hadn’t provided me with SOLID GOLD in terms of plotting, bullying, sexual remarks, body shaming, etc… causing me to get SafeSport involved… I’d be O U T “yesterday.”

Setting aside the subsequent events, what was the goal of involving SafeSport? I guess time will tell.


The Catch-22 about living someplace with a high right of gun crime and a high number of gun owners is that there are any number of settings where shooting somebody, with intent to kill them, is absolutely, positively, the only way to protect yourself and others. How many more people would have been killed and injured in Dayton, beyond the 10 dead and 27 injures, if he hadn’t been killed by officers within THIRTY SECONDS of starting to let it rip? How many more people would have died in Sutherland if Steve Willeford hadn’t shot him (acknowledging that Mr. Willeford did not succeed in killing the mass shooter, there’s no doubt he tried his very best to do so, and fortunately that was enough to make the shooter break off and stop.

And that’s not even counting the various victims of domestic violence or other crime where an attacker has a firearm and is showing real intention of using it to kill you. They just found the body of a woman who was almost certainly murdered by her own husband near where I live. The neighbohood of their home is very “nice”, at least as nice as my own. I don’t know whether or not she had the opportunity or the means to kill him first, but surely she would have been justified had she no other recourse and done so.

It’s nice that you apparently live in a place where having your life threatened by strangers isn’t all too commonplace. It’s nice that people around you are good people who wouldn’t even think of being a deadly threat. It’s nice that you can’t even begin to imagine being in a situation where you would be confronted with taking someone’s life to save your own or others. Enjoy it. Not everybody can say the same.


Agreed re: the social media post.

All the news reports have been mentioning that she was posting online about how afraid she was, but leaving out the fact that she also made numerous comments such as this one, which seemed to imply that she was intentionally manipulating the situation in order to get some sort of “revenge” and that she wasn’t really as fearful as she claimed. Many of her comments seemed to be much more focused on taking Barisone down than her own safety or that of her horses. Along with the statements that she had guns and would not hesitate to use them.

None of that means that it is ok for her to be shot, but it doesn’t add up to someone who was terrified for her life but staying around to protect her horses/because she had nowhere else to go.


Again, “manipulating the situation” with social media posts is 1000% victim shaming and no different at all from saying a rape victim was asking for it because of her clothes, or simply being nice.

Barring defending himself from immediate deadly physical danger, there is no excuse, none whatsoever, that justifies shooting a person, regardless of if they annoy you or owe you money or you’re involved in a bad business deal or insert any other supposition here short of her pulling a gun on him.


Clearly you didn’t bother to read the second paragraph of my post.


Wouldn’t it be fantastic if it turned out there were security cameras on the property? Fingers crossed!!


yeah, it’s exactly like it wasn’t right to rape her, but.


No qualifiers, there are no excuses outside of immediate deadly threat.


OMG, Maude, I am so sorry to read that you have such first-hand knowledge.I hope you stay safe!

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I don’t see anyone victim shaming. It’s just interesting to read her plotting to bring him down, saying she has evidence, knowing that there was an eviction notice on the house and she felt her life was in danger but refused to leave. It makes it sound like more than a clear cut “bully shoots accuser” situation.